Euro "Ukraine Peace Plan" = WW3


Well-known member
Today, 3-3-25..... on Fox news, i saw a report that said that "Euro nations" are willing to put their "NATO boots on the ground" in the Ukraine, as a part of the "peace process". "plan".

So/../. What does that look like in the real world?

Its look like NATO Troops, in the Ukraine, and just as soon as one of them is Killed for the "sake of protecting Zelenskyy's "peace", then NATO and Russia are now in a War, (that means Your Country reader).... and that was always the plan, using Zelenskyy to achieve it.
It just took a while to get here... and a lot of dead people in the Ukraine.

So, if Trump agrees to use "troops on the Ground", as a "peace plan".... then US Trump Voters... have been bamboozled, big time.
THere-Fore.. let us hope that Trump understands that NATO Troops on the ground fighting Russia, is WW3 created, and if that is not his plan, then He is not going to agree at all with "NATO boots on the ground".
And so.... he'll also not agree to allow the Ukraine to become a part of NATO, as this is also INSTANT = WW3 started, if that happened.

PUTIN is not going to let NATO sit on His border, and that is what the Ukraine becomes, if they are allowed to Join NATO.

So the moral of this story is.......

1.) NATO troops on the Ground in the Ukraine, begins WW3

2.) If the Ukraine becomes a part of NATO then WW3 has begun.

Its going to be an interesting next 3 months, watching this "Ukraine Peace Plan" play out .. along with what is going to happen in the Middle east, as there will never be lasting Peace in the Middle East until the Prince of Peace is down here with His Redeemed... Ruling and Reigning.

The Body of Christ is about to leave this Planet.
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It will most likely continue to remain a proxy war.

Zelenskyy was foolish to not simply take the deal, but he was spoiled from the previous administration.

However, as USA shows more backbone Europe will realize they need to contribute more.
It will most likely continue to remain a proxy war.

Zelenskyy was foolish to not simply take the deal, but he was spoiled from the previous administration.

However, as USA shows more backbone Europe will realize they need to contribute more.

First of all, im not defending Putin... but there is so much unknown history that Americans and the world at large does not know about what was happening, even during the Obama Administration, that was pushing Putin, already toward what we see, over a decade ago...

Here are some facts.
Before "The Crimea" was a part of the Ukraine, it was Russian, and a part of Russia.
So, when it was essentially annexed back into Russia, this would be like Hawaii, being returned to the USA, after France captured it for the next 50 yrs.

And, Obama and the deep state that runs the USA... were planning to get it back for the Ukraine.
This is why NATO and the USA used the Ukraine to let them build Air bases and Chemical Plants in the Ukraine.. as they were coming for The Crimea, and also planned on using the Ukraine as a big NATO base.

So, what is the issue with all that?
The issue is that PUTIN knew it was happening........and so, this "invasion of the Ukraine" is for 3 main reasons.

1.) Its to Stop NATO and the USA from using The Ukraine as their own with Zelenskyy's help.

2.) The Ukraine and Nato and the USA were planning on taking back the Crimea, once they assimilated completely, were completely integrated within the Ukraine..., and Putin had to stop this.

3.) Zelenskyy was elected because He agreed to the Euro devised "Minsk Agreement" that would have prevented this invasion... that was also based on Donbas Russians, in the Ukraine being killed for the last 12 yrs, by the Ukraine Army... And these Russian's were pleading with Putin for a decade to "come and help us, they are killing us"... And that Minsk Agreement would have ceased that killing.
The USA State Dept, caused Zelenskyy to not sigh it.

So, Putin was pushed against the wall, by Nato, and the USA..........regarding situation, that most of the World, =has no clue.

In '2022, Putin told Zelenskyy, "allow those Donbass Russians their autonomy, and we wont invade you.""

Zelensky told Putin......"i wont exchange land....for peace"......and now you see what has happened to the Ukraine.
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It will most likely continue to remain a proxy war.

Zelenskyy was foolish to not simply take the deal, but he was spoiled from the previous administration.

However, as USA shows more backbone Europe will realize they need to contribute more.
I heard Zelenskyy already was meeting with NATO. So he has given up on Trump?

For sure, when he would not apologize even on Brett Baers show after the Whitehouse debacle I though he was such an arrogant .... you know.

I also heard Trump may cut of any more aid... and then what will he do?

@Behold ... you said The Body of Christ is about to leave this Planet.

And I say it wont be too soon IMO.

Amen, Amen
I heard Zelenskyy already was meeting with NATO. So he has given up on Trump?

For sure, when he would not apologize even on Brett Baers show after the Whitehouse debacle I though he was such an arrogant .... you know.

I also heard Trump may cut of any more aid... and then what will he do?

@Behold ... you said The Body of Christ is about to leave this Planet.

And I say it wont be too soon IMO.

Amen, Amen
Yes come Lord Jesus come !!!!
Yeah, I'm not buying the Putin couldn't help it line, sorry.

Noone has posted that "Putin could not help it"..

I wonder what you are reading... @Dizerner

The reality is........and let me simplify it for you.

Notice that the USA and RUSSIA are enemies.
In fact Americans have been told since the early '1960's that """"Russia is going to get you.......better watch out.""""
So for about 65 yrs, American's have been trained to think of Russia as their mortal enemy.

Now notice..

If Russia, started putting Air bases and chemical labs, in CANADA, or MEXICO, ... then the USA would be FREAKING OUT... and the USA GOVERNMENT would "not have it"......."you will not put your TROOPS and your JETS and your AirCraft Carriers, on OUR BORDER".

So, that is what Russia has watched the USA and NATO do, year by year, since 1981, when Gorbachev and Reagan agreed to "tear down that wall" in Berlin.
So, Gorbachev did it.........He responded to Reagan's offer of Peace. He allowed the wall to be torn down, AND, He "set free" all the EURO Russian Satellite states, in GOOD FAITH, as Reagan promised that "we will not come farther toward you with our war machine."
And that was a USA LIE., as for the last 45 yrs, the USA and NATO JUST kept going forth, toward Russia with air bases and troops and rocket launchers.........all the way to the UKRAINE, that borders, Russia.

And Putin has watched this happen all. his life, and He knows that the USA Government can not be trusted..........until Trump.

So if Trump now decides that "Troops on the /Ground in the Ukraine" is the "Peace plan" then Putin will understand that He is no better then the rest of the American President Liars, and that will be a dangerous moment for this world, not seen since 1938.
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A history of Russia and Crimea relationships:

During the Russian Civil War, Crimea changed hands many times and was where Wrangel's anti-Bolshevik White Army made their last stand in 1920, with tens of thousands of those who remained being murdered as part of the Red Terror. In 1921, the Crimean ASSR was created as an autonomous republic of the Russian SFSR. During World War II, Crimea was occupied by Germany until 1944. The ASSR was downgraded to an oblast within the Russian SFSR in 1945 following the ethnic cleansing of the Crimean Tatars by the Soviet regime, and in 1954, Crimea was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR as part of celebrations of the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav, called the "reunification of Ukraine with Russia" in the USSR.

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Crimea was formed in 1992, although the republic was abolished in 1995, with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea established firmly under Ukrainian authority and Sevastopol being administered as a city with special status. A 1997 treaty partitioned the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, ending the protracted Black Sea Fleet dispute and allowing Russia to continue basing its Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol with the lease extended in 2010. Crimea's status is disputed. In 2014, Crimea saw intense demonstrations against the removal of the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych culminating in pro-Russian forces occupying strategic points in Crimea and the Republic of Crimea declared independence from Ukraine following a disputed referendum supporting reunification. Russia then formally annexed Crimea, although most countries recognize Crimea as part of Ukraine.

... a long tale of conquest, oppression and "ethnic cleansing" to force it to be RUSSIAN!
A history of Russia and Crimea relationships:

During the Russian Civil War, Crimea changed hands many times and was where Wrangel's anti-Bolshevik White Army made their last stand in 1920, with tens of thousands of those who remained being murdered as part of the Red Terror. In 1921, the Crimean ASSR was created as an autonomous republic of the Russian SFSR. During World War II, Crimea was occupied by Germany until 1944. The ASSR was downgraded to an oblast within the Russian SFSR in 1945 following the ethnic cleansing of the Crimean Tatars by the Soviet regime, and in 1954, Crimea was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR as part of celebrations of the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav, called the "reunification of Ukraine with Russia" in the USSR.

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Crimea was formed in 1992, although the republic was abolished in 1995, with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea established firmly under Ukrainian authority and Sevastopol being administered as a city with special status. A 1997 treaty partitioned the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, ending the protracted Black Sea Fleet dispute and allowing Russia to continue basing its Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol with the lease extended in 2010. Crimea's status is disputed. In 2014, Crimea saw intense demonstrations against the removal of the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych culminating in pro-Russian forces occupying strategic points in Crimea and the Republic of Crimea declared independence from Ukraine following a disputed referendum supporting reunification. Russia then formally annexed Crimea, although most countries recognize Crimea as part of Ukraine.

... a long tale of conquest, oppression and "ethnic cleansing" to force it to be RUSSIAN!

The Short Version is..

A Drunken Khrushchev gave it away.

And here is what the Ukraine does........they forced the Russians to no longer be Russian, by Law.
They can't celebrate Russian Holidays, and they are forced to learn the Ukraine language.
In other words, Russian's are denied their Russian Identity//Heritage... and that is why they revolted in The Crimea, and also, in the Ukraine.
In Donbas (Ukraine) they were killing them also and they pleaded with Putin to help them, for YEARS.
And they should have no country has a right to suppress people like this.... and expect them to obey.
The Short Version is..

A Drunken Khrushchev gave it away.

And here is what the Ukraine does........they forced the Russians to no longer be Russian, by Law.
They can't celebrate Russian Holidays, and they are forced to learn the Ukraine language.
In other words, Russian's are denied their Russian Identity//Heritage... and that is why they revolted in The Crimea, and also, in the Ukraine.
In Donbas (Ukraine) they were killing them also and they pleaded with Putin to help them, for YEARS.
And they should have no country has a right to suppress people like this.... and expect them to obey.
That's HORRIBLE! Only Russia has a right to practice ethnic cleansing in Crimea!
  • Red Terror (1920's)
  • ethnic cleansing - Siberian deportation (1940's)
That's HORRIBLE! Only Russia has a right to practice ethnic cleansing in Crimea!
  • Red Terror (1920's)
  • ethnic cleansing - Siberian deportation (1940's)

Digging up the long ago past history to try to prove something recent.......isn't always a solid proof text.

After all a Russian could respond to you like this...@atpollard............

And keep in mind.. I understand that Putin is evil.......but, lets say i was a Russian..
Then i could say....>"well, name the only country in the history of mankind... who used multiple NUKES on Civilian Cities, while they were asleep?

A.) The USA

Russia has never used a NUKE against "civilians", and the USA did it more then once.

So, an American could say......>>"we'll Stalin killed a lot of his own people"......

And a Russian could say.....>"President Lincoln Killed a lot of His own people"..

Who is worse?

If you have time, watch this Video, and it'll help you to understand what the US MEDIA is hiding from the American Public.

So, if you are PUTIN< and you know this history of the USA............would you let the USA and NATO come into the Ukraine, with airbases and chemical labs and TROOPS?

War games.jpg
If you have time, watch this Video, and it'll help you to understand what the US MEDIA is hiding from the American Public.
I hope NEVER to have so much time that I listen to Robert Kennedy talk about anything. One might as well listen to stories of how Bigfoot revealed the truth about Area 51. :rolleyes:
America's done some absolute crap things, doesn't make Putin doing crap things better.

It is a case of relative freedoms and a political system that supports them.

One should morally support more freedoms over less freedoms.

That is how we determine who is currently "worse."
Great video by the way, a lot of good insight and valid points.

However, he should more seriously consider the pros of weakening Russia I think to steel man both perspectives.
... and how many of them have we KEPT as territorial annexations? [I think that is an important distinction].

How about just since WW2?
Just since the year 2000?

Are you aware that Russia has not "kept the Ukraine" ?

So your implication is "voided".

Here is what Marco Rubio told the MEDIA...

"""""""You are not going to get all the land back.""""

(Donbas) region, is going to become autonomous inside the Ukraine...<, as that is going to have to happen, if the world wants Putin to leave the Ukraine.

And the USA and NATO have to promise they will no longer try to use the Ukraine to have a WAR with Russia. = as they are doing now.

And NATO and the USA, will have to promise to stop building Air Bases and Chemical Labs inside the Ukraine, as this is on the Russian Border.
I'm fairly sure the only way Putin will stop is if he gets some of the land.

This may be a deal break for peace negotiations.

Trump could be seen as not being too respectful to the amount already invested in independence—I hope he reconsiders.
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