How to get out of : Romans 7


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There is a false teaching, that many are involved in, that has Paul "struggling with sin", and its based on misunderstanding and twisting a verse that is taken out of context, by not quoting the very next verse that is the solution.

Many Quote:

Galatians 5:17 to try to teach Romans 7, as "real Christianity".
They never read Galatians 5:18, and that is the context of 5:17 and of Romans 7.

Read them when you have time..

So, there is Romans 7, where Paul is describing Legalism, that wars against the Spirit Man.
"that which i hate i do"....
Paul kept right on teaching, and most Christians, stopped reading once they read..."that which i hate i do, and that which i want to do, i cant'"
Thousand of Poison Pulpits and error filled commentaries teach that verse as if that is "real Christianity"...... And in fact its not at all.
So, Paul kept teaching, and most Christians stopped reading, and have no idea that He was not describing "Christianity".
= He was describing the mental bondage effect of LEGALISM that will war against your Born again Spirit man, inside you, and make you so miserable, that even telling God again for the 100th Time, that you are "sorry i did that again"... is still not making the guilt and condemnation go away.

So, Lets make it go away and stay away.


Most of You have not noticed that Paul never confesses sin, in any Epistle, and never tells the Born Again to do this...

The Reason is....

He explains, that a person who is having trouble with their mind..... (where the lust lives)(where the confusion lives), ... this is because they have not renewed their mind so that their sin consciousness becomes this..

A.) "Christ always gives me the Victory".

AA.) "I can do all things through Christ, which STRENGTHENS me'.

See, its the Devil who wants you to believe that Christianity is..."sin... confess... repeat"... or that its..."struggling against sin, and failing again".
Its the devil's ministers who will teach that to you to try to ruin your faith.
Do not listen,
Leave that Church.
Find a real one.

So, "sin, confess, Repeat" and " struggling against sin and failing again."""""" = That's the Devil's lie, and Paul never teaches that.... He teaches the exact Opposite., but you have to read ALL of His Teaching.
You have to do this.... .Paul teaches..."follow i follow Christ'. (not worship, but follow the TEACHER).

Paul, the "apostle to the gentiles".. "In the time of the Gentiles'.. (and you are in it right now... Reader.)... Teaches that the "old man of sin is Crucified with Christ", and that we are to see HIM DEAD., as our REAL FAITH.
Do you yet?
The Born again, are to understand that we are "made FREE From sin", and "made RIghteous"...and that to """walk in the Spirit, and you will not commit the deeds = works of the Flesh""


Paul teaches this...>"Use not your liberty for an occasion to the Flesh".

What does that mean?
It means that when you understand your Salvation, (worked it out)... and how Eternally Free you are from Judgment, and how "made righteous" you are and will always be, by God's "Gift of Righteousness"........ then it can be that you might choose to "have a little too much fun one day".
And what Paul is showing you, is that you are so DELIVERED from Sin Consciousness, that you literally have to choose to go and commit a carnal deed, as there is nothing in you that temps you any more.
See that?
You'll become so "made free from sin" that you can actually test this, and you'll find that whatever it was, that you use to lust to do, is becoming/become nothing to you now.
No attraction... no more desire to do it.

"made free from Sin".
"The Old Man is Crucified with Christ".

Here is the main thing that most believers do not understand, and if you can SEE this, then this will begin your renewed mind that will cause sin consciousness to fade away over time.... right into..."Christ ALWAYS gives me the Victory". .......over the world, the flesh, and the devil.

A.) You have to understand and BELIEVE.... that : """"you are not under the Law, but Under Grace."""

No Matter What.
This means that what you did wrong recently perhaps ?????? , that the law previously defined as "sin" before you were saved....... is now... "not under the Law but under Grace".
See, its not just YOU that is "under Grace".. Its everything you do, as well.

You are this, if you are born again...

"Made righteous"
"in Christ"
"ONE with God'"
"Temple of the Holy Spirit"
Having Become "The righteousness OF GOD...IN CHRIST".

See, the Born again .. exist '"""IN CHRIST""""...."One with God", and there is no sin found there...

The born again exist HERE :

"As Jesus are the born again, in THIS World"...

And when you BELIEVE THIS by revelation, you wont have any "license to sin" issue, as the heretics will teach you.
Not at all.
What will happen is that your heart will be more in Love with God, and your will shall become more dedicated to giving Him all of you.

That's the effect of God's Grace in your mind and heart, once you begin to see yourself as God sees you, = as become "the righteousness of God, in Christ". = THE Renewed MIND.
The Born again, is "in Christ", not under the Law. = "but under GRACE"

GRACE is the Dominion that is over the Born again.

Welcome to the New Testament, as Paul's doctrine.

The reason a CHRISTian has issues with their mind, (flesh) is because they dont understand that they have eternally become..

"The Righteousness of God, in Christ".

And deceived Legalists like you, try to keep them under Moses Law, as that is always the heresy that a self saver teaches, as they have no understanding of the Blood of Christ.,= that is ETERNAL Redemption from both the Law and from Sin.
Paul's TESTIMONY< as that is partially what he's giving in Romans 7.

"Christ Always, gives me the Victory"
"i can do ALL THINGS Through Christ'.
"if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the Flesh".

See those? Thats a few that Paul continued to teach, as REAL Christianity.

You also forgot this part. (or never read it yet).

He identifies Himself as "made free from sin"
He Identifies His old man of sin as "crucified with Christ"
He identifies Himself as "the temple of the Holy Spirit"
Paul identifies Himself as "Heir of God"
Paul identifies Himself as "Joint Heir with Jesus".

Paul never wrote a verse that said.."confess sin"
Paul never wrote a verse that says.. "YOU will do what you hate"

So, the issue is, .. .people who do not study Paul's epistles, get a commentary that pretends to teach "Paul's" theology, or their Preacher, Teacher, Pope, or similar, told them that "you'll never be able to stop sinning"... as over there in Romans 7, is the only verse that Paul ever wrote.
Great topic thanks for posting it. I side with Paul speaking about his past in Romans 7

Yes, it was his past.

He was actually teaching the context of the struggle in Philippians 3.

Paul was unique in that He stated that he was '"blameless in the Law", and that means he never broke one.

Then He hit a wall.... spiritually and theologically..

He discovered that, even tho he was blameless in the law, He was still separated from God.
So, that inner struggle was "that which i do i hate"......
He found out that God's righteousness, is far beyond "blameless in the Law".

He learned that His own SELF righteousness, this struggle to be that one, has no connection to God's Acceptance, at all.
And Paul said..(paraphase) all this that i have done.... is DUNG... when its compared to God's Righteousness.

So, He concluded, not with.>>"im struggling", but with .... "to be found IN HIM, IN Christ", not having my own righteousness" ends the struggle to try to be good, not commit works of the flesh.... all that inner struggle, was resolved once he stopped trying to perform to be accepted by God.

He found God's Grace. and rested.

And as he continues to teach.......He found total deliverance from SELF Righteousness, that is the inner struggle that produces the failed discipleship.

Paul concludes this teaching by teaching...

"Christ always gives me the Victory"..... = no more "that which i hate i do".

"I can do all things through Christ".. = no more "that which i want to do, i can't".
This is just a form of legalistic grace—"you should be doing better under grace so stop your failing!"

All that does is put people into condemnation or deluded self-righteousness thinking they figured out how to "utilize" grace better than the next man.

Romans 7 is teaching the power of sin when we approach God under the Law, and clearly describes a sin nature.

Many, many Christians have tried their best for long periods of time and still struggle and fail in many areas.

Rather than become a grace Pharisee and yell at them they should do better, offer them real grace:

The knowledge that Christians can struggle and sin and still be covered by Christ's atoning Blood.

That every little victory and struggle with faith gets us closer to the Lord, no matter how long and badly we fail.

That we should stop putting standards and demands and ideas we are suppose to "meet up to" to be good enough for grace.

Let's stop being a grace Pharisee and promising people grace pills like a snake oil TV salesmen that will fix all their problems.

Let's offer them unconditional love and preach that Jesus was good enough so we can rest in that.

Christ will continue to help us, and a struggle with sin is okay and normal, and God will not give up on us but help us step by step.

No magic bullets of sinless perfectionism.
Romans 7:7–25 unpacks verse 5, and Romans 8:1–17 unpacks verse 6. In verses 7–25 we see how sin via the law brings death to those in the flesh, and in Romans 8:1–17 we see how the Spirit grants life to those who belong to Jesus Christ. Romans 7:5–6 forecasts what Paul is about to say in remarkably clear terms. The Holy Spirit is never mentioned in Romans 7:7–25. But Paul refers to the Spirit 15 times in Romans 8:1–17, suggesting that the person described in Romans 7:7–25 is one who doesn’t have the Spirit in his life. The essence of what it means to be a Christian is to be indwelt with the Spirit (Rom. 8:9). We see in both Romans 7:14 and 7:18 that the one described is of the “flesh,” one who is still in the old Adam, one who is unregenerate.

The total defeat described in Romans 7 contradicts how Paul describes Christian experience in Romans 6 and 8. Paul proclaims in Romans 6 that we’re no longer slaves to sin (6:6), that we’re free from the sin that enslaved us when we were unbelievers (Rom. 6:16–19).

Romans 7- Do you not know, brothers and sisters—for I am speaking to those who know the law—that the law has authority over someone only as long as that person lives? 2 For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law that binds her to him. 3 So then, if she has sexual relations with another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress if she marries another man.
4 So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God. 5 For when we were in the realm of the flesh, the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in us, so that we bore fruit for death. 6 But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.
7 What shall we say, then? Is the law sinful? Certainly not! Nevertheless, I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, “You shall not covet.” 8 But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of coveting. For apart from the law, sin was dead. 9 Once I was alive apart from the law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died. 10 I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death. 11 For sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, deceived me, and through the commandment put me to death. 12 So then, the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good.
13 Did that which is good, then, become death to me? By no means! Nevertheless, in order that sin might be recognized as sin, it used what is good to bring about my death, so that through the commandment sin might become utterly sinful.
14 We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.

A number of objections surface against what I’ve said. Let’s look at two of them briefly. First, how does a reference to unbelievers fit with Romans 7:23 (“For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being”)? Doesn’t such delight and longing for God’s law show that a believer is in view? Not necessarily. Many pious Jews loved God’s law and yet didn’t know God. Paul himself testifies that the Jews have a “zeal for God,” though they lacked knowledge (Rom. 10:2). There can be zeal and delight in the law (witness the Pharisees) when one isn’t truly saved.
Second, Paul shifts from past-tense verbs in Romans 7:7–11 to present-tense verbs in verses 14–25. Doesn’t that prove Christians are in view? Not necessarily. Scholars recognize that present tense doesn’t necessarily designate present time. The temporal nature of an action must be discerned from context, since present-tense verbs, even in the indicative, may be used with reference to the past or even the future.

The tense of the verb doesn’t emphasize time in Romans 7:7–25. Rather, the use of the present tense here fits with the state or condition of the person. Paul is emphasizing one’s captivity, subjugation, and impotence under the law. His use of the present tense doesn’t denote past time but highlights in a vivid way the slavery of life under the law.

If I’m right in the way I interpret this passage, the difference between me and those who see this as Christian experience isn’t great. After all, we both agree that believers fall short in numerous ways and that we struggle daily with sin. The reason we differ is that I see Romans 7:13–25 as describing total defeat, and that isn’t our story as Christians since the Holy Spirit also empowers us to live in a new way. Thomas Schreiner

hope this helps !!!
Many, many Christians have tried their best for long periods of time and still struggle and fail in many areas.

There is a type of carnal believer who would teach that the only difference between an unbeliever's behavior, and a Christian's walk, is that the Christian feels guilty and condemned about still doing what they were doing as an unbeliever, and the unbeliever, enjoys it.

So, we reject the : "well, we are all going to fall, and so, expect it", = carnal minded, Cross rejecting, Devil's theology.

The fact is, God didnt save anyone to confess and sin and repeat.
So, that "theology" that infects forums and churches, is "of the Devil". it is "Anti-Cross".
And that teaching...,, that "you're going to sin, so expect it", is worldwide heresy regarding the Body of Christ.

So, the reason a person is stuck in Romans 7.... the "that which i hate i will do"... is mainly based on not understanding that the born again are become "dead to sin"., and "made free from it"., having become "the righteousness of God, in Christ".

= By Christ's finished work being imputed to you, and .....that includes the Sacrifice of Christ on The Cross.

See, for us to be delivered from the desire to engage in Carnal behavior. (works of the flesh)...., we have to be relieved of sin consciousness, and we have to be freed from the Dominion of the Law.

Its Happened !

The born again, are "not under the law", and by being In Christ, we have become "under Grace". "One with God".

Sin, is not found "in Christ".. As there is no sin in Christ and all the born again are "in Christ".

So, what is the issue?
Its very simple..
The flesh, is empowered to desire carnality , when you try to stop sinning by will power. And that is because when you try to stop your flesh, you are resurrecting it, and Paul told you that "the old man of sin is crucified with Christ" and to "Reckon it dead".
You're not doing that, if you are existing in "that which i hate i do".
You are bringing it back to life, and it wants to have some carnal time.
And then, you try to stop, and that makes it stronger. That makes is worse.

So, the way to stop..... is to stop trying to stop, and instead recognize that your righteousness is complete, and your old man of sin is dead.

See that MIND?
That mind is deliverance.
That Mind is to "walk in the spirit".

Now, let me test you.. so that you can understand how far you have to change your mind into right FAITH, so that the "lust to carnality", is tamed, and then fades....

Here is the test.

So, If this offends you, then that is how far you are away from being "made free" from your self righteousness, that is causing your carnality to continue.
Paul said you are "in the Flesh"... and that is the "mind of the Flesh".

A.) Now....Say to yourself......>"I am the righteousness of God in Christ" "I am THE Righteousness of God......In Christ'. "I... AM THE..... Righteousness of God, in Christ".

See that?
That is every born again CHRISTian. according to GOD.

And if that makes you upset to even think it, much less believe it, or say it, then that is how far you are from understanding God's Grace, and that is why you are "".... "sin, .. Confess, and Repeat" = for 10- 50 yrs, now.

You have to get your MIND of FAITH in line with God's eternal perspective of you.
He sees ALL the born again as "MADE Righteous"... forever. = "I am the righteousness of God, in Christ"

"As Jesus are the born again, IN This World"....

You have to not only get this revelation, but you have to maintain it, as its a spiritual understanding that your flesh will try to replace with SELF righteousness, and that is the cause of the flesh/lust problem, to begin with.... reader.
There is a type of carnal believer who would teach that the only difference between an unbeliever's behavior, and a Christian's walk, is that the Christian feels guilty and condemned about still doing what they were doing as an unbeliever, and the unbeliever, enjoys it.

So, we reject the : "well, we are all going to fall, and so, expect it", = carnal minded, Cross rejecting, Devil's theology.

The fact is, God didnt save anyone to confess and sin and repeat.
So, that "theology" that infects forums and churches, is "of the Devil". it is "Anti-Cross".
And that teaching...,, that "you're going to sin, so expect it", is worldwide heresy regarding the Body of Christ.

So, the reason a person is stuck in Romans 7.... the "that which i hate i will do"... is mainly based on not understanding that the born again are become "dead to sin"., and "made free from it"., having become "the righteousness of God, in Christ".

= By Christ's finished work being imputed to you, and .....that includes the Sacrifice of Christ on The Cross.

See, for us to be delivered from the desire to engage in Carnal behavior. (works of the flesh)...., we have to be relieved of sin consciousness, and we have to be freed from the Dominion of the Law.

Its Happened !

The born again, are "not under the law", and by being In Christ, we have become "under Grace". "One with God".

Sin, is not found "in Christ".. As there is no sin in Christ and all the born again are "in Christ".

So, what is the issue?
Its very simple..
The flesh, is empowered to desire carnality , when you try to stop sinning by will power. And that is because when you try to stop your flesh, you are resurrecting it, and Paul told you that "the old man of sin is crucified with Christ" and to "Reckon it dead".
You're not doing that, if you are existing in "that which i hate i do".
You are bringing it back to life, and it wants to have some carnal time.
And then, you try to stop, and that makes it stronger. That makes is worse.

So, the way to stop..... is to stop trying to stop, and instead recognize that your righteousness is complete, and your old man of sin is dead.

See that MIND?
That mind is deliverance.
That Mind is to "walk in the spirit".

Now, let me test you.. so that you can understand how far you have to change your mind into right FAITH, so that the "lust to carnality", is tamed, and then fades....

Here is the test.

So, If this offends you, then that is how far you are away from being "made free" from your self righteousness, that is causing your carnality to continue.
Paul said you are "in the Flesh"... and that is the "mind of the Flesh".

A.) Now....Say to yourself......>"I am the righteousness of God in Christ" "I am THE Righteousness of God......In Christ'. "I... AM THE..... Righteousness of God, in Christ".

See that?
That is every born again CHRISTian. according to GOD.

And if that makes you upset to even think it, much less believe it, or say it, then that is how far you are from understanding God's Grace, and that is why you are "".... "sin, .. Confess, and Repeat" = for 10- 50 yrs, now.

You have to get your MIND of FAITH in line with God's eternal perspective of you.
He sees ALL the born again as "MADE Righteous"... forever. = "I am the righteousness of God, in Christ"

"As Jesus are the born again, IN This World"....

You have to not only get this revelation, but you have to maintain it, as its a spiritual understanding that your flesh will try to replace with SELF righteousness, and that is the cause of the flesh/lust problem, to begin with.... reader.

It appears to me that there's so very much to say, along with so very many other important questions that are directly related to dizerner's statement ... "Many, many Christians have tried their best for long periods of time and still struggle and fail in many areas."

For instance, let me ask you your perspective on the issue of 1 Corinthians 11:27-34 as it pertains to Romans 8:13

1 Corinthians 11:27-34 :

27 - Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

28 - But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

29 - For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.

30 - For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

31 - For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.

32 - But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.

33 - Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.

34 - And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come.

Romans 8:13, " For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

What, if any, connection do you see between these two portions of scripture? In other words, there are those who believe that genuine believers are chastened even unto the point of death [citing the above passages in 1 Corinthians 11 ... emphasis on verses 30-32].

Therefore, they also claim that Romans 8:13 must be interpreted in light of the truth given in 1 Corinthians 11 :27-34 ... that is, the death spoken of in Romans is not in reference to spiritual death, but rather a physical death that was inflicted by the chastening hand of God. What say you? ... what is your perspective on Romans 8:13?
29 - For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.

30 - For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

The core and central reason for 45,000 Denominations worldwide and at least 200 in the USA...... and none agree on "text", "doctrine' very simple.

You have religious people for the last 500 yrs...., and some are saved, who are "in the flesh", and they read the bible like its a dictionary.

See, the confusion that causes chaos, within Christianity, is that the word of God separates and divides, if its not spiritually discerned.

So, let me show you how to SEE the verses that you posted for me, and thank you for your question.

Now, just get this teaching, in your head. Put it in there, with the junk you've been taught, regarding the verses.
God will take care of the rest if you really want to know.
Most really dont want to know.. They just want to argue their "theological position".

Im going to teach those 2 verses instead of posting 40 other verses... as that wont help anyone.

So, those verses are very simple to SEE, when you know How to "rightly divide" the word,= because its "Studied", and "Spiritually Discerned.

For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.

This means, that the person who is taking communion, is eating it unworthily.. because their Faith and Spiritual Understanding, is missing.

So, the damnation, is not judgement, its the lack of blessing that should be a part of communion.

The blessing is MISSING< because the person does not DISCERN the Lord's Body.... correctly.

What does all that mean?

It means, that the Believer should understand that the blood of Jesus, that is God's redemption, always makes you worthy.
How can it not? How can the blood of Christ, that redeemed you from your lifetime of sin, when you came to Jesus, not keep doing this forever?
See that?
The Cross of Christ, that is the Blood Atonement... that is the New Covenant... always bears your sin, cleanses your iniquity, and removes the barrier between the born again, and God the Father.
In fact it has accomplished this, forever, as "Jesus is the ONE TIME.... ETERNAL....sacrifice for Sin".

So, when a person does not understand any of this, then they can't take Communion in the right MIND of Faith, because they do not understand that the Body of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, and the Cross of Christ, always makes YOU WORTHY, before God.
How can it not?, as nothing else DOES.
So, when you dont know this, then you dont DISCERN this at all in the Communion, ... so, you take it not understanding the Sacrifice of Jesus, that always makes you worthy.
That confusion is how you take the Communion, "unworthily"... "not discerning"....
Those in the verse, do no understand any of this, so they take the Communion, confused, thinking they are not worthy, because they have never understood Salvation, = They've never understood or discerned the Lord's Body that is given to make them Worthy, for eternity.


30 - For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

This verse is the result of a believer not understanding their eternal standing, in Christ.
So, the first verse is not saying.... that you get sick because you ate the Bread, not being worthy to eat .... this 2nd Verse is saying that when you dont understand that The Sacrifice of Jesus, is your health, is your healing, then you have no FAITH, no understanding, .. therefore, there is no healing for you, and many are sick, because of their lack of knowledge regarding who they have become, as a "new Creation, in Christ".
Literally, they died because they didnt understand that Faith in Christ, is their HEALING.

See, God has no problem healing people........Its that people have a problem believing it, and understanding WHY He will, based on the body of Christ., = that is The Communion.

So, taking it unworthily is taking it in spiritual ignorance, not discerning WHY we are made worthy to take it and receive its Blessing.

That is how you take it unworthily, and for the same reason......."spiritual ignorance" of the word, and of Salvation Itself... God is unable to manifest His restoration as = healing, when the person's faith is wrong, broken, confused, and worse.
See, God works through Faith ,and when the person does not understand any of this, along with WHY they are always made worthy by the Cross of Christ to RECEIVE all That God has....then they get NOTHING.......including no healing of their sickness, and for THIS REASON< many are asleep.... DEAD, The Apostle is explaining.
So, the issue is, .. .people who do not study Paul's epistles, get a commentary that pretends to teach "Paul's" theology, or their Preacher, Teacher, Pope, or similar, told them that "you'll never be able to stop sinning"... as over there in Romans 7, is the only verse that Paul ever wrote.
SO how long have you been living without sinning?
SO how long have you been living without sinning?

Wrong question., Bob.

The right question is, How long does God see the Born again as "The righteousness of God in Christ'. ????

The right question is....> Because "God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us".... why do some not believe that who claim to be a "christian"?

The right question is....>If a cult has taught someone that only the sin that they committed before they are saved are forgiven, then how can they not understand that this verse proves their cult is not of God. "Jesus is the one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for sin".

Do you know the definition of Eternal? Now apply the Blood of JESUS... as God did = to the sin of the world, and specifically to the sin of the born again.

Also.....The right question is.. . Why is there no sin found "in Christ", as all the born again are '""In Christ"...?????

And...The Right question is... If the believer exists as "One with God", then why would they not understand that if you are "one with God", there is no sin found there?

Why would a person who claims to be a Christian, not understand that there is no sin found in "the Temple of the Holy Spirt" ?.. (That's each believer in case you didn't know).

The Right Question is.....when we read "As Jesus is, so are the born again in this world".........why would a "christian", think that this means we are still sinners?

Answer? The person who does not understand SALVATION.., or any of Paul's Doctrine, and has been TAUGHT by a CULT to believe that Christianity is ..."Sin, confess, and Repeat". They have been taught by a CULT that they are to live in this mind.. "i hate what i do, and i can't ever stop">..

And if that is True then God created a Salvation that is not even worth considering.

The Good news is.......Salvation, provides to each born again, = "the Gift of Righteousness" and there is no sin found there.

There is no sin found in RIGHTEOUSNESS.... and every born again believer has become " the righteousness....of God.... IN Christ".

Now, if you are just water baptized and religious, then of course you are still a sinner, sinning.
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2 issues that religious people have, who might also be a christian, are.

1.) They do not understand that Salvation, not only deals with all their sin, it also removes the dominion of the Law so that the Law can never again define A CHRISTian.... as a sinner or their deed as sin.

"where there is no LAW, ... there is NO Transgression, (no sin)
The born again are "not under the LAW, but under Grace". = """Christ is the END OF THE LAW....for righteousness, to/for everyone who BELIEVES""

2.) The other issue that religious people have who might also be a christian, is...

They do not understand that Salvation is NOT your discipleship.

See, Salvation is GOD Provided, through Christ, and you can't DO that one.
You have to RECEIVE IT, from God.... as its "THE GIFT of Salvation".
Once you have received the GIFT of Salvation..., and you are born again, then now you have become a Disciple based on being given Salvation through Christ.
FALSE!!! "Transgression" has nothing to do with SIN. it's only the breaking of a known LAW.
SIN is doing that which works EVIL.

All "iniquity" is transgression.

"iniquity was found in Lucifer", and Jesus say that He was a "murderer from the beginning" and is the "Father of Lies".

Satan didnt have to wait for Moses Law and the 10 Commandment to earn those Titles.

Basically, its this....>"God says, dont do that", in 10 commandments, and 613 Laws, and the world did it today, and tomorrow.

Now, in the Garden, there was no Moses Law, but there was God's Word that is to be obeyed and not transgressed.
Adam was told by God the word...>"Do not eat", and Adam transgressed and "ate"..

This caused the fall of us all.
Ive been "in Christ" for a long time.
Ive seen a lot of things.

And when teaching students in person, or online, and especially online, i see a lot of... this type of person..

"I have my 1 -3 verses that i use to try to make the bible say what my cult taught me to think".
"and nothing else matters to me"..

So, i see this with people who hate the KJV.
I see this with people who only want to talk about Commandments, or Law.
I see this with people who cut and paste verses but can't understand any of them.
I see this with people who pretend to be a " Original Greek text authority", yet they can't read or speak Koine Greek.
I see this with people who endlessly obsess on "OSAS".
I see this with people who only want to argue about "the Trinity".
I see this with people who are obsessed with MARY, and especially with those who want to try to prove that you can lose your salvation.

So, Reader, if you are any of those, then your walk of Faith, is ruined.
I can often help.

Now, here is what God wants for you.

He wants you to be Free from bondage.....
He wants you to be filled with the knowledge of the Truth and walk in the Spirit., and that is not by self effort or commandment keeping.
He wants you to Love Him with your entire LIFE, everyday, until you meet His Son in person.
He wants you to study to show yourself approved to GOD..... regarding the Bible, and the best way to do that is find a good teacher, regarding you becoming Theologically and FAITH GROUNDED ... IN The Grace of God.

And why that Teacher and that Subject?
Its because if you dont establish your heart with GRACE...Hebrews 13:9.... the completed understanding of it.. then the Devil will trap you in a cult......and then God will show you nothing, and you'll find yourself locked in a rabbit trail, worrying about "pre-trib", "Trinity", and "losing salvation", and the others that i listed.
All "iniquity" is transgression.

"iniquity was found in Lucifer", and Jesus say that He was a "murderer from the beginning" and is the "Father of Lies".

Satan didnt have to wait for Moses Law and the 10 Commandment to earn those Titles.

Basically, its this....>"God says, dont do that", in 10 commandments, and 613 Laws, and the world did it today, and tomorrow.

Now, in the Garden, there was no Moses Law, but there was God's Word that is to be obeyed and not transgressed.
Adam was told by God the word...>"Do not eat", and Adam transgressed and "ate"..

This caused the fall of us all.
ONLY TWO THINGS were CURSED after Adam Sinned. THE EARTH, and the Serpent. I didn't "FALL" because of Adam's transgression. I "FELL" because I SINNED. Same as you. SOME of my sins were transgressions, and SOME weren't, since I did 'em IGNORANTLY.

I don't HAVE a "SIN NATURE", I have a HUMAN NATURE, just like Adam was created with, and which follows the "Temptation process" in James 1 perfectly, just like Adam did, and Jesus COULD HAVE DONE, but Jesus never allowed HIS LUST (Strong personal desire) to "Conceive" and result in the "Birth" of sinful actions, the way WE ALL DID.
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