
'context context context'

There are TWO types of context in Scripture

What is the Correct Context according to the words of God???

a.) Historical context = who said what to whom, when and where

B.) Holy Spirit Context = What applies to who, when and where

c.) only a is correct

d.) only B is correct

e.) Both a + B are Correct

Take your time and remember, this is a Open Book question and answer fellowship in the Holy Spirit of TRUTH
loaded question fallacy. :)

There is a context and the Holy Spirit enlightens us to the truth.
loaded question fallacy. :)

There is a context and the Holy Spirit enlightens us to the truth.
What does the Holy Spirit enlighten us to?

a.) Historical context = who said what to whom, when and where

B.) Holy Spirit Context = What applies to who, when and where

c.) only a is correct

d.) only B is correct

e.) Both a + B are Correct
loaded question fallacy. :)

There is a context and the Holy Spirit enlightens us to the truth.
Gods word is "fallacy" to you???

The Holy Scriptures are a LOADED Question & Answer examination from God to man.

His LOADED Question & Answer Platform began in Genesis, in the Garden and then continues thru the Torah, the Prophets, JESUS, the Apostles and Finally the Finished Word = Book of Revelation.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
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