Can anyone here, name the denomination, cult, or teacher, who teaches this Theology?


Well-known member
ON another forum, lives the worst heretic ive ever met on a forum, in 15 yrs.

He teaches that "The Cross is not about forgiveness", and "God does not give anyone His righteousness".

So, let me post something, and can anyone here who reads this Thread, tell me, what Cult, Denomination, Writer, Teacher, teaches this theology,.

Here you go.... .i hope someone recognizes it, and can tell me who created this Theology.

'"""""""There are two resurrections to come. The first judgment is the Bema seat judgment for a face to face encounter with Christ with HIS people. Judgment begins at the house of God. This is where people either get a "well done good and faithful servant" or else..a "go away I never knew you". This is where the works are evaluated to see if they are eternal or temporal. If they are spiritual or carnal. If they are dead works or works prepared in advance. This is not about whether a person is saved but whether they are to be vessels of honour and glory... or dishonour and shame. It's about the quality of the salvation they receive from the Lord based on whether they were faithful and righteous, or else faithless and unrighteous.

The second judgment comes with the general resurrection of all people at the GWT (Great White throne) judgment. This is not a face to face encounter with God or Jesus but a sorting by the angels who look for names written in the Book of Life. Whoever is not written in the book of life is thrown int o the lake of perish there. The saved of the nations will be populated with the righteous on whom God showed mercy. Their names will be present in the Book of Life. God has had mercy on them."""""""
I can't put a name to it, but we do know who is behind all the false teaching out there. That would be Satan the enemy of our souls. History has shown that God punishes the wicked and perverse. He will surely punish the arrogant false teachers who reject authority and approach spiritual realities with no more understanding than brute beasts.
I can't put a name to it, but we do know who is behind all the false teaching out there. That would be Satan the enemy of our souls. History has shown that God punishes the wicked and perverse. He will surely punish the arrogant false teachers who reject authority and approach spiritual realities with no more understanding than brute beasts.

The Devil is the enemy of God, of the Cross,.. He's the enemy of The Christ, the enemy of the Truth, the enemy of Paul's Theology, and the enemy of the word of God, and the enemy of the Believer.

He is the god of hate.
I think "HE" is a hodge podge of many different theologies. He pulls from JW, Mormonism, Holiness, ect . None of his sayings of " I'm an overseer" make biblical sense. As a matter in fact, he contradicts the plainly worded penned scriptures by the Holy Spirit.

How he is continually allowed, applauded & supported by the so called staff on that site, is confusing to readers!

He is a great deceiver, and an accuser of the brethren we know who Jesus said that is.....
ON another forum, lives the worst heretic ive ever met on a forum, in 15 yrs.

He teaches that "The Cross is not about forgiveness", and "God does not give anyone His righteousness".

So, let me post something, and can anyone here who reads this Thread, tell me, what Cult, Denomination, Writer, Teacher, teaches this theology,.

Here you go.... .i hope someone recognizes it, and can tell me who created this Theology.

'"""""""There are two resurrections to come. The first judgment is the Bema seat judgment for a face to face encounter with Christ with HIS people. Judgment begins at the house of God. This is where people either get a "well done good and faithful servant" or else..a "go away I never knew you". This is where the works are evaluated to see if they are eternal or temporal. If they are spiritual or carnal. If they are dead works or works prepared in advance. This is not about whether a person is saved but whether they are to be vessels of honour and glory... or dishonour and shame. It's about the quality of the salvation they receive from the Lord based on whether they were faithful and righteous, or else faithless and unrighteous.

The second judgment comes with the general resurrection of all people at the GWT (Great White throne) judgment. This is not a face to face encounter with God or Jesus but a sorting by the angels who look for names written in the Book of Life. Whoever is not written in the book of life is thrown int o the lake of perish there. The saved of the nations will be populated with the righteous on whom God showed mercy. Their names will be present in the Book of Life. God has had mercy on them."""""""
Many Baptist Churches recognize two separate judgments: a Bema and GWT Judgment. The Bema for Believers and the GWT for all others. I personally do not subscribe to that belief. I believe they both refer to the same one event.
ON another forum, lives the worst heretic ive ever met on a forum, in 15 yrs.

He teaches that "The Cross is not about forgiveness", and "God does not give anyone His righteousness".

So, let me post something, and can anyone here who reads this Thread, tell me, what Cult, Denomination, Writer, Teacher, teaches this theology,.

Here you go.... .i hope someone recognizes it, and can tell me who created this Theology.

'"""""""There are two resurrections to come. The first judgment is the Bema seat judgment for a face to face encounter with Christ with HIS people. Judgment begins at the house of God. This is where people either get a "well done good and faithful servant" or else..a "go away I never knew you". This is where the works are evaluated to see if they are eternal or temporal. If they are spiritual or carnal. If they are dead works or works prepared in advance. This is not about whether a person is saved but whether they are to be vessels of honour and glory... or dishonour and shame. It's about the quality of the salvation they receive from the Lord based on whether they were faithful and righteous, or else faithless and unrighteous.

The second judgment comes with the general resurrection of all people at the GWT (Great White throne) judgment. This is not a face to face encounter with God or Jesus but a sorting by the angels who look for names written in the Book of Life. Whoever is not written in the book of life is thrown int o the lake of perish there. The saved of the nations will be populated with the righteous on whom God showed mercy. Their names will be present in the Book of Life. God has had mercy on them."""""""
Yes I'm no longer on that forum. Johann got me banned saying I followed him over there to harass him. The funny thing is I was a member 3 years before he was a member. I never was given a chance to explain my side just a permanent ban. Talk about biased moderation. No warning at all. The funny thing is one of the moderators liked all of my posts.
Yes I'm no longer on that forum. Johann got me banned saying I followed him over there to harass him. The funny thing is I was a member 3 years before he was a member. I never was given a chance to explain my side just a permanent ban. Talk about biased moderation. No warning at all. The funny thing is one of the moderators liked all of my posts.
What forum was that if you don't mind my asking.
What forum was that if you don't mind my asking.
christianity board. like with CARM some moderators are on a power trip. There should be a dialogue when there is a problem to give it a chance to be resolved. After a few warnings and it continues then ban them for a few days or a week. If that doesn't change a behavior then make it permanent. That's like going to court no trial, no defense and being found guilty and thrown in jail with no chance to get out.
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