Getting The : Right Signal


Well-known member
Here is a way to think about it..

Everyone has heard a Radio before.

A Radio has Radio stations..

So, most Radio is "FM.. or AM"..

That is the signal coming in......

So, the Bible is God's signal. Its God Station.. Its His Spiritual Frequency because its written by God's Spirit and has to be discerned by the Same Spirit who is.. ."Christ IN YOU... the Hope of Glory".

The Born again are become the "Temple of the Holy Spirit....."

And to receive God's signal, you have to be born again as part of it. You have to become "One with God" to receive His Signals.. His Light,.

So, when a person is not, then they can't receive the right signal (understanding and revelation) from the BIBLE.. as the BIBLE is the revelation of God and from God.
Its a Spiritual Signal.. A Spiritual Channel.. A Spiritual Frequency... A Spiritual LIGHT. A Spiritual REVELATION.

This means that you have to be a born again CHILD of THE LIGHT.. to Receive From God, as "God exists in Light" and "Jesus is the Light of the World".

So, can you see the problem, when people who are not of God's SIGNAL, are not of God LIGHT, are trying to READ the bible and then teach it?

That is why = 45,000 denomition.
That is why Fourms are nothing but fighting and meanness and carnality=, and lies being taught as Truth.

Now who is the ONE who teaches the PURE SIGNAL the Pure Word of Doctrine?

That is : Paul the Apostle.

He is our Teacher.

So, if your teacher is not a student of Paul.. if your Pastor or Pope is not a student of Paul, then you are learning a lot of error, reader.

So, how do you know im one of those?

Its because i just taught you all that.......
Here is a way to think about it..

Everyone has heard a Radio before.

A Radio has Radio stations..

So, most Radio is "FM.. or AM"..

That is the signal coming in......

So, the Bible is God's signal. Its God Station.. Its His Spiritual Frequency because its written by God's Spirit and has to be discerned by the Same Spirit who is.. ." Christ IN YOU... the Hope of Glory".

The Born again are become the "Temple of the Holy Spirit....."

And to receive God's signal, you have to be born again as part of it. You have to become "One with God" to receive His Signals.. His Light,.

So, when a person is not, then they can't receive the right signal (understanding and revelation) from the BIBLE.. as the BIBLE is the revelation of God and from God.
Its a Spiritual Signal.. A Spiritual Channel.. A Spiritual Frequency... A Spiritual LIGHT. A Spiritual REVELATION.

This means that you have to be a born again CHILD of THE LIGHT.. to Receive From God, as "God exists in Light" and "Jesus is the Light of the World".

So, can you see the problem, when people who are not of God's SIGNAL, are not of God LIGHT, are trying to READ the bible and then teach it?

That is why = 45,000 denomition.
That is why Fourms are nothing but fighting and meanness and carnality=, and lies being taught as Truth.

Now who is the ONE who teaches the PURE SIGNAL the Pure Word of Doctrine?

That is : Paul the Apostle.

He is our Teacher.

So, if your teacher is not a student of Paul.. if your Pastor or Pope is not a student of Paul, then you are learning a lot of error, reader.

So, how do you know im one of those?

Its because i just taught you all that.......
Its easy to see if ones teaching them belong to Jesus or not. A super important teaching from Jesus= Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT it NEVER stops. Without fail the ones teaching who listen to Jesus teach= EVERY utterance from God to the flock, it NEVER stops. If ones teaching them are not doing this= RUN FROM THEM, they are these-2Cor 11:12-15-probaby ear ticklers( 2Tim 4:3-4)seeking the tithe, We are not under the tithe law anymore. Assuring the flock members-YOU ARE SAVED--they do not know who is or will be saved.
We are not under the tithe law anymore.

There was never a '"Tithe Law" as the tithe came into being before Moses showed up to give us the Law and 10 Commandments.

However, there are Ministers who teach "prosperity", as their main teaching, vs, ONE of their teachings... so, in that case, this person does not have a balanced Theology.

Also, when a Teacher is not "Cross Centered" regarding how they teach reconciliation, justification, and sanctification, then they are probably very legalistic, and that is the one you want to turn off, or avoid, or ban.

Just do this reader.
WHen you are trying to find out if a commentary or a teacher or a preacher or a pope is REAL or if they are a deceived deceiver, then notice if they give Jesus all the credit for saving them and = keeping them saved.

Heretics never teach that Jesus KEEPS you SAVED, because they dont actually BELIEVE In Jesus.

See, if you dont BELIEVE that Jesus Keeps you saved, then who or what do you believe does?

See that?

That is one way you find out who is the HERETIC.

The 2nd way to discover a HERETIC... is to find out if they believe that The Cross is for : John 3:16...........everyone.. or if they are deceived by John Calvin and believe the Cross is only for the "pre-destined".
There was never a '"Tithe Law" as the tithe came into being before Moses showed up to give us the Law and 10 Commandments.

However, there are Ministers who teach "prosperity", as their main teaching, vs, ONE of their teachings... so, in that case, this person does not have a balanced Theology.

Also, when a Teacher is not "Cross Centered" regarding how they teach reconciliation, justification, and sanctification, then they are probably very legalistic, and that is the one you want to turn off, or avoid, or ban.

Just do this reader.
WHen you are trying to find out if a commentary or a teacher or a preacher or a pope is REAL or if they are a deceived deceiver, then notice if they give Jesus all the credit for saving them and = keeping them saved.

Heretics never teach that Jesus KEEPS you SAVED, because they dont actually BELIEVE In Jesus.

See, if you dont BELIEVE that Jesus Keeps you saved, then who or what do you believe does?

See that?

That is one way you find out who is the HERETIC.

The 2nd way to discover a HERETIC... is to find out if they believe that The Cross is for : John 3:16...........everyone.. or if they are deceived by John Calvin and believe the Cross is only for the "pre-destined".
Any can fall and not be saved. Judas did. Solomon did. Paul worried about it.
The cross is a pagan torture death device, it can do 0 for anyone. Jesus' blood did the saving.
Any can fall and not be saved.

All are "fallen" as "all have sinned" as there is "none righteous, no not one"..

So, God wrapped Himself in Human Flesh, born of a virgin under the law.. and LIVE a Holy sinless life and died to give this to us as God's

"Gift of Righteousness" that is the "GIFT of Salvation.

Welcome To : Salvation.

Its a " GIFT ".
All are "fallen" as "all have sinned" as there is "none righteous, no not one"..

So, God wrapped Himself in Human Flesh, born of a virgin under the law.. and LIVE a Holy sinless life and died to give this to us as God's

"Gift of Righteousness" that is the "GIFT of Salvation.

Welcome To : Salvation.

Its a " GIFT ".
According to Jesus' TRUTH. God did not come down here. God sent him-John 17:3
Only those who fulfill the requirements on the mortals part will get salvation. Jesus is clear--FEW will find the road that leads off into life( get salvation, be saved, get grace)
Only those who fulfill the requirements on the mortals part will get salvation.

Here is how you get Salvation.

"all that call on the name of Jesus, shall be saved".

"to everyone who worketh not but BELIEVETH on GOD, who JUSTIFIES THE UNGODLY... their faith is counted by God, as Christ's Righteousness".

Who is that one?

A.) Jesus said..>"YOU>. must be born again"...

AA.) Jesus said... "ALL that believe in me, I give unto YOU (the believer) .. ETERNAL LIFE, and you shall never go to Hell (perish) "'.

Eternal Redemption is... "The Gift of Righteousness" as "The Gift of Salvation", that is= "The GIFT of Eternal Life".
Here is how you get Salvation.

"all that call on the name of Jesus, shall be saved".

"to everyone who worketh not but BELIEVETH on GOD, who JUSTIFIES THE UNGODLY... their faith is counted by God, as Christ's Righteousness".

Who is that one?

A.) Jesus said..>"YOU>. must be born again"...

AA.) Jesus said... "ALL that believe in me, I give unto YOU (the believer) .. ETERNAL LIFE, and you shall never go to Hell (perish) "'.

Eternal Redemption is... "The Gift of Righteousness" as "The Gift of Salvation", that is= "The GIFT of Eternal Life".
These will call on the name Jesus-Matt 7:21-23, but will hear those words from Jesus as judgement.
And--At Joel 2:21-22--Those who call on the name of YHVH(Jehovah) will be saved-Quoted 2 x in the NT-Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13--But since satan altered bibles has LORD at Joel, they have Lord at both NT spots to mislead one to call on the name Jesus when YHVH(Jehovah) is the name one MUST call on. God inspired his name in HIS bible over 7000 places-nearly 6800 OT and over 200 NT. All 3 spots i shared. Jesus would not use satan altered versions that support satans will over Gods will on that matter. Neither does his real religion. No wonder Jesus teaches-FEW will find the road.
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