Get This : MIND


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The renewing of the mind, is what a Born again Christian has to do., and you have to maintain it.

Having the renewed mind.....Is literally to "work out your Salvation".

What does that mean?

It means that the Born again HAVE Salvation, having received it from God as "The Gift of Salvation" and "The Gift of Righteousness"..... and now you have to attain the Knowledge of God = that is the correct understanding of what it means to have become a "new Creation, in Christ'.

Let me tell you what its not..

Its not this.... "sin, confess, repeat" for 50 yrs, believing... "'That is Christianity".
And its not "Im water baptized so that means my sins are washed away by the city water supply".
And it's not.. "Living in a state of repentance".
As that is not Christianity. That is broken faith, which is trying to DO and PERFORM broken Christianity, instead of Existing in The power of the Holy Spirit, that provides this..

A.) "CHRIST always gives me the VICTORY" over the world, the flesh, and the devil.

God's perspective, is the "renewed mind"... and this literally means to always see yourself as God has recreated you to be, Spiritually.

1 John 3:9, is a place to Look.

And Hebrews 13:9. is a must do. ;Must Do....MUST Do !

Seeing yourself with God's Eyes, is the renewed mind.

Most wronglhy see themselves, their Christianity, as their own analytical rationalization = "trying to figure it out".. mindset, and that is mind of the flesh, and that is not God's viewpoint, or "mind".

How do you know if your mind is not aligned with God's perspective?

A.) You'll believe that you can lose your salvation.

B.) You'll believe that Jesus has not dealt with all your sin, and you have to do it by confessing them, constantly.

God says... "you are made righteous". "You are ONE IN Me".. "You are seated in heavenly places in Christ"..


= "As JESUS are the born again..... IN THIS World"....

A.). Get that MIND and keep that Mind,
Great OP and food for thought about the importance of having our minds renewed day by day. When we think rightly it affect our heart. When it affects out heart it changes the way we live. But as you pointed out it all begins with out thoughts/minds.

Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.”
Great OP and food for thought about the importance of having our minds renewed day by day. When we think rightly it affect our heart. When it affects out heart it changes the way we live. But as you pointed out it all begins with out thoughts/minds.

Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.”

The word teaches us that as we think we are, so we are....

And that applies to the BELIEVER..

So, if a believer (thinks) = sees themselves as a "saved sinner", instead of as a "made righteous" "Heir of God".. "having eternal life", and "seated in heavenly places"....... If the BELIEVER sees their Christianity as "... "sin, confess, repeat".....then they are going to do it., because this is what you BELIEVE.

Jesus said, "as you BELIEVE, it will be done unto you".. As you BELIEVE, you will DO.
So, your mind, is where your belief system lives, and if that is not aligned with God's truth, and Christ's Righteousness, as your real faith, then Reader, you'll never get your discipleship together, and you'll probably live in a state of doubting your salvation, and wondering if your prayers will ever be answered.

Is that you ????

We have to get our MIND in alignment with God's perspective.
Paul calls this..."coming to the unity of the Faith".
JUDE calls this.. "contending for the REAL FAITH".

We have to AGREE with God. And so many believers do not., and dont realize it.
They do not believe that Salvation is secure in Christ, because they do not quite understand... that JESUS IS SALVATiON, and not what you try to do....= so they are trying to secure their own redemption.... = by water baptism, works, effort, enduring, commandment keeping, law keeping.... trying to be like Christ, and many other SELF EFFORT(s).
And Reader, JESUS is Salvation,... DONE !!

Listen carefully...

If noone in the universe ever believed on Jesus....>He is still Eternal Salvation, as His Cross is were He created it for us., and told us..."IT (Salvation) is FINISHED"... He said this from The Cross and then DIED and Rose again to PROVE IT.
See that?
There is your Salvation.
So, if you are born again, you are "in Christ" and that is an eternal consequence of Redemption.

It's called " BORN AGAIN".

It means that the BELIEVER, born again is now "ONE with GOD".
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What does that mean?

It means that the Born again HAVE Salvation, having received it from God as "The Gift of Salvation" and "The Gift of Righteousness"..... and now you have to attain the Knowledge of God = that is the correct understanding of what it means to have become a "new Creation, in Christ'.
So you're talking about working out your own salvation with fear and trembling as the Bible says. Sorry but I'd suggest it means a great deal more than what you've said. You MUST apply the word of God daily in your life not just have understandings of things. You can know everything about the new creation being in Christ but if one doesn't cast off the works of darkness Rom 13:12 and set aside the weights and sins which seek to overcome us Heb 12: 1 one isn't truly walking in the light as he is in the light.

Mental assent of things just won't do it and they don't just happen automatically. One has to take decisive action to do these things or they won't be done. Perhaps you agree with that, but it's not just the one who knows what a house built on a rock would look's the one who builds it on the rock with God working through us.
And it's not.. "Living in a state of repentance".
And actually I don't mind the term. We could say we are to walk in the light as he is in the light 1 Jn 1:7 which would be to say living in a state of repentance. I understand Jesus is our sanctification but he works along with us with his power. He tells us many things. He tells us to mortify the flesh, that's something we do Rom 8.....he tells us to walk in the Spirit, he tells us to walk in LOVE.....the list can go on and on. It's God life and power within us Eph 3:20 which enables us BUT we must yield and cooperate with him every step of the way.
A.) "CHRIST always gives me the VICTORY" over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Agreed but one must appropriate the victory he's provided for you it's not just Christ imparts it without one walking it out. Perhaps we're on the same page here and you're not advocating total passivity. But Jesus said blessed are the ones which will overcome. Rev 12:11 Overcoming is for all of God's saints but one at times must apply themselves by using the sword of the Spirit the word of God to bring forth the manifested victory within our lives.
God's perspective, is the "renewed mind"... and this literally means to always see yourself as God has recreated you to be, Spiritually.
Yes to declare it and decree it and to hold fast in it. Eph 6:13
B.) You'll believe that Jesus has not dealt with all your sin, and you have to do it by confessing them, constantly.
So let's deal with this. 1 John I think we can agree was written to Christians. If you're talking about past sins of the former life I agree your sins are remitted and blotted out upon receiving the Lordship of Christ. You don't have to keep confessing them true. But for believers after they're saved.....If you didn't have to confess you sins and receive cleansing why did 1 John 1:9 say that we do. If all future sins, (if that's what you're saying) are dealt with once and for all.....then there would be no need to have 1 Jn 1:9 in the passage. Secondly in the Lords prayer in Matt 5 we read give us this day our daily bread.....these instructions were meant to be considered apart of our ongoing spiritual life. And it said, "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those....." So if we do sin we do need to confess them and bring them to the Lord, acknowledge them, repent and receive cleansing. More could be said about this but for now....
So you're talking about working out your own salvation

You can't "work out" Salvation, as if its something you do.

Because Jesus on the Cross is Salvation.
You can't do that one. You can't work out that one, Rockson.

What you can do, is understand that being SAVED, is to have received "the gift of Salvation", and having received it, you are to learn how to EXIST within it.

That is how you "work it out".
Agreed but one must appropriate the victory he's provided for you it's not just Christ imparts it without one walking it out.

Salvation is Jesus on the Cross, 2000 yrs ago.
You can't "walk that out".

You can receive this Salvation, by Faith, that He completed on the Cross.

And then, as you are describing, you can perform your DISCIPLESHIP, which is what we do, as..."present your body as a living sacrifice to God", constantly.... But not to be saved......
We do this because we ARE SAVED....

See.... Salvation is what Jesus has accomplished.

Our Discipleship is not that........our Discipleship is what we do, BECAUSE we have the Salvation that Jesus has completed for us, on the Cross, and by His death and resurrection., that the born again have received by FAITH.

Here is a mystery for you.....

You can be a Disciple of Christ and not be born again..
You can be a Disciple of Christ and die and go to hell, just as thousands will today, and yesterday, and tomorrow.

Here are a few...

"Depart from me, i never knew you" Jesus said of DISCIPLES of Christ, who were never born again.
They were probably water baptized., and they kept commandments, and did good works.
Why did Jesus get rid of them?

A.) Jesus said "You must be born again".
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