365 Promises

Promise #305:
I am tenderhearted towards all that I have made.

Psalm 145:9 (WEB)
Yahweh is good to all.
His tender mercies are over all his works.

The NLT says Psalm 145:9 this way... The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. What a loving Father we have! He is good and kind and compassionate to all that He has made! I have heard it said that God is the nicest person in the universe! Every day, He showers His compassion on us without many of us even aware of His tender mercies.

In the Garden of Eden, the serpent enticed Adam and Eve into questioning the goodness of God. In every day life, the enemy of our souls will try to do the same thing. "Is God really good?" "If He loved you why would you be suffering like you are?" etc. etc. I don't know many things, but I do know that my God and Father is good! He is gentle and loving and full of mercy towards you and me.

If you ever question the goodness of God, just watch a sunrise or sunset. Look at how our Father feeds the birds of the air. How he pours out his rain in due season. He is indeed tenderhearted and is good to all that He has made! ... And that includes us!

Father Heart Communications
Promise #306:
My love stretches to the heavens and My faithfulness extends above the clouds.

Psalm 36:5 (WEB)
Your loving kindness, Yahweh, is in the heavens.
Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

How great is the love of God? Just look up in the sky. How faithful is our Father? Keep looking up. Look past the clouds and into outer space. Find the most powerful telescope on the planet and keep looking. We will never find an end to the love of God and we will never exhaust His faithfulness. Ever.

The human brain cannot comprehend such a vast supply of God's goodness. That is why we need the power of His Spirit to grasp His love as Paul prayed in Ephesians 3:14-19...

14 For this cause, I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, that you may be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inward man; 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; to the end that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be strengthened to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know Christ’s love which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (WEB)

So today, I pray in agreement with the Apostle Paul's prayer, that our God and Father will give us the power to grasp the vastness of His immeasurable love and faithfulness that stretches to the heavens and beyond. May each one of us be rooted and grounded in His love for us so that we will never ever again struggle to believe that He really loves us.

May we declare with confidence that God's love stretches to the heavens and His faithfulness extends beyond the clouds.

Father Heart Communications
Promise #307:
I have chosen you to be My own treasured possession.

Deuteronomy 7:6 (WEB)
For you are a holy people to Yahweh your God:
Yahweh your God has chosen you to be a people for his own possession,
above all peoples who are on the face of the earth.

This declaration of love was spoken over the nation of Israel. God had set them apart for Himself and chosen them to be His own treasured possession. We know that as Christians, we have been grafted into the vine (Romans 11:16-18) and now share in the spiritual blessings from Abraham that God had originally declared over the nation of Israel.

We too are a special people that God has chosen for Himself, His treasured possession. Ephesians 1:3-6 tells us how God lovingly chose us before the creation of the world to be adopted as His beloved children in Christ. My question today is this... Do you feel the astronomical value that God has placed on your life?

If not, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how much you are treasured by your heavenly Father! I believe that if you ask Him today, He will be faithful to show you just how much you are loved and valued by God. In Romans 5:5 the Apostle Paul writes... and hope doesn’t disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (WEB)

Father Heart Communications
Promise #308:
I know everything about you and am mindful of all your ways.

Psalm 139:1-3 (WEB)
1 Yahweh, you have searched me, and you know me.
2 You know my sitting down and my rising up. You perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.

Have you ever walked into a room full of people yet felt completely alone? I believe that we can be surrounded by many people in our day to day lives yet still carry a sense of loneliness in the depths of our soul. The reason we feel this way is because we are all looking for a deeper, more profound interaction with people than just surface conversation. We want to truly know people and have them know us.

A professional counselor can get to 'know' a lot of people in their practice, yet still not be known by anyone themselves. I believe the cry of the human heart is that someone would know us through and through yet still accept us the way we are. In today's promise from Psalm 139:1-3, King David makes the declaration that God knows everything about him and is familiar with all his ways.

The same holds true for you. God knows everything about you. He has even numbered each hair on your head. He understands what makes you tick and as a loving father is filled with compassion towards his children... so His heart is moved with compassion toward you! (Psalm 103:13-14) You are never alone because God is with you. He is close to you and understands you more than you understand yourself.

May this revelation go deep into our hearts today so that we will never, ever feel alone again. He knows everything about us and yet He still loves us with all His heart!

Father Heart Communications
Promise #309:
The Spirit of life in Christ has set you free from sin and death.

Romans 8:2 (WEB)
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
made me free from the law of sin and of death.

In life as we know it, there are two laws at work. The law of the Spirit of life in Jesus and the law of sin and death. There are many other analogies in the Bible that illustrate this same point... two kingdoms (kingdom of light versus darkness), two trees in the garden, two cities (New Jerusalem and fallen Babylon), etc.

The point of today's promise is that we no longer have to live by the law of sin and death because of the finished work of Jesus Christ. We have been translated from the kingdom of darkness and now live in the Kingdom of the Son. While this is a spiritual reality, many dear people still live by the law of sin and death in their minds because they have not yet been able to believe that they are truly free.

The law of sin and death to a Christian is like a prisoner who finds some form of comfort in the prison cell because of its familiarity, though he is free to leave the prison at any time. We are free from its power because of what Jesus did on the cross two thousand years ago. We are no longer obliged to live by the power of sin and death! God wants us to experience the new freedom that we have in Christ because it is for freedom's sake that He set us free.

May the mind altering, earth shaking revelation of our freedom roar into our hearts today! The Spirit of life that is in Jesus Christ has set us free from the law of sin and death! Hallelujah!

Father Heart Communications
Promise #310:
Jesus bore your sins on the cross so you would be healed.

1 Peter 2:24 (WEB)
who his own self bore our sins in his body on the tree,
that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness;
by whose stripes you were healed.

Thank God for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who took upon Himself all of our sin so that we could receive all the tangible benefits of the New Covenant. Jesus paid the price so we wouldn't have to. Our healing was secured with each stripe of flesh that was torn from His back by the Roman guard.

While we know that our healing will be complete when we see Him face to face, may each one of us appropriate His sacrifice this side of heaven for whatever we need to be healed from today... body, soul and spirit.

Thank you Jesus for taking upon yourself the punishment of my sin and for making the way through your bruised body for me to experience complete wholeness in my life. I pray that I will have faith today to believe that by your stripes, I am healed!

Father Heart Communications
Promise #311:
Draw near to Me and I will cleanse you from an evil conscience.

Hebrews 10:22 (WEB)
let’s draw near with a true heart in fullness of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience,
and having our body washed with pure water,

An evil conscience is a guilty conscience. When we feel guilty, we feel shame. When we feel shame, we want to run and hide from God just like Adam and Eve did. Today's promise is an invitation from our Heavenly Father to come close to Him and He will cleanse us from the guilt that we struggle with and wash our bodies with pure water.

It takes real faith to believe that we are forgiven for all our sins. In the Christian life we sometimes act as if Jesus forgave our sin when we first became Christians but then it was our responsibility to keep from sinning from that point on. When we fall, we feel guilty and ashamed, and that sense of guilt keeps us from coming into the presence of God.

The truth is that it is God's heart to cleanse us from a guilty conscience so that we could truly draw near to Him without shame or condemnation. The shed blood of Jesus is the once and for all sacrifice for our past, present and future sins. There is nothing that we can do to add to what Jesus has already done. When He cried "It is finished!" on the cross, He meant it.

I pray that each one of us would receive the sprinkling of hearts from a guilty conscience today so that we can draw near to God so that He can draw near to us.

Father Heart Communications
Promise #312:
My love is patient and kind, and does not keep track of wrongs.

1 Corinthians 13:4-5 (WEB)
4 Love is patient and is kind; love doesn’t envy.
Love doesn’t brag, is not proud, 5 doesn’t behave itself inappropriately,
doesn’t seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil;

Since the Bible says in 1 John 4:16 that 'God is love', I think it is safe to say that we could exchange the word 'love' in 1 Corinthians for the word 'God' if we wanted to. Think about reading this passage of Scripture as a description of the character and nature of God Himself.

God is patient. God is kind. God doesn't envy. He isn't boastful. God is not proud. God isn't rude nor is He selfish. God isn't angered easily and God does not keep track of when He has been wronged.

The love that God has for us will completely overwhelm us if we let it. Not one of us has experienced this kind of unconditional love in human relationships. The best horizontal love is but a shadow of the ocean of love that God has for each one of us. May the Holy Spirit help us to continue to explore His amazing love, setting sail on the vast ocean of His kindness where He keeps no records of the times that we hurt Him.

Father, take us deeper in the depths of your love today! We open our hearts up to your unconditional, eternal love and we ask that we would know the vastness of your immeasurable love for us more today than ever before!

Father Heart Communications
Promise #313:
I am your light and your salvation, the strength of your life.

Psalm 27:1 (WEB)
Yahweh is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?
Yahweh is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid?

There is a confidence that the Lord wants us to walk in that will cause fear to flee from our lives. It is the confidence that the shepherd boy David walked in when he defeated the lion and the bear while tending the sheep. It is that same confidence that David had when he ran towards a huge giant named Goliath armed with just a sling shot and a few stones.

David knew that the Lord was his light and his salvation and the strength of his life. As a result of this revelation, David could walk in a holy boldness without being afraid. God wants us to have this same revelation too! Jesus Christ is our light and our salvation and the very strength of our lives! We have nothing to fear because if God is for us, who can possibly stand against us?

May the boldness of a lion (Proverbs 28:1) rise up within you today as you are reminded of who you are in Christ!

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Promise #315:
Come boldly to My throne when you need to find mercy and grace.

Hebrews 4:16 (WEB)
Let us therefore draw near with boldness to the throne of grace,
that we may receive mercy, and may find grace for help in time of need.

We have an invitation from our God and Father to come boldly before His throne of grace today. In the book of Revelation, we read a little bit about what God's throne room is like in chapter 4... Angels crying holy, holy holy, flashes of lightning, 24 elders bowing down, a sea of glass, and so much more! It is a holy place where angels fear to tread, but a place in our Father's heart where we have free access to enter as His beloved little ones.

You can come into His presence right now if you like. His royal doors are always open to you, anytime, day or night. God wants each one of us to come to Him boldly, not timidly. He loves it when we climb up on His lap just as a little child would jump into his dad's arms. He is always there for us ready to provide the mercy and grace to help us in our time of need.

There is no way that we can fathom the privilege that God has extended to us by inviting us to His throne of grace. It is an honor that could have only been purchased by the highest price possible...the shed blood of the Lamb of God. Thank you Jesus for making the way for us to become part of your family so that we could come boldly before our Father's throne of grace 24/7!

Father Heart Communications
Promise #327:
I will root your heart in the depths of My love.

Ephesians 3:17 (WEB)
that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith;
to the end that you, being rooted and grounded in love,

1 John 4:16 says that God is love. The Triune God... Father, Son & Holy Spirit is the perfect expression of love and we are caught up in the very center of their love relationship. Paul the Apostle prays that because of the indwelling presence of Jesus in our hearts, we will be rooted and grounded in love.

The life of any plant or tree is the root system they have. If their roots are shallow or not well developed, they are at risk of being blown away or dried up. But the deeper the root system, the stronger the plant or tree is. It is amazing to see how some trees can withstand hurricane force winds just because they have a strong root system.

In the same way, the Spirit of the living God wants to root our hearts in the very depths of His love. The more that we become convinced of God's love (Romans 8:37), the more we will know that nothing can ever separate us from His love. The more we become convinced, the deeper our root system goes.

Storms won't be able to move us, trials won't be able to cause us to question His love, nothing in all the world will be able to rock this revelation of love that is rooted deep into the heart of our Father. May today be a day where this revelation of love goes even deeper than yesterday, for our Papa's mercies are new every morning.

Father Heart Communications
Promise #340:
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to My heart.

Isaiah 40:11 (WEB)
He will feed his flock like a shepherd.
He will gather the lambs in his arm, and carry them in his bosom.
He will gently lead those who have their young.

In yesterday's promise, we talked about the benefit of having a loving Shepherd lead us and guide us. Today we want to continue that thought with an amazing illustration of God's love that comes from Isaiah 40:11. In this passage of Scripture, we see a very intimate picture of how God sees us as His little lambs.

He is the Great Shepherd who feeds us, carries us and leads us into greener pastures. If you struggle to feel God's nearness, I would encourage you to meditate on this Scripture and picture yourself as a little lamb needing to be picked up. God uses many illustrations throughout the Bible to help us comprehend how He feels about us.

A little lamb is helpless, defenseless and completely dependent on its shepherd, just like we are! I pray that God will give each one of us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation today (Ephesians 1:17) in greater measure so that we will really know that our God and Father carries us in His arms just like a shepherd carries a little lamb.

Father Heart Communications
Promise #348:
I will keep you safe from trouble for I am your hiding place.

Psalm 32:7 (WEB)
You are my hiding place. You will preserve me from trouble.
You will surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah.

In today's promise, we are reminded that God is our hiding place. He is a refuge for us when we need to be safe from trouble. I love how the Amplified Bible translates Psalm 32:7... You are a hiding place for me; You, Lord, preserve me from trouble, You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! (AMP)

I love how David puts the word 'Selah' at the end of this verse which the Amplified Bible says it means to 'pause, and calmly think of that!' So let's all take a short 'Selah' break and think about the idea that our God and Father is our hiding place and that He surrounds us with songs and shouts of deliverance when we need to be rescued.

What challenges are facing you today that you need refuge from? God is inviting you to run to Him so that He can be a place of safety and security for you and ultimately the place where He will deliver you from all your troubles. May each one of us take time to pause (Selah) in our busy lives to calmly think of today's promise.

Father Heart Communications
Promise #357:
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled.

2 Corinthians 5:18-19 (WEB)
18 But all things are of God, who reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ, and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses, and having committed to us the word of reconciliation.

The greatest promise that we could ever receive from our God and Father was the promise of reconciliation. Jesus came to the earth two thousand years ago to be the expressed image of the invisible God and to provide the way for us to become part of His amazing family through the work of the cross.

Because of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, we are now legitimate members of the family of God and joint heirs with Jesus Himself. There is no greater gift or honor that God could bestow upon us than to have the power to become His children (John 1:12-13).

And now, we too have been called into this glorious ministry of reconciliation, where we can invite others who are not yet in our Father's house, to be reconciled to God through the free gift of Jesus Christ! What an incredible gift the Father has given us, to be His co-laborers in the harvest field, inviting orphans and prodigals alike to come home through Jesus.

May we all have many, many opportunities to share in the ministry of reconciliation this Christmas season.

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When I offered up My one and only Son, I gave you the best gift I could give.

Romans 8:32 (WEB)
He who didn’t spare his own Son, but delivered him up for us all,
how would he not also with him freely give us all things?

Christmas marks the one day in the year where gifts are given and received around the world. I could not think of a more appropriate day to talk about the greatest gift that our Father could give. On a day that we celebrate the birth of God's only begotten Son, may we also be reminded of the reason why Jesus came to earth.

In John 3:16 we read that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son... It was the Father who gave us everything He could possibly give when He sacrificed the life of His treasured possession. In today's promise, Paul the Apostle reminds us of this incredible gift. God did not spare His Son, but delivered Him up to the most excruciating death on a cross in order that we could be born into His family.

The greatest gift that you could receive this Christmas day, is a deeper revelation of just how much our God and Father loves you. He gave up everything He loved in order to gain your love. May the revelation of His love go even deeper into your heart today and may the cross of Jesus Christ always be the ultimate symbol of our Father's greatest gift to you.

Have a blessed Christmas!

Father Heart Communications
Promise #360:
Nothing in all creation will ever separate you from My love.

Romans 8:35-39 (WEB)
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Could oppression, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 Even as it is written, “For your sake we are killed all day long. We were accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” 37 No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Paul the Apostle said he was convinced that nothing could separate him from the love of God. Then he went on to list many things that could try and separate him. Death, life, angels, principalities, powers, things in the present, things in the future, etc. But something happened in Paul's life that convinced him that no matter what happened, nothing would ever keep the love of God away.

This is a man who was ship wrecked, stoned, persecuted at every turn and eventually martyred. If Paul needed to be convinced of the closeness of God's love, I think we do too. The Bible says that God's tender mercies are new every morning, so every morning is a new opportunity for each one of us to be persuaded that we are loved beyond measure.

No matter what trials you are facing, nothing can ever separate you from God's love. Life can't separate you. Death can't. Angels or demons can't. Nothing in the present or in the future will ever separate you. No height, no depth nor any other creature will keep the love of God from overflowing and surrounding you... right now!

My prayer is that we would be more convinced of our Father's love today than we were yesterday!

Father Heart Communications
Promise #362:
My Son has made you to be a kingdom of priests to be with Me forever.

Revelation 1:5-6 (WEB)
5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us, and washed us from our sins by his blood; 6 and he made us to be a Kingdom, priests to his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

The NIV Bible says that Jesus made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father. The Amplified Bibles says that Jesus formed us into a kingdom (a royal race), priests to His God and Father. The KJV Bible says that Jesus has made us to be kings and priests to Father God. No matter what Bible translation you prefer, we have a very high calling.

Our Elder Brother has paid the price through His shed blood for us to be part of a royal priesthood that will minister unto His God and our God, His Father and our Father... forever! What a glorious thought! We are part of the highest royal family in the universe, not just when we get to heaven, but right now!

May the Holy Spirit give us revelation to know how high our heavenly calling is so that we might have a supernatural insight to know how to walk out our destiny as a kingdom of priests to our God and Father today.

Father Heart Communications
Promise #363:
When death is swallowed up, I will wipe every tear from your face.

Isaiah 25:8 (WEB)
He has swallowed up death forever!
The Lord Yahweh will wipe away tears from off all faces.
He will take the reproach of his people away from off all the earth,
for Yahweh has spoken it.

As followers of Christ, we have an amazing hope. The hope of eternal life and the hope that one day we will see our God and Father face to face. On that day, when death is swallowed up, He will wipe every tear away from our face.

Today's promise is also spoken of in Revelation 21:4 which says.... ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (NIV)

My prayer today is that we would all be strengthened with the hope that we have in Christ. No matter how difficult your circumstances, no matter how hopeless your situation, may divine hope flood your heart so that you would know that one day God will wipe away every tear from your eyes and take away all of the pain that you suffered on this earth.

Romans 15:13
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (NLT)

Father Heart Communications
Promise #365:
Hold fast to the hope you confess, for I am faithful to keep My promises.

Hebrews 10:23 (WEB)
let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering;
for he who promised is faithful.

As we wrap up this year and look toward to a brand new year, may God give us the strength today to hold fast to the hope that we confess and not give up. Having the confidence that God is who He says He is and we are who He says we are... let us not waver in our faith so that we can keep running our race (Hebrews 12:1-2).

It is so important that we keep believing that the One who has made every promise to us is forever faithful. Though we may go through times of loss and discouragement, those times do not change the truth of who God really is. Though clouds may sometimes block the sunshine so that we may not always feel its warmth, we can be assured that the sun is always shining.

As you reflect on this past year and commit the New Year into the hands of your loving God and Father, may your heart be filled with hope and your mind filled with peace for our God is the ultimate promise keeper. So don't give up, hold fast to the hope that you profess, for our God is faithful to keep His promises!

2 Corinthians 1:20 (NIV)
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.
And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

Father Heart Communications
Promise #1:
I am the Lord your God and I never change.

Malachi 3:6 (WEB)
“For I, Yahweh, don’t change;
therefore you, sons of Jacob, are not consumed.

As we begin a brand new year, it is important for us to be reminded of this simple truth... The Lord our God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Every promise that He has made is secure and will last forever. Since we live in a world that is constantly changing, the promise of our Father's rock-solid commitment to us is very reassuring.

Today is a new day and marks the beginning of a new year for us to be able to experience the Lord's continued faithfulness in our lives. He will never leave us or let us down. He loves us with all His heart and each one of His promises that is true today will be true in a million years from now.

I pray that this truth will bring a deeper level of comfort and security to each one of our lives. May we look forward to all of the ways that our Father will show Himself faithful to us in this New Year. May this new year be blessed beyond imagination for you!

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