Hell : Is as real as Jesus


Well-known member

I heard a famous preacher once say...>"The people who dont believe in hell and who teach that there is no hell, are trying to Air Condition it before they move in".....

Here are some facts about Hell.

1.) It was created before Adam was created, and it was designed to house, = "created for the DEVIL, and His Angels".

Now, the DEVIL, is the Term for SATAN, after He was cast down here, ........as in Heaven, He was Lucifer.

2.) Where is HELL found?

Its found at the end of A Christ Rejecting LIFE< and a lot of people died and went to hell, before you will finish reading my post.

Believe it.

3.) Hell is not a "trash bin" or a " burning garbage dump" located near Jerusalem. How do you know? Its because Hell was created before Adam was created and Adam was created a long time before Jerusalem was built.

4.) Another fact about Hell.

Everyone who went there today, now believes it exists, and they all now also Believe in Jesus, and this does not SAVE THEM, because you can't be born again in Hell.
Because once you are there, you now SEE that Hell is real, and now you have proof you can SEE that leads you to believe that JESUS is Real.
And that is not FAITH.
FAITH, is TRUST, and in the case of Christianity, its TRUST IN WHAT YOU CAN'T see, so your belief is from the HEART, and not from your EYES..
So, once in Hell, you SEE that Hell exists, and that PROOF, shows you that JESUS is REAL, and that is not FAITH..

God requires FAITH, in, what you can't SEE....to save YOU.

5.) How long does Hell last?

It lasts until its cast into the Lake of Fire.

6.) How long does Eternal Damnation last....?

This.. JOHN 3:36

It lasts for as long as you are held accountable for dying as a Christ Rejector, never born again.

So, God will hold you accountable for as long as Christ lives.

7.) "but behold, my church believes that God is going to let everyone out of Hell".

And put you where? ????

God is going to put the CHRIST REJECTORS, who are in their SIN, next to the BORN AGAIN who Trusted in Christ, and are FORGIVEN THEIR Sin?

That will never happen. (There is no sin found in Heaven.. no sin found in the Kingdom of God). = No sinners found there...ever.

8.) Reader, there are 2 Types of Eternal Life.

One is found "in Christ" who Himself is Eternal Life, and ALL the born again are "IN Christ"..."one with GOD"..

The other type of Eternal life is the ""2nd Death"".. and what is that? That is the 1st Death continued for Eternity.

What is the first death ? = ITs to be spiritually separated from GOD, = never born again......So "2nd Death" is to never be able to be born again,.. You died never born again..... and you are that way now and for eternity, .. separated from GOD, separated from Heaven, separated from Christ.

= That is "Eternal Damnation". = That is the "2nd Death".


Dont want to go to Hell?

You don't want to go to Hell ???????.... You are concerned about this right now?

Then turn to Christ by Faith... right now, Reader.

Yes... YOU.

= BELIEVE that you need to be forgiven, because you do, and turn to Christ by FAITH... and Let God forgive you.
He will do it for "all who call on the Name of Jesus, shall be saved"
"All that Believe in JESUS< shall be forgiven, shall be saved".

"but Behold, im a terrible person.. if you only knew what ive done, im so ashamed...."..

Reader, .. Listen to me..... "ALL have sinned",....... and God knows what you've done........all of it, and He says..>"COME HOME>.. You are welcome here"..."Come HOME"....."Let me forgive you"........ "Trust in my Son, and i will make you MINE.. forever and ever".

= That is God's promise, and He will do it for you Today, now.... right now.

"NOW is the day, now is the time... for your Salvation"....

- God bless you to believe it.
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