. And if you separated everyone that disagreed with each other to their own form they would die out because it would be boring as could be.
I realize that there there is a point of view that some "christian" forum members have... which is.....""" A Christian Forum, is a type of social media like "facebook" where we can talk about , whatever, and we call it "christian". """""""
And you misread my post.
I said nothing about "disagreement"...... you did.
Im all for honest debate that is not an attempt to indoctrinate you into someone's "doctrines of devils" pretending to be a "Thread" "Post" or "debate".
I simply listed 10 ... "click bait" "hot topics" "fire starters">. that get people banned and
@civic knows this very well....., that are redundantly Threaded by the SAME people who are teaching those deceived teachings, as they have nothing else to offer.
So, if you feel that all a Christian can talk about, is those 10 on my list, or the forum will be "boring" to you..... when the bible is filled with how many other Topics......
And the NT is dripping with revelation and 1000 other topics .
See.....Those on my
LIST are constantly and purposefully misused by people who want to teach those as their harmful Theology, and everyone of them, can ruin the faith of a new believer.
Wouldn't you would think that the Moderators... would be the one writing the """"Top Ten Hatred starting Topics that need to be BANNED""""..... post, instead of a member. ?????
But that is not the case....is it? ???
You would think that MODS would be the first line of defense, against heresy always being up and running on their forums, that can harm baby christians, and new believers.. and will, and does.
But they dont care... They really dont think about this, at all...
That is a fact, and that is what happens on forums, because this idea of '""" let whatever "park and preach" whatever is harmful"... is the RULE and not the exception.
Ive spent a lot of time, over the years, talking to Forum owners, and forum mods, ... more or less pleading with them to deny certain known heretical topics from being allowed.......so that the new believers, would not come to their forum and be harmed..... faith destroyed for LIFE.
They NEVER care. NEVER.
They "vote"... """"Let them all Teach whatever, shall be the one forum RULE""", as long as they say it "NICELY".
Here is what they tell me.... "Well, maybe the deceived person, can be helped if we let them THREAD and POST their HERESY, over and over".
Uh huh.
I had a Forum owner tell me...>"well, what i do, is model my Forum, after the way the rabbinical jews, do it.
How do they do it?
They just argue., and if the topic is not true, or if its designed to harm your mind, then that is "discussion".
That's what they do..., and that is the "Worthy Christian Forum" Owner's concept of a "christian forum".
And i talked to Him a lot..... and he just can't see it any other way.
So, can you SEE that this type of warped Spiritual IQ, is why Forums are theological hell pits, strife filled venues..... and are exactly the one place you dont want to send any new Christian.
NEVER do that.
The key is to discuss our points of view with courtesy and respect,
That Key you listed.... is a great concept, that will never be found for long on a Christian fourm, = as long as the Holy Spirit in a believer, is offended by posted demonic heresies, = Hebrews 13:9 ......that is allowed to be continued to be taught on a Forum.
Lifting up our Lord and savior. New believers can be encouraged to look things up
New believers come to a "christian" forum, and they read about CALVINISM... They are told they can LOSE their Salvation... They are show Preterism, and many other heresies..
That's what they get to "study" by just reading the posts and Threads.
. But when they come on here and see us bickering with each other they don't want any part of it.
As i told you.
If the Forum stops the "click bait" "fire starting" Threads and posts, then the "bickering" is mostly turned off.
Like about 95%.