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Busy listening to this-I like biblehub for the ability to look up words in the lexicons and they have a balance of both calvinists and non calvinist commentators. And the ability to crossreference passages and seeing the verses in many different translations at your fingertips.
“[we] have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness,
nor handling the word of God deceitfully”
~ 2 Corinthians 4:2
1. The Christian Delusion
a. Believing in God is no delusion, but there is a Christian delusion.
b. Why are we shocked when a church/pastor/Christian does something heinous?
c. Delusion: There are 2.5 billion Christians, historical victors, all people of book/truth
d. Truth: the largest segment of unsaved people in America claims to be Christian.
e. We should renounce dishonesty, even if it is hard to swallow - 2 Cor 4:2, Eph 4:15
2. Under Deceit
a. Deceit ~def. Misleading the mind; caught in a false belief; fraud, misrepresentation.
b. ‘deceive the hearts of the simple’ - Rom 16:17-18 (lies we are told)
c. ‘Let no man deceive himself’ - 1 Cor 3:18 (lies we tell ourselves)
d. ‘Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt…‘ - 1 Cor 15:33 (lies affect believers)
e. To be deceived is to be tricked, gullible, humiliating, but … Titus 3:3
f. We are warned to ‘Beware … vain deceit’ - Col 2:8
g. Our old man is corrupt and deceitful - Eph 4:22, 5:6
h. Sin deceives - Rom 7:11, Heb 3:13; miracles will deceive - Rev 13:14, 2 Th 2:9
i. Satan deceives - 2 Cor 11:13-15; we deceive ourselves - Gal 6:3, 6:7, Rom 1:21-25
3. A Look at Reality
a. 7 of 10 Christian in U.S. - 2 believe Bible, 1 reads Bible, ½ Biblical worldview
b. 30% not, 25% Catholic, 15% Baptist, 7% non-denom, 5% cult, Methodist,
Pentecostal, 4% Lutheran, 2% Reformed, 2% Church of Christ
c. Half of Barna’s born again’s believe Jesus sinned; and reject salvation by works
d. 73% of Americans think humans are basically good, not everyone a sinner
e. Women pastors, marriage, gender issues not the slippery slope it is already slid
f. People believe error, live worldly, act despicably, think unbiblically, because most
are lost, do not read the Bible, do not care - 2 Cor 4:3
g. Our Christian armies, prayer warriors, coalitions are not armored, trained, strong
h. Tradition does not save, even good tradition does not save the next generation.
i. We are lulled into thinking all is well, except a few doctrinal perspectives.
j. A false hope - “if we turn back time to the 00s, 1990s, 70s, 50s it would be better”
k. We are comforted by numbers, tradition, experts, freedoms, but not Rom 15:4
June 18th, 2023
4. Where is Hope
a. When confronted with a sad reality, we can deceive ourselves or press on in hope
b. What is the harm in assuming the best? A: Their salvation, service to Christ, truth.
c. There is no harm in assuring salvation, repeating the gospel, fortifying foundation
d. We renounce dishonesty (false hope) so that we can give true hope in Christ.
i. If in this life only we have hope = misery - 1 Cor 15:19, Rom 5:2
ii. We are looking at a ‘Christian’ world without Christ - Eph 2:12, but now…
iii. The truth is known, our hope in Christ, God’s power to save, glory to come.
iv. A few more truly saved is better than much more with false hope.
The Christian Delusion