Jesus was crucified on Wednesday that6 week.
There was a special sabbath that week that began sunset Wednesday at sunset.
The Jews regular Sabbaths began at Night on their Saturday.
Two sabbaths that week!
So that makes?
Crucified on Wednesday!
Wednesday (
Day One) Jesus soul went below the earth while his dead body hung on the Cross during daylight.
Night began Thursday.
Night One his soul was already below the earth and body now in the tomb.
Daylight Thursday - Soul still under the earth.
Day Two.
Then Night - Friday begins. Soul still under the earth.
Night Two.
Then Daylight - Friday. Soul still under the earth.
Day three.
Then Night (regular Sabbath begins) ..Soul still under the earth.
Night Three!
That makes Three Days and Three Nights!
Sometime before sunrise Sabbath day Jesus arose.
Daylight Saturday was the Sabbath Day.
So they could not travel to the tomb then.
Jesus body was already resurrected!
Sunday was the first day of the week for the Jews.
With the Sabbath over, Mary traveled to the tomb on Sunday to see the Resurrected Lord.
grace and peace ............