The following from my website lists a critical message to the church from Valdres Norway.
Author's Note: Chart from International Monetary Fund shows drop in military spending from what is known as the peace dividend[6]
The Valdres Prophecy (1964)
What is the Valdres Prophecy?
The Valdres Prophecy (Imanuel Minos Transcript 1993[1], Emanuel Minos med profetier 2011[2], The prophecy of Valdres, Norway, 1968[3]) is a prophecy that was given to Emanuel Minos (Wikipedia 2024[4]) by a 90 year old Christian woman in 1964 or 1968. It details events leading up to the Third World War, said to be the current war in Ukraine. The war we have is said to turn Nuclear. It also details events between 1964 and the preset day, all of the events she predicted have come to pass, all that is left to take place is the Nuclear part. With President Putin of Russia currently speaking of the real possibility of Nuclear conflict[5][7] we should investigate the words of this prophecy with Godly fear.Valdres Prophecy
Below is the Valdres Prophecy as narrated by Emanuel Minos in one of his meetings. The reference to that meeting (Imanuel Minos Transcript 1993[1]) lists 1993 as the recording date, but the actual date of the recording may vary. 1993 was the first time the prophecy was read in public.How the Prophecy was Received
I [Imanuel Minos (Wikipedia 2024[4])] had studied in Oxford, I had been in Oxford at the university for five years. In total I was in Oxford for seven years. Two years studying language and five years at the university. When I got back from my studying in Oxford, I got a calling in Norway that I had never got before. I got a calling from the Norwegian church; and I arrived to a church in a place called Valdres; a valley that is incredibly beautiful. I held Mass there, I kept to the scriptures, and it was not a prophetic message. But when the preaching was done and the meeting was over, I was standing with the elder of the church of a nearby village. My wife was also there. Then an old lady approached. She said she was 90 years old: "Do you want to write this down" she said "Cause I have had a vision of when Jesus returns; and when the Third World War breaks out." So I wrote the vision down. She said "When God reminds you of this, then you shall read this on your meetings." But when I returned to Oslo, and had read trough the vision, I said to myself, this is to radical, its too extreme, I could never read this on an open meeting. So I put it away in a drawer. This was in 1964; and it stayed there. But then in 1993, I was cleaning out this drawer, and the vision fell out. I looked at it, and much had come to pass. Much had been fulfilled. I said to myself, I will find courage, and read this on a meeting when I speak of Jesus return; and this I have done, and it has attracted a lot of attention; after this it has been published in several newspapers.Leading up to the War
Now I will tell you what she said: "It was like a map was rolled out in front of me; I saw it with my natural eyes." Cause I asked her if she saw it within herself, "no" she said, "I saw it with my natural eyes. It was like a map and I saw it with my natural eyes. On the map was all of the continents. I noticed Europe, Scandinavia and Norway. What I was allowed to see was things that should take place before the return of Jesus, and the breakout of the Third World War". The vision is split in four parts, this is the first part. "Before Jesus returns, and before the Third World War breaks out. There will be a calm period". This was in the time of the cold war; she continued "There will be a long period of peace between the great powers of the world. People will make long term plans. In our country there will be disarmament[6]; and we will once again be unprepared, just as we were in the 9th of April 1940; when Hitler and Germany occupied Norway. The Third World War starts in a way that no one expected; and from a totally unexpected direction”.Author's Note: Chart from International Monetary Fund shows drop in military spending from what is known as the peace dividend[6]