Where did Hell/Hades/Sheol go?


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Because of the victory of Christ, the holding places of faithful and faithless people who had yet to have their sin to be paid for was away from God. It's a place many associate with Hell, or the Parable of Lazarus. A place of always wanting is beyond the chasm; where Abraham talks to the rich man. Lazarus was at rest, where the rich many were in what seemed like a state of unrest. To me, there is Paradise, Abrahams's bosom. There is the outside of Paradise, and there was also a place that is said to have angels chained in prison, awaiting judgment. Jesus again and his victory over sin, hell, death, Satan, When Hell (Sheol was dumped out, and tossed away), all those that had died from Genesis, and up until the point of the wrath of God has been administered to Israel. They were judged based on the actions they had done, before and placed where they were to go, from the ending of the Age - which brings in a new age, (Revelation 21-22), the place once known as Hell, is now done away with. Replaced with what? The Heavenly Kingdom established by the Lord Yeshua, now brings in the new age of fulfillment, in which today, people when they die are resurrected, be faithful human beings, or unfaithful human beings. Yahava, will give them their reward and gift them with a spiritual body which will be pleasing and good from him, (I suppose to be it condemned, or even of life.) Hell is replaced as it was a separation from God because of sin before sin was paid for. John mentions in Revelation 22, that outside of the kingdom are several categories which are covered there that are outside of the Kingdom and it seems that the lake of fire, while it was made for the devil and his angels and not human beings. Souls may take part in the fire that is from Yahava, and perhaps those outside, are able to come into the kingdom after suffering again loss in the afterlife, by a willingly choice. There is no more 'chasm which is impossible to cross'. there is a replacement 'The gates of the Kingdom never close.' However many people always state that common phrase "there is no second chance." While that may be true in the aspect of having built a spiritual treasury while here on earth, rather than building on the earthly, and not at all any spiritual treasury, receiving a resurrected condemned body that perhaps is not equipped enough to even bear the fire of Yahava.
Because of the victory of Christ, the holding places of faithful and faithless people who had yet to have their sin to be paid for was away from God. It's a place many associate with Hell, or the Parable of Lazarus. A place of always wanting is beyond the chasm; where Abraham talks to the rich man. Lazarus was at rest, where the rich many were in what seemed like a state of unrest. To me, there is Paradise, Abrahams's bosom. There is the outside of Paradise, and there was also a place that is said to have angels chained in prison, awaiting judgment. Jesus again and his victory over sin, hell, death, Satan, When Hell (Sheol was dumped out, and tossed away), all those that had died from Genesis, and up until the point of the wrath of God has been administered to Israel. They were judged based on the actions they had done, before and placed where they were to go, from the ending of the Age - which brings in a new age, (Revelation 21-22), the place once known as Hell, is now done away with. Replaced with what? The Heavenly Kingdom established by the Lord Yeshua, now brings in the new age of fulfillment, in which today, people when they die are resurrected, be faithful human beings, or unfaithful human beings. Yahava, will give them their reward and gift them with a spiritual body which will be pleasing and good from him, (I suppose to be it condemned, or even of life.) Hell is replaced as it was a separation from God because of sin before sin was paid for. John mentions in Revelation 22, that outside of the kingdom are several categories which are covered there that are outside of the Kingdom and it seems that the lake of fire, while it was made for the devil and his angels and not human beings. Souls may take part in the fire that is from Yahava, and perhaps those outside, are able to come into the kingdom after suffering again loss in the afterlife, by a willingly choice. There is no more 'chasm which is impossible to cross'. there is a replacement 'The gates of the Kingdom never close.' However many people always state that common phrase "there is no second chance." While that may be true in the aspect of having built a spiritual treasury while here on earth, rather than building on the earthly, and not at all any spiritual treasury, receiving a resurrected condemned body that perhaps is not equipped enough to even bear the fire of Yahava.
God set judgement for sin= death. Thus at death one pays in full the wages of all past sins and cannot be rejudged on them. Romans 6:7= One is acquitted of all sin at death--Thus in the resurrection, one gets an opportunity to learn and apply Gods will with no satan influences around,( during the 1000 year reign of Christ) then satan gets loosed for a little while to test the resurrected ones faith, some stand, some fall. Otherwise there would be no sense loosing satan to those who already stood with their faith under his influences( now)-Its to test the resurrected who are getting a second chance. What a loving provision by God who is love.
Sheol and Hades= the grave, both death and the grave will be destroyed in the lake of fire after all rebels are dealt with.
Sheol and Hades= the grave

To correct Sheol is the grave; the land of the dead; a type and precursor of hell.
the Berean Bible Society has written that:
Sheol is NOT THE GRAVE, as a cursory study shows;

There is too much evidence to put it all here so I'll post one url of so many that will provide what is lacking:
Berean Bible Society

Hades is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament word Sheol. The Greek and Hebrew words speak of the same place, the present Hell. However, this is problematic because Sheol has been translated "grave" as often as it has "hell" and some have mistakenly taught that Sheol and Hades are only references to the grave rather than Hell. This erroneous teaching leads to the denial of the existence of an immediate or present Hell. The false doctrine of soul-sleep, and other ideas that teach the unconscious state of the dead between death and resurrection, spring from this error.

The common word for "grave" in the Old Testament is queber. Of the sixty-four times it is used, it is translated "grave" thirty-four times, "sepulcher" twenty-six times, and "burying place" four times. Queber is used five additional times as part of a place name, Kibroth-hattaavah, which means "graves of lust." As we said earlier, Sheol is found sixty-four times, being rendered "grave" thirty-one times, "hell" thirty-one times, and "pit" three times.

A comparison of how Sheol and queber are used reveals eight points of contrast that tell us that they are not the same thing.

1. Sheol is never used in plural form. Queber is used in the plural 29 times.

2. It is never said that the body goes to Sheol. Queber speaks of the body going there 37 times.

3. Sheol is never said to be located on the face of the earth. Queber is mentioned 32 times as being located on the earth.

4. An individual's Sheol is never mentioned. An individual's queber is mentioned 5 times.

5. Man is never said to put anyone into Sheol. Individuals are put into a queber by man (33 times).

6. Man is never said to have dug or fashioned a Sheol. Man is said to have dug, or fashioned, a queber (6 times).

7. Man is never said to have touched Sheol. Man touches, or can touch, a queber (5 times).

8. It is never said that man is able to possess a Sheol. Man is spoken of as being able to possess a queber (7 times). (These eight points of comparison are adapted from "Life and Death" by Caleb J. Baker, Bible Institute Colportage ***'n, 1941).

From the differences between how Sheol and queber are used in Scripture, it is obvious that they are not the same thing. The Greek word Hades in the New Testament would fit into the Sheol column of our chart, strongly indicating that it is the same thing as Sheol. Hades is used eleven times, being rendered Hell ten times and grave once.

While we have not exhausted the subject by looking at every passage that Sheol is found in, it is clear from these examples that Sheol is not simply the grave but is located at the center of the earth and is the abode of the souls of the unrighteous dead who are awaiting their resurrection unto condemnation. It is equally clear that those in Sheol/Hades are not in an unconscious state of existence but are quite aware of what is going on around them. There is memory, recognition, and communication there.

While Paradise is not now a part of Sheol/Hades it will be mentioned here because it was located in Sheol/Hades at one time. Before the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ everybody who died went to Sheol/Hades, which was at that time divided into at least two compartments. One was a place of torment while the other was a place of blessing, which was referred to as Abraham's Bosom (Lk. 16:22-25).

Christ's soul was in Sheol/Hades between His death and resurrection. The place where Christ's soul went between His death and resurrection is also called paradise (Luke 23:43).
To correct Sheol is the grave; the land of the dead; a type and precursor of hell.
the Berean Bible Society has written that:
Sheol is NOT THE GRAVE, as a cursory study shows;

There is too much evidence to put it all here so I'll post one url of so many that will provide what is lacking:
Berean Bible Society

Hades is the New Testament equivalent of the Old Testament word Sheol. The Greek and Hebrew words speak of the same place, the present Hell. However, this is problematic because Sheol has been translated "grave" as often as it has "hell" and some have mistakenly taught that Sheol and Hades are only references to the grave rather than Hell. This erroneous teaching leads to the denial of the existence of an immediate or present Hell. The false doctrine of soul-sleep, and other ideas that teach the unconscious state of the dead between death and resurrection, spring from this error.

The common word for "grave" in the Old Testament is queber. Of the sixty-four times it is used, it is translated "grave" thirty-four times, "sepulcher" twenty-six times, and "burying place" four times. Queber is used five additional times as part of a place name, Kibroth-hattaavah, which means "graves of lust." As we said earlier, Sheol is found sixty-four times, being rendered "grave" thirty-one times, "hell" thirty-one times, and "pit" three times.

A comparison of how Sheol and queber are used reveals eight points of contrast that tell us that they are not the same thing.

1. Sheol is never used in plural form. Queber is used in the plural 29 times.

2. It is never said that the body goes to Sheol. Queber speaks of the body going there 37 times.

3. Sheol is never said to be located on the face of the earth. Queber is mentioned 32 times as being located on the earth.

4. An individual's Sheol is never mentioned. An individual's queber is mentioned 5 times.

5. Man is never said to put anyone into Sheol. Individuals are put into a queber by man (33 times).

6. Man is never said to have dug or fashioned a Sheol. Man is said to have dug, or fashioned, a queber (6 times).

7. Man is never said to have touched Sheol. Man touches, or can touch, a queber (5 times).

8. It is never said that man is able to possess a Sheol. Man is spoken of as being able to possess a queber (7 times). (These eight points of comparison are adapted from "Life and Death" by Caleb J. Baker, Bible Institute Colportage ***'n, 1941).

From the differences between how Sheol and queber are used in Scripture, it is obvious that they are not the same thing. The Greek word Hades in the New Testament would fit into the Sheol column of our chart, strongly indicating that it is the same thing as Sheol. Hades is used eleven times, being rendered Hell ten times and grave once.

While we have not exhausted the subject by looking at every passage that Sheol is found in, it is clear from these examples that Sheol is not simply the grave but is located at the center of the earth and is the abode of the souls of the unrighteous dead who are awaiting their resurrection unto condemnation. It is equally clear that those in Sheol/Hades are not in an unconscious state of existence but are quite aware of what is going on around them. There is memory, recognition, and communication there.

While Paradise is not now a part of Sheol/Hades it will be mentioned here because it was located in Sheol/Hades at one time. Before the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ everybody who died went to Sheol/Hades, which was at that time divided into at least two compartments. One was a place of torment while the other was a place of blessing, which was referred to as Abraham's Bosom (Lk. 16:22-25).

Christ's soul was in Sheol/Hades between His death and resurrection. The place where Christ's soul went between His death and resurrection is also called paradise (Luke 23:43).
The bible says--ALL are going to Sheol at death= the grave. Eccl 9:10--All that your hands find to do, do with your very power, for there is no work, nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol the place to which you are going.
The bible says--ALL are going to Sheol at death= the grave. Eccl 9:10--All that your hands find to do, do with your very power, for there is no work, nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol the place to which you are going.
Eccl 9:10 does not say that to me...it just says there are no more worldly pursuits in Sheol...and you base your ignoring of the many scriptures I used because of this one? Nope, tooo-oo skimpy.
Eccl 9:10 does not say that to me...it just says there are no more worldly pursuits in Sheol...and you base your ignoring of the many scriptures I used because of this one? Nope, tooo-oo skimpy.
The OT teaches as well--All thought stops on the day of ones death.
It doesn’t go anywhere until after the new heavens and new earth are created as per Revelation 21-22. It is thrown into the eternal lake of fire.

hope this helps !!!
If Jesus spoke of the end of the age to his disicples, after his death, burial, and resurrection. The Holy Spirit would remind them of everything that they were told, and they would go forth and also confess that the Lord was going to come back, coming through the clouds when they would gather and have fellowship, just like people still do today.

The only difference was the Wrath of God was also going to come down on Israel for what it had done by killing the Son of God, and their entirity history would be wiped out, and be made new by God through spiritual means and no longer matrial means.

To me the trumpet was the last war which was God using the Roman army to take out the nation of Israel and wipe out all of its history, including the temple, and the priesthood, and offering sacrfices, geneaologies was all burned up and done away with when the wrath of God had fallen upon them.

This would include the judgment of Satan, those who were in hell which gave up all the souls within it, the judgement of the beast and false prophet, the doing away with hell and death. And that some souls ahich would partake in the lake of fire. Which was not made for humans but for Satan and his angels.

This would allow for all things to become new, and now all who believe are adopted as children of God, and all people have had their sins taken care off and all people are able to access Yahava because of the Lord Jesus Christ. Which one can relaize that the World has be reconciled back to God and that the Garden of Eden like state has been restablished by spiritual means, today people pick from the tree of life or the other.
The grave is where bodies go. Sheol is where souls go.

Since the Cross, the Paradise side of Sheol is empty for those souls now wait in heaven for the resurrection of the body. Their bodies are still in the grave.
The grave is where bodies go. Sheol is where souls go.

Since the Cross, the Paradise side of Sheol is empty for those souls now wait in heaven for the resurrection of the body. Their bodies are still in the grave.
SO everybody in Heaven right now are just drifting around in space with NO BODIES????
If Jesus spoke of the end of the age to his disicples, after his death, burial, and resurrection. The Holy Spirit would remind them of everything that they were told, and they would go forth and also confess that the Lord was going to come back, coming through the clouds when they would gather and have fellowship, just like people still do today.

The only difference was the Wrath of God was also going to come down on Israel for what it had done by killing the Son of God, and their entirity history would be wiped out, and be made new by God through spiritual means and no longer matrial means.

To me the trumpet was the last war which was God using the Roman army to take out the nation of Israel and wipe out all of its history, including the temple, and the priesthood, and offering sacrfices, geneaologies was all burned up and done away with when the wrath of God had fallen upon them.

This would include the judgment of Satan, those who were in hell which gave up all the souls within it, the judgement of the beast and false prophet, the doing away with hell and death. And that some souls ahich would partake in the lake of fire. Which was not made for humans but for Satan and his angels.

This would allow for all things to become new, and now all who believe are adopted as children of God, and all people have had their sins taken care off and all people are able to access Yahava because of the Lord Jesus Christ. Which one can relaize that the World has be reconciled back to God and that the Garden of Eden like state has been restablished by spiritual means, today people pick from the tree of life or the other.
This hasn't occurred-Rev 19:11, Nor has Rev 21:4--they are coming. Nor has death and Hades been destroyed in the lake of fire either.
The grave is where bodies go. Sheol is where souls go.

Since the Cross, the Paradise side of Sheol is empty for those souls now wait in heaven for the resurrection of the body. Their bodies are still in the grave.
but this does not include the souls of the wicked spirits, those who RETURN to Sheol on their death, Ps 9:17 The wicked will RETURN to Sheol—all the nations who forget God.
Berean Standard Bible

Going to Sheol is the result of a judgment. The implication is clear. The wicked are punished by being sent to Sheol instead of heaven. The word is translated as return 391 times by the biased KJV, just not here in this verse.

TURN BACK; Strong’s H7725 shûb - shoob
A primitive root; to turn back
to return, turn back
• to turn back
• to return, come or go back
• to return unto, go back, come back

IF the wicked RETURN to Sheol, logic and ordinary use of language indicates that they were there before but left. We have humans coming from Sheol and then returning back to there. We also have Christ telling us that the good seed, the people of the kingdom are sown into the world by the Son of Man and the people of the evil one are sown into the world by the devil, Matt 13:36-39. Where were they before they were sown? And sown cannot mean to be created as the devil does this sowing also and he can't create people.

Does this explanation of the parable refer to the moving of people from Sheol attested to by Ps 9:17 and Psalm 139:11-15
15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;

where Sheol is located? How can it be when orthodoxy has already declared from Rabbinical times it means something else and cannot be a reference hint to our pre-conception existence, PCE. And we also have the King James Bible to keep us straight (or to hide the fact of PCE?) about the orthodox interpretation, that is: The wicked shall be turned into (somewhat the opposite of to return) sheol, ignoring or refusing to mention shûb refers to a return to where they were before.
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