Do you believe in evolution?

The Rogue Tomato

Well-known member
I'm not talking about microevolution like bacteria becoming resistant to an antibiotic. I'm talking about macroevolution - the belief that beetles and beavers have a common ancestor.
I recommend a book, "Who made the moon?" for some good thoughts on this.

Is the author of the book Sigmund Brouwer?

If so, I’ll join with you in recommending the book. I read it right after I retired - the first book I read after I retired, I think - and got a lot out of it.
No truth to either micro nor macro evolution.

Just who decided to use the term micro-evolution for small characteristic effects of a species? You can put a chameleon lizard on anything, and it will adapt to the color of whatever it's sitting on. But it's still a lizard.

The Greek Aristotle was one of the first ones that began assigning nature into related categories. Just because apes have five fingers and categorized in the Primate family, that automatically means Primates all evolved from each other?? That's crazy, it's like saying since a golf ball, a football, and a basketball are all balls, they evolved from each other!

Here's a shocker for ya, did you know some babies are born with small tail appendages? Does that mean man evolved from the animal kingdom that has tails?
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