In Comes The Devil.


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Can you predict when Jesus will return?

I can't predict the person can.

Now, when Jesus was on the Earth, He told us that no man knew the hour.
Currently Jesus is no longer a Man, He's a risen King, and He knows when He's going to be sent.
He didn't know when He down here, but He's not a "man" on earth, anymore... is He reader.

There is a lot of talk amongst some Church Folk regarding the anti-christ.
Christians, many, are fascinated with this topic. And this concept is discussed, cross examined, and debated, a lot. So, lets skip all that, as its been done to death and instead, get to one main thing that i teach my students.
So, put this in your head, and keep your eyes wide open, and watch what is about to happen in this world, next.

Which is : = WHY is the devil going to show up as "the son of perdition"?
What BRINGS him out of the shadows and into the world spotlight?
See, believers that are into end time study want to talk about "signs", but, that is not really looking into the telescope from the right end times understanding..
So, to understand when the anti-christ shows up, is to comprehend WHY He does. And He does not show up because of signs, he shows up to SOLVE SOMETHING. As that is his REASON to APPEAR. And that is the clue, the revelation. .. The "why" that predicts the WHEN.

Now, He's here already. But He's waiting. And what is he waiting for ? ????
He's waiting for a specific type of Global crisis to evolve that is so out of control, that only a "savior".. a false "man of peace".... can solve it.

= "In comes the DEVIL".

And what could that be?
Well, the crisis is easy to define. It'll be a Global Economic Meltdown, where every country is money starved and desperate.
And what causes this? AHHHH... there is the insight. As to discover that cause, is to define how close the Devil is to showing up on the World STAGE to solve this crisis.

So, what does it take to create worldwide economic crisis, that is so universal and total? It simply takes an "Issue" to arise, unexpectedly, that causes all business, = to CLOSE THEIR DOOR. Businesses include Travel, Banks, Stores, Subways, Airlines, Farm Production and Trucking.. ETC ETC ETC...all of it... Everything that is a "producer and supplier" has to STOP. And when you have a Global issue, that is going to cause a systemic CEASE of all business, then you will have a Global MONEY CRISIS, soon to follow, that the Devil will come and resolve. And that is WHY He shows up.
And here is the revelation.. Its the global crisis that is created by the money issue that stops everything, and then someone has to "Come and save us", the world will CRY OUT...

And what could cause this? Well, something like a virus that is creating a Global Panic, that is going to cause everything to STOP and STAY HOME, is one way.

Or, it will be this...

A.) The Global monetary system is based on the USD. The American Dollar. = Fails


The American Dollar is gone..
See, America has a National Debt that is greater than their personal Wealth can ever pay off.
America is trying desperately to pay down the "interest" on their Nat'l Debt, not the debt itself.
This is why CHINA is loaning the USA, "national debt relief" for years, to try to pay down just the INTEREST, on the American Nat'l debt.
What does that mean?
It means that the American Dollar, is overdrawn in the bank, its "in the RED" and China is the BANK.

See, Reader, the value of money is based on National Debt, + how the world perceives the VALUE of a countries currency.
So, the American Dollar has no literal value, as the USA National Debt is greater then the sum of its Monetary Value will ever be again.
The American Dollar, is overdrawn in the bank = BANKRUPT< and for years... and years.
This means that the Global Economy that is balanced on the US-Dollar, is standing on AIR, nothing......nothing.

So, now you have what is almost a world war 3, starting with the Ukraine, and now add this Israeli "war", + the fact that the USD, is "zero" value.

See all that?
That is, "WW3" and "Global economic meltdown" just inches away from Worldwide Reality.

And THAT will bring in the Devil, as the AntiChrist, ...... who comes to "solve all that" as the "man of peace".

We are THERE., Reader.
"Look UP< as your redemption draweth neigh..."
This world is tottering right on the edge of this.....its going to happen, and maybe in a few days., maybe a month, or 3.

Then = "in comes the Devil".

And if you find yourself still down here, and are being told that "UFO"s have kidnapped millions", then know the Rapture of the Church has happened.
You didnt go because you are religious and lost, and probably water baptized.
Now you are in a mess, as God's Grace, is gone, and you are in the Trib.
What to do?

Do not join the " Global Leader's one world economic system by "contract"... Do no take this "mark"
And prepare to be Martyr'd for your faith.

Then you can go to heaven and join the rest of us who were born again, and flew off this planet into the sky, and received our new body, before the Trib started.
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Currently Jesus is no longer a Man, He's a risen King, and He knows when He's going to be sent.
He is a risen King who is fully human and fully God.
And if you find yourself still down here, and are being told that "UFO"s have kidnapped millions", then know the Rapture of the Church has happened.
Maybe, maybe not…that is one of at least three options.

You didnt go because you are religious and lost, and probably water baptized.
Now you are in a mess, as God's Grace, is gone, and you are in the Trib.
What to do?

Do not join the " Global Leader's one world economic system by "contract"... Do no take this "mark"
And prepare to be Martyr'd for your faith.

Then you can go to heaven and join the rest of us who were born again, and flew off this planet into the sky, and received our new body, before the Trib started.
If salvation is by grace, and “grace is gone”, then there is no hope for anyone left. But Rev 13 tells us the Beast will be given power to make war with and to conquer “God’s holy people”, so the church is still here and so is grace!

You say a lot of very good things here, Professor, things with which I agree, but the above comments are areas of disagreement.

Currently Jesus is no longer a Man

Acts 2:22
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God performed through Him in your midst, as ye yourselves also know.

1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
He is a risen King who is fully human and fully God.

Hey Doug.

He is "King of Kings" and "Lord of Lords"..

Also, He has a different body, then a "man" like us.
How do you know? Because Jesus's body has no blood in it., as He said.

So....No "man" you are going to meet on this earth, is anything like THAT "man".

No man you will meet on earth was born of a virgin, with God's blood in His veins.

If salvation is by grace, and “grace is gone”, then there is no hope for anyone left.

Well, not exactly

Let me explain..

We, the bride of Christ are in the "time of the Gentiles'.
So, God is bringing the gentiles into the Grace of God, through the Grace of God.
The Gentiles, and all who are in this "time of the Gentiles" are not under the law, for forgiveness, but "under Grace".
This is the "Gospel of the Grace of God".
its God on the Cross, offering HIS Righteousness, in place of our sin.
God became one of Us, to save all of us.......He did it.. we get it.
Salvation is "the GIFT of Salvation"..
God starts it in the believer and completes it for the believer.

Philippians 1:6

Now why does that "Gift" end?
Its because this "Gospel" is specific to the "time of the Gentiles".
It came from Paul, who is "the apostle to the gentiles".
So, when this "time" ends, the TRIB starts, and that is God dealing with this world differently.. .as He's now back with the Jews, only.

This is the 144,000 JEWS = are up and running and not "the Bride of Christ" preaching Grace.
They dont preach Grace.

So, you can be saved in the Trib-Grt Trib.

Jesus says..."you have to endure to the end"........ and you have to keep the Law... and it can be that you will have to die a martyr.

So, that is a bad situation, when we have the option of the GRACE of God, in the "time of Gentiles".

All we have to do is BELIEVE...."as now is the day of Salvation" = "Grace through Faith">....and that wont be the case, during the Trib-Grt Trib, regarding people who understand what is happening, and what has happened to them.
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

He is "King of Kings" and "Lord of Lords"..

This is why Thomas said to the risen Christ..."my Lord and my GOD".
Notice Thomas didnt call him "man"? even tho the God man, is the reality.

Also, He has a different body, then a "man" like us.
How do you know? Because Jesus's body has no blood in it., as He said.

So....No "man" you are going to meet on this earth, is anything like THAT "man".

No man you will meet on earth was born of a virgin, with God's blood in His veins.
This is why Thomas said to the risen Christ..."my Lord and my GOD".
Notice Thomas didnt call him "man"? even tho the God man, is the reality.

Thomas didn't have to express every truth about Christ.
We have other passages which are equally authoritative that do refer to Jesus as a man (Acts 2:22; 1 Timothy 2:5).
Thomas didn't have to express every truth about Christ.
We have other passages which are equally authoritative that do refer to Jesus as a man (Acts 2:22; 1 Timothy 2:5).

Not a man as we know the word.

See, God-Man, is something different.

Virgin born, is something different.

"ascended into heaven".... this means that Jesus flew off the earth..... and that is different than you and i can do it, right now, as "men".

Here is more for you to consider, Reader.

When the Apostles were nervous to be with Jesus, after He rose from the Dead.. He said He was not a "spirit"., as spirit's dont eat and drink.
And he showed them this..

Yet... "Christ is that Spirit".

And. Jesus said... "no man takes my life from me, i have the power to lay it down, and i have the power to raise it up"...

And that is the Holy Spirit that caused that resurrection, and Jesus said that HE is that same power.
Hey Doug.

He is "King of Kings" and "Lord of Lords"..

Also, He has a different body, then a "man" like us.
How do you know? Because Jesus's body has no blood in it., as He said.

So....No "man" you are going to meet on this earth, is anything like THAT "man".

No man you will meet on earth was born of a virgin, with God's blood in His veins.

Well, not exactly

Let me explain..

We, the bride of Christ are in the "time of the Gentiles'.
So, God is bringing the gentiles into the Grace of God, through the Grace of God.
The Gentiles, and all who are in this "time of the Gentiles" are not under the law, for forgiveness, but "under Grace".
This is the "Gospel of the Grace of God".
its God on the Cross, offering HIS Righteousness, in place of our sin.
God became one of Us, to save all of us.......He did it.. we get it.
Salvation is "the GIFT of Salvation"..
God starts it in the believer and completes it for the believer.

Philippians 1:6

Now why does that "Gift" end?
Its because this "Gospel" is specific to the "time of the Gentiles".
It came from Paul, who is "the apostle to the gentiles".
So, when this "time" ends, the TRIB starts, and that is God dealing with this world differently.. .as He's now back with the Jews, only.

This is the 144,000 JEWS = are up and running and not "the Bride of Christ" preaching Grace.
They dont preach Grace.

So, you can be saved in the Trib-Grt Trib.

Jesus says..."you have to endure to the end"........ and you have to keep the Law... and it can be that you will have to die a martyr.
If the keeping of the law could not save in the OT, then it cannot ever save. You must be born again to see the kingdom of God. (Jn 3)

So, that is a bad situation, when we have the option of the GRACE of God, in the "time of Gentiles".

All we have to do is BELIEVE...."as now is the day of Salvation" = "Grace through Faith">....
Again, salvation is not by works, ever! It is always “by grace through faith”.

and that wont be the case, during the Trib-Grt Trib, regarding people who understand what is happening, and what has happened to them.
That means there is a different gospel, one other than that which Paul preached.

Again, Rev 13 speaks of the Beast being given power to make war with, and conquer “God’s holy people”, ie, the church! “This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.” (Rev 13:10)

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