How To : Deny The Cross #2


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All Cross denying Heresies are a "doctrine of the devil". "Doctrines of Devils".. (KJV) Hebrews 13:9

So, what is that? How to see it?

Its simple....

Its this.

The Cross is in the Devil's way.. Its prevent's Him from utterly destroying all of Humanity.

A.) On this Earth.. The Devil only has one problem....its THE Cross of Christ..., and how to get rid of it.

Satan Hates The Cross of Christ, because its the eternal Reconciliation between God and Man.
So, the Devil wants to get rid of it. And He wants His deceived to get rid of it for him... But He has to be clever.. so that when He does this, you wont realize it... unless you are very discerning.

He does it like this..
The Devil creates Theology, by twisting Bible Verses.... so that His Theology sounds true. And its goal is to subvert The Cross.
And once you realize that a Theology is doing this, then you understand who is behind it.

Where this can be painful or very hard to deal with, is when you realize that you have been deceived, and its the very denomination that you loved and have served. Or its the very scholar or favorite Pastor, or books or commentaries that you BELIEVED IN, that have led you from The Light.
So, once you realize this.. you see that you have to leave it... and then... if your family is there.. then you are now the Heretic, once you start trying to help them see the same LIGHT that you've been shown.
That's a hard situation, and you have to work it out, and get out of there, and get them out of there.

For example.... there are many ways to deny The Cross, and here are 4 of the most popular.

A way to DENY The Cross, is to LIMIT only : some people can be saved.

A way to DENY The Cross, is to deny that Justification by Faith, : is God's sole means of saving you through Christ.

A way to DENY The Cross, is to add to it...... water, commandment keeping, Law and works.

A way to DENY The Cross is to teach that you can lose Salvation.


To DENY The Cross, is to somehow add to it, or reduce it, theologically....most often by misusing or twisting Bible Verses mostly found in the New Testament.

So.....What is The Cross proving?

Its proving that Jesus IS Salvation, and there is nothing else.

John 14:6
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One of the most famous Cross Denying Theologies, is : Hyper Calvinism.

This is on over-emphasis regarding the Doctrines of John Calvin.

There are no Christians found in Hell.

There are no unbelievers, never born again.......found in Heaven.

There is a truly demonic Teaching that says that The Cross of Christ, is LIMITED to only save....= only those who God chose, before they are born.

In other words.......This demonic teaching is telling Jesus The Lord......that : "you can only save those whom we define as the pre-destined to be saved according to the way we twist NT Bible verses to teach our Cult theology.".

And Jesus Said. to them....

"I came to seek and SAVE all that was LOST"......= and that is everyone, as "All have sinned" so "all are lost" until they are SAVED...

And Jesus Said to them......" I came into the world to save SINNERS">........and ""all have sinned, there is none righteous, no not one"""..""so I came for them All, as my verse says.."

I came for everyone in the ""World"".. to offer them my blood and death to SAVE THEM !!.... as John 3:16 says....

And a demonic CULT Theology said...."""Listen Jesus..... WE say that you are LYING.....because our "5 points of Calvinism says that you died on the Cross only for the SOME of them, who are pre-destined before they were born"""... "So that means that not everyone is allowed by God to trust in YOU"....."So Jesus, you are a LIAR.. and your Cross is NOT FOR EVERYONE"""...... And now Jesus, you need to change your Eternal Ministry and your Own WORDS... so that it all agrees with the "5 points of TULIP = Calvinism......asap"""
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