Grace and law dispensations coexist.


Well-known member
A typical depiction of Grace and law coexisting is starting in the garden of Eden. Grace is the tree of life and law is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Law started and became more complicated since the garden. It had additional Laws because of transgression. Even the sacrifices practiced before the time of Moses were God‘s Law. Man continually disobeyed them and they got more complicated all the way to the time of Moses.
Grace has always been in the Bible. Law drives us to Grace.
Today, in this dispensation of the church age, the only way out from under the OT Law is to obey Acts 2:38. The way to remain free from the Law is to walk in the Spirit after obeying Acts 2:38.
The way back to the tree of life for us in this dispensation of the church age is to obey Acts 2:38. Other than that good luck.
After obeying Acts 2:38, we can ditch the 10 Commandments and we are now under the Law of the Spirit . The Spirit tells us what to do and what not to do. What a trade-off. Awesome.
The 10 Commandments are for those that do not have the Holy Ghost.
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