Valdres Urgent Prophecy

The following from my website lists a critical message to the church from Valdres Norway.

The Valdres Prophecy (1964)​

What is the Valdres Prophecy?​

The Valdres Prophecy (Imanuel Minos Transcript 1993[1], Emanuel Minos med profetier 2011[2], The prophecy of Valdres, Norway, 1968[3]) is a prophecy that was given to Emanuel Minos (Wikipedia 2024[4]) by a 90 year old Christian woman in 1964 or 1968. It details events leading up to the Third World War, said to be the current war in Ukraine. The war we have is said to turn Nuclear. It also details events between 1964 and the preset day, all of the events she predicted have come to pass, all that is left to take place is the Nuclear part. With President Putin of Russia currently speaking of the real possibility of Nuclear conflict[5][7] we should investigate the words of this prophecy with Godly fear.

Valdres Prophecy​

Below is the Valdres Prophecy as narrated by Emanuel Minos in one of his meetings. The reference to that meeting (Imanuel Minos Transcript 1993[1]) lists 1993 as the recording date, but the actual date of the recording may vary. 1993 was the first time the prophecy was read in public.

How the Prophecy was Received​

I [Imanuel Minos (Wikipedia 2024[4])] had studied in Oxford, I had been in Oxford at the university for five years. In total I was in Oxford for seven years. Two years studying language and five years at the university. When I got back from my studying in Oxford, I got a calling in Norway that I had never got before. I got a calling from the Norwegian church; and I arrived to a church in a place called Valdres; a valley that is incredibly beautiful. I held Mass there, I kept to the scriptures, and it was not a prophetic message. But when the preaching was done and the meeting was over, I was standing with the elder of the church of a nearby village. My wife was also there. Then an old lady approached. She said she was 90 years old: "Do you want to write this down" she said "Cause I have had a vision of when Jesus returns; and when the Third World War breaks out." So I wrote the vision down. She said "When God reminds you of this, then you shall read this on your meetings." But when I returned to Oslo, and had read trough the vision, I said to myself, this is to radical, its too extreme, I could never read this on an open meeting. So I put it away in a drawer. This was in 1964; and it stayed there. But then in 1993, I was cleaning out this drawer, and the vision fell out. I looked at it, and much had come to pass. Much had been fulfilled. I said to myself, I will find courage, and read this on a meeting when I speak of Jesus return; and this I have done, and it has attracted a lot of attention; after this it has been published in several newspapers.

Leading up to the War​

Now I will tell you what she said: "It was like a map was rolled out in front of me; I saw it with my natural eyes." Cause I asked her if she saw it within herself, "no" she said, "I saw it with my natural eyes. It was like a map and I saw it with my natural eyes. On the map was all of the continents. I noticed Europe, Scandinavia and Norway. What I was allowed to see was things that should take place before the return of Jesus, and the breakout of the Third World War". The vision is split in four parts, this is the first part. "Before Jesus returns, and before the Third World War breaks out. There will be a calm period". This was in the time of the cold war; she continued "There will be a long period of peace between the great powers of the world. People will make long term plans. In our country there will be disarmament[6]; and we will once again be unprepared, just as we were in the 9th of April 1940; when Hitler and Germany occupied Norway. The Third World War starts in a way that no one expected; and from a totally unexpected direction”.
Author's Note: Chart from International Monetary Fund shows drop in military spending from what is known as the peace dividend[6]

The Churches Decline​

The second part: "There will be a falling away, that does not have any comparison; from true and real Christianity. Among the believers many will be lukewarm. They will no longer be open to examine their beliefs. People will not want to hear about sin and grace, the gospel, repentance. A new kind of preaching will take over the pulpit. It will be about searching for happiness, success and material gains. A kind of prosperity gospel. The churches will start to become empty. The same with the prayer houses. The believers will no longer want to follow Jesus on the narrow path. Entertainment, Art and cultural happenings will take more and more of what before was revival preaching, repentance and need". This was the second part.

Immorality on TV​

Third part: "There will be a moral falling away, such as we have never witnessed before. People will be living like married without being married". At this time there was no concept of this kind of living arrangements, so the old lady expressed herself like this. "There will be great sin and uncleanness before the marriage; and there will be much adultery in the marriages, even in the Christian ones. Homosexual sins will also start to spread; and this sin will even be accepted in Christian followings. Television will play a great part. There will be many TV stations", in this time they didn't say channels "The television will be filled with violence, and the violence will become entertainment, this violence that people see on the television will come to form the cities and villages. They will also show intimate love scenes; The most intimate that belongs to the marriage will be shown openly on the television”. When she said this I objected and told her this is not lawful in Norway. Norway has a law against this kind of thing. And when I said this she raised her voice and shouted, "When this time comes people will no longer follow this law, no one will then care about these things".

Immigration into Europe​

Part four: "People from poor countries will pour into the rich countries. They will come to Europe, Scandinavia and Norway, there will be many that comes, and the people will start to dislike them and threat them harshly.” When she said this she started crying. “They will threat them more and more like the Jews before the second world war. When this happens, then the measure of our sins is full, and the war will break out.

The War Turns Nuclear​

At first it will be a little conflict, an insignificant dispute but it will not end instead it magnifies and spreads, Finally it escalates into a big war, at the end of this war there is terrible weapons used, among other atomic weapons. The air, water and earth is poisoned and ruined. People from the industrialized countries in America, Europa, Australia, Japan and others will have to flee, they can not stay there. They will flee to the poor countries that have escaped the worst, but there the people will not be very happy to receive us; in the same way that we were not willing to receive them"

Why the Valdres Prophecy is Important​

The Valdres Prophecy is important becasue it has so far all come to pass. It's accuracy is impressive, I believe it was written in 1964, as Minos tells us, because he was is a credible minister of the gospel, and had no reason to make it up. Minos has since passed away. The prophecy reads like todays newspaper. With it predicting Nuclear War, shadowed by the fact the President Putin of Russia is currently threatening Nuclear War (Daily Mail UK (Putin's Threat) 2024[7]), as are many of his advisers (The Sun 2024[5]), we would be wise to take note of the prophecy and prepare our hearts and minds by having a humble attitude, a repentant heart, and even swift feet.
As I reported in the other forum where we traded posts on this "prophecy," Only the claim of immigration is correct. Everything else is incorrect, therefore false, and therefor proof the Valdres prophecy did not come from God. There is no Third World War, while Church attendance has decreased in Europe it has remained constant worldwide and increased in Asia and Africa. Immorality in television (cable, subscriptions, etc.) has increased, but its increase is relevant to the start of television and not the history of the world in which there have much more egregious periods (like during the days of Imperial Rome) and the most wholesome movies and shows still persist as the overwhelming more popular content. The claims of immigration are true but, again, relative. Immigration has always occurred during times of distress in the world. Massive immigration occurred during the Napoleonic Wars, the plagues, and rise and fall of most empires. That the current immigration occurs from the Middle East in Europe and the southern Americas in the US is temporally new, but not historically prophetic. It is, however, the closest this 90-year-old woman came to truth. Military spending has NOT decreased and there hasn't been a nuclear bomb used in 75 years (her prophecy occurred at a time when hysterics about "the bomb" were very high), nuclear arsenals have decreased since she first spoke, and if even a tenth of the nuclear weapons existing were employed all life would eventually cease to exist.

None of the prophecy has come to pass. The prophecy is not important. You, @FutureAndAHope, have spent years posting ops containing prognostications that never come true. These ops are posted to any already-saved and regenerate readership who have no need of warning even if modern futurist eschatological views are correct, which makes these ops poor stewardship. These ops bear poor witness to outsiders because they are never true. I do not mean to be harsh, but by the looks of the profile pic, you're old and will, therefore, likely die without a single word of this op ever coming true. The modern futurists' last breath will be drawn realizing all those many ops were untrue (and that jerk Josh's dissent was correct ;)) and all that time and effort was wasted on a bad eschatology that taught adherents to do things no Christian should be doing (false teaching, lack of accountability, measuring scripture by secular news reports rather than the other way around, living in a manner contrary to your own beliefs, etc.).

If it hasn't already been done, give Gary Demar's "Last Days Madness" a read. If you live in the continental US, I will purchase the book and have it sent to a local post office general delivery and the promise it will be read cover to cover. Just PM me and we can make those arrangements.

Modern futurist eschatology, especially the Dispensationalist variety of premillennialism is an eschatology that was literally invented in the 19th century and there hasn't been a single prediction made by any modern futurist that has come true in the eschatologies nearly two centuries of existence. That's a 100% fail rate over 200 years. It's a bad eschatology. It needs to be discarded in favor of one of the more orthodox, more historic, more scriptural alternatives.
*** for the prophecy "everything" she said has come to pass, so you should fear. What she said is irrelevant to what I may have said.

In my defence. There has only been one thing that I have quoted that did not come to pass, and that was regarding a dream that I had, I saw someone else with a similar prophecy, they had set a date they believed a thing would happen, so I thought the date must have been correct. So I stated the LORD had shown me some things, and it would happen on that date. I was wrong to just take someone else's word for it.

As for correct revelation, of which I have had more. I dreamt three dreams of the Ukraine war some 10 years ago. All of them involved the Russian army.

Here are some more that came to pass.

Douglas Wood​

Some time after the second Gulf War an Australian man Douglas Wood was captured by terrorists in Iraq, who made demands for a ransom or he would be executed. I set about fasting and praying for his release, I said to God "You know where he is....tell me". Three words entered my mind ABC, Bazaar and "a meal". I thought "I am going crazy what has all that got to do with him. Bazaar I though "this is Bizarre". I thought maybe "a meal" is a town so I searched a map of Iraq for a town of that name, but found nothing that really matched. Some time latter Douglas Wood was freed by US troops who came across his captors. It was not until latter that I actually discovered what the three words meant. I was on a forum and came across a post by a user called ABC in the post she appealed to the terrorists to release Douglas Wood because she had seen him go to a Bazaar (another name for shop) and bought food (sausages I think it was) for disadvantaged people and had provided them with "a meal". So the three words God had given me when I prayed were about that post. So God did not tell me where he was he told me what type of person Douglas Wood was a good man. I believe God saw Douglas Wood's kind action too and blessed with an escape from his captors.

Simon Murray​

One morning I got up and walked into the hall and I heard a voice that I believed was God say "How would you like to be stabbed in the Valley". The Valley was known as the rough end of town, and the voice scared me a little, I wondered if I had done something to offend God. I had planned to go down to the Valley to ask people out to church as was my habit at the time. In the end I went anyway regardless of the fear. I walked up to the first person I met and asked him if he would like to go out to church. He said to me "I am an atheist, I don't believe in God". I just said "fine", but hoped to change his mind. He then proceeded to unbutton his shirt and showed me scar marks up and down his chest and stomach. He said to me, "I was attacked by a knife wielding man in the Valley some time ago and spent months recovering in hospital, How could God allow that to happen to me". Then I knew why God had said in the morning "How would I like to be stabbed?". God understood this man, but had a good plan for him. Some weeks latter this man came out to church and became a Christian.
I find it suspicious about prophecies made under the pre-mil dispensationalist view since that doctrine developed in the 1800s. My most recent findings on Revelation is that its message was a restatement of the turmoil that was growing in the first-century, as tied with OT prophecy and the affirmation of those prophecies by Jesus. Consequently, Revelation was a message to encourage those first-century Christians in the face of persecution so they would have a roadmap of the end of that suffering with assurance of the glorious outcome. I do still see a bodily resurrection for Christians yet in the future and for us getting through to the great end of the current deception per Rev 20:7-10.
In my defence. There has only been one thing that I have quoted that did not come to pass....
That is untrue.

Nothing in the prophecy has come true as prophetic. Understand what I mean. It's akin to those who say Isaiah's prophecy is that a young maiden, not a virgin, will become pregnant. There is nothing particularly prophetic about a young maiden getting pregnant. It happens every day. To read the "prophecy" as "young" maiden is to remove the prophetic aspect of the prophecy. The reverse has happened with this 90-year-old woman. She's predicted things that aren't particularly prophetic. At best there are simply matters of degrees that are true, not whole truth. There have always been threats of wars and actual wars and ebbs and flows to military spending and immigration. To say, "There will be a time of increased immigration," is not inherently prophetic. Neither is it particularly prophetic to say, "military spending will decrease." What she's done is the equivalent of saying a young maiden will get pregnant.

More importantly, much of what she's "predicted" did ntot come true and I showed you where in the other forum. Military spending has not decreased and that chart in the op is wrong. So not only is the 90-year-old woman not a prophet, but the website providing that graph is not a reliable source. Nothing they say about the 90-year-old woman false prophetess is to be trusted because they added their own falsehoods. So when you act like this wasn't already shown you and claim, "There's only one thing that hasn't come true," then you're part of the problem to be solved.

The problem isn't just false teachers. The problem is the undiscerning spread of false prognostication under the guise of imminency.

That's why, in the other forum, I asked what, specifically, you thought was going to happen if this prophecy is true and when, exactly, you think that might happen. Neither question was ever answered and that failure to commit fully to the op is another part of the problem to be solved. Tell me what you think the Valdres prophecy actually means and when you think that will happen and then we'll have something concrete by which to measure this op. That is, of course, where most modern futurists back away and start employing ad hominem.

Don't be that guy.

Dispensationalist and modern futurists have been making prognostications for nearly 200 year and NOTHING they've ever predicted has ever come true.

As a consequence, they continue to make prognostication but refrain from being very specific. The vagary is thought to prove sufficient insulation when the fact of scripture is that if that woman made just one mistake, then she is not to be feared or trusted and if we were living in Old Testament times she'd have been taken out and stoned to death as a false prophet. So do not think...
*** for the prophecy "everything" she said has come to pass, so you should fear. What she said is irrelevant to what I may have said.

In my defence. There has only been one thing that I have quoted that did not come to pass..... a defense for anything. It is not.

Douglas Wood and Simon Murray will not be your defense attorneys when you stand before God.
Military spending has not decreased and that chart in the op is wrong. So not only is the 90-year-old woman not a prophet, but the website providing that graph is not a reliable source.
That image/graph was sourced from the International Monetary Fund.

[6] - Worldwide military spending, when estimated on the basis of unweighted country averages, has declined by nearly half, from 3.6 percent of GDP during the Cold War period (1970–90) to 1.9 percent of GDP in the years following the global financial crisis (2010–19) (Chart 1).

Military Spending 2021, Military Spending in the Post-Pandemic Era | International Monetary Fund, accessed 3 October 2024 <>
What? You don't believe a credible source like that. The LORD rebuke you.

The IMF is not a reliable source. Everything every government does has political motive behind it. All information governments provide is, therefore, biased. When it comes to entities like the IMF (or the UN, or the WHO, etc.) one of their chief motives is globalization. Another is the perception everything they're doing is working and working well. They do not say, "We messed up and, as a consequence, the thing we were trying to fix is now worse than before."

As a Christian you know how difficult it is to always and everywhere be completely honest and.... forthcoming. Just think for a moment how difficult that is for a pile of non-Christians. Assuming a small portion of the people running the IMF are religious men and women, they have some semblance of religiously-informed values. The rest of them are secularist, atheists, and perhaps some of them are antitheists (they'd like the world to be rid of religion altogether). The political point of view that is growing the most is not traditional representative democracy; it is Marxism. If you've ever read Marx then you know Marx considered religion to have a dumbing effect on people and it is, therefore, something to be gotten rid of, to be aggressively purged from humanity. If you know the history of socialism then you know the Communist versions persecuted and murdered millions of people simply and solely because they were religious - religious, not just Christians. France is still a democracy, but it increasingly persecutes and prosecutes religious expression. You yourself have noted how the church buildings in Europe are empty... and that's a growing problem here in the US (which is increasingly accepting of Marxist socialism. If Islam wasn't so violent about its own existence the war on religion would be a lot further along.

The globalists and Marxists in the IMF are not honest people.

And when it comes to military spending you KNOW Russia and Ukraine are in the middle of a war that's been going on (and off) for the last ten years and in the last three years Russia has been spending money on its military like a rich kid in the candy store of penny-candy day. The eastern European countries that were formerly satellite states of the former Soviet Union have been aiding Ukraine..... increasing their own military spending. NATO countries that aren't in imminent fear of Russia invading their territory (like France, the UK, and the US) have been sending piles of money to Ukraine. A simple Google search, "How much military aid has the us given to Ukraine?" shows $61 billion in direct military aid. That doesn't count indirect aid and welfare aide that isn't counted as military spending but for all intents and purposes is given solely so Ukraine might win the war.

Is the IMF lying or is it the US accounting office that is lying?

The same is true of the war in Israel. 14 months ago Israel had a yearly budget in which a specified amount was allotted for military spending. That figure increased exponentially on October 7, 2023 because of the Hamas attacks and threats from Hezbollah. The US and other countries have been dumping direct and indirect resources into that war. The US gave $6 billion dollars back to Iran and Iran promptly sent much of it to fund proxy agents like the Houthis and Hamas. That counts as military spending. China has been building its Navy and exercising its newfound might all over the Pacific. China now spends $230 billion dollars directly on its military, and indirect spending is estimates at twice that amount.

The IMF is not a reliable source. Everything every government does has political motive behind it. All information governments provide is, therefore, biased. When it comes to entities like the IMF (or the UN, or the WHO, etc.) one of their chief motives is globalization. Another is the perception everything they're doing is working and working well. They do not say, "We messed up and, as a consequence, the thing we were trying to fix is now worse than before."

As a Christian you know how difficult it is to always and everywhere be completely honest and.... forthcoming. Just think for a moment how difficult that is for a pile of non-Christians. Assuming a small portion of the people running the IMF are religious men and women, they have some semblance of religiously-informed values. The rest of them are secularist, atheists, and perhaps some of them are antitheists (they'd like the world to be rid of religion altogether). The political point of view that is growing the most is not traditional representative democracy; it is Marxism. If you've ever read Marx then you know Marx considered religion to have a dumbing effect on people and it is, therefore, something to be gotten rid of, to be aggressively purged from humanity. If you know the history of socialism then you know the Communist versions persecuted and murdered millions of people simply and solely because they were religious - religious, not just Christians. France is still a democracy, but it increasingly persecutes and prosecutes religious expression. You yourself have noted how the church buildings in Europe are empty... and that's a growing problem here in the US (which is increasingly accepting of Marxist socialism. If Islam wasn't so violent about its own existence the war on religion would be a lot further along.

The globalists and Marxists in the IMF are not honest people.

And when it comes to military spending you KNOW Russia and Ukraine are in the middle of a war that's been going on (and off) for the last ten years and in the last three years Russia has been spending money on its military like a rich kid in the candy store of penny-candy day. The eastern European countries that were formerly satellite states of the former Soviet Union have been aiding Ukraine..... increasing their own military spending. NATO countries that aren't in imminent fear of Russia invading their territory (like France, the UK, and the US) have been sending piles of money to Ukraine. A simple Google search, "How much military aid has the us given to Ukraine?" shows $61 billion in direct military aid. That doesn't count indirect aid and welfare aide that isn't counted as military spending but for all intents and purposes is given solely so Ukraine might win the war.

Is the IMF lying or is it the US accounting office that is lying?

The same is true of the war in Israel. 14 months ago Israel had a yearly budget in which a specified amount was allotted for military spending. That figure increased exponentially on October 7, 2023 because of the Hamas attacks and threats from Hezbollah. The US and other countries have been dumping direct and indirect resources into that war. The US gave $6 billion dollars back to Iran and Iran promptly sent much of it to fund proxy agents like the Houthis and Hamas. That counts as military spending. China has been building its Navy and exercising its newfound might all over the Pacific. China now spends $230 billion dollars directly on its military, and indirect spending is estimates at twice that amount.
The fact is the woman said there would be a reduction in military spending, and that DID occur, on the graph it is called the "Peace Dividend". When the Iron Curtain fell, people felt secure as she said, and Military Spending almost halved. Look at the graphs. Yes it has gone back up now, but what she predicted has all come to pass.
The fact is the woman said there would be a reduction in military spending, and that DID occur, on the graph it is called the "Peace Dividend". When the Iron Curtain fell, people felt secure as she said, and Military Spending almost halved. Look at the graphs. Yes it has gone back up now, but what she predicted has all come to pass.
Let's say that is true.

It is not a current condition. There is no pending rapture of return of Christ correlated to that reduction in spending. That graph shows several reductions in spending, and not a single one of them had any correlation to eschatology. Not a single one of them had any prophetic significance. The people who are claiming that woman's "prophecy" is significant are abusing God's word, the woman's predictions, and the facts of recent history to persuade the less discerning that a past reduction in military spending is somehow related to biblical prophecy when it is not. This has been going on for the better part of two centuries. People like Hal Lindsay, Harold Camping, John Hagee, and David Jeremiah make millions of dollars selling their prognostications and not a single one of them ever comes true. They've become very artful and exploiting the latest newscast or government statistics to alarm Christians who are unfamiliar with the history of modern futurism.

Not a single one of them in the 200 years of their existence has ever made a single prediction that has come true.

100% fail rate.

Stop believing them. Would you like me to send you a copy of Demar's book, or not?
Let's say that is true.

It is not a current condition. There is no pending rapture of return of Christ correlated to that reduction in spending. That graph shows several reductions in spending, and not a single one of them had any correlation to eschatology. Not a single one of them had any prophetic significance. The people who are claiming that woman's "prophecy" is significant are abusing God's word, the woman's predictions, and the facts of recent history to persuade the less discerning that a past reduction in military spending is somehow related to biblical prophecy when it is not. This has been going on for the better part of two centuries. People like Hal Lindsay, Harold Camping, John Hagee, and David Jeremiah make millions of dollars selling their prognostications and not a single one of them ever comes true. They've become very artful and exploiting the latest newscast or government statistics to alarm Christians who are unfamiliar with the history of modern futurism.

Not a single one of them in the 200 years of their existence has ever made a single prediction that has come true.

100% fail rate.

Stop believing them. Would you like me to send you a copy of Demar's book, or not?
Sure you can send me the book. But I still believe the Prophecy.

Let's look at it again in detail:

There will be a calm period". This was in the time of the cold war; she continued "There will be a long period of peace between the great powers of the world. People will make long term plans. In our country there will be disarmament..

The Third World War starts in a way that no one expected; and from a totally unexpected direction”.

Is true I for one was not expecting war with Russia, we had been at peace for so long. As you can see there was disarmament in many countries due to this peace period. Spending as % of GDP from Cold War times almost halved.

The second part: "There will be a falling away, that does not have any comparison; from true and real Christianity. Among the believers many will be lukewarm. They will no longer be open to examine their beliefs. People will not want to hear about sin and grace, the gospel, repentance. A new kind of preaching will take over the pulpit. It will be about searching for happiness, success and material gains. A kind of prosperity gospel.

Everyone knows many of the churches preach a prosperity message, our churches are flooded with feel-good messages about personal success. So she is true on this point.

The churches will start to become empty. The same with the prayer houses. The believers will no longer want to follow Jesus on the narrow path.

I rarely hear of church prayer houses anymore. So she is true on this part.

Entertainment, Art and cultural happenings will take more and more of what before was revival preaching, repentance and need". This was the second part.

Churches and Christians today are caught up in TV, computer games, and entertainment.

Third part: "There will be a moral falling away, such as we have never witnessed before. People will be living like married without being married". At this time there was no concept of this kind of living arrangements, so the old lady expressed herself like this.

This has certainly happened. So she is right again.

"There will be great sin and uncleanness before the marriage; and there will be much adultery in the marriages, even in the Christian ones.

Right again.

Homosexual sins will also start to spread; and this sin will even be accepted in Christian followings.

Everyone knows this has happened. She is right again.

Television will play a great part. There will be many TV stations", in this time they didn't say channels "The television will be filled with violence, and the violence will become entertainment, this violence that people see on the television will come to form the cities and villages.

TV is filled with violence and horror movies. It may well be affecting attitudes. We see riots on the streets in many countries.

They will also show intimate love scenes; The most intimate that belongs to the marriage will be shown openly on the television”. When she said this I objected and told her this is not lawful in Norway. Norway has a law against this kind of thing. And when I said this she raised her voice and shouted, "When this time comes people will no longer follow this law, no one will then care about these things".

TV definitely shows nudity and love scenes, then there is pornography, these things she predicted correctly.

Part four: "People from poor countries will pour into the rich countries. They will come to Europe, Scandinavia and Norway, there will be many that comes, and the people will start to dislike them and threat them harshly.” When she said this she started crying. “They will threat them more and more like the Jews before the second world war. When this happens, then the measure of our sins is full, and the war will break out.

She predicted immigration into Europe. This is definitely a current issue.

At first it will be a little conflict, an insignificant dispute but it will not end instead it magnifies and spreads, Finally it escalates into a big war, at the end of this war there is terrible weapons used, among other atomic weapons. The air, water and earth is poisoned and ruined. People from the industrialized countries in America, Europa, Australia, Japan and others will have to flee, they can not stay there. They will flee to the poor countries that have escaped the worst, but there the people will not be very happy to receive us; in the same way that we were not willing to receive them"

The war has started, Putin is threatening a Nuclear War. This will also come to pass, in my opinion.

She has 100% accuracy so far.
Sure you can send me the book. But I still believe the Prophecy.
Let's be clear: I will send you the book at my expense solely on the condition that you will read it from cover to cover and give sincere thought to its contents. I have no interest in being placated.
Everyone knows.....
No, they do not. Do not conflate what you believe with what everyone (supposedly) knows. One individual's personal, anecdotal experience is evidence for nothing and it's logically irrational. Likewise, the appeal to "everyone knows" is called argumentum ad populum. It's another logical fallacy that scripture would call a work of the flesh (God never inspires His people to abandon reason and argue fallacy).
She has 100% accuracy so far.
The facts in evidence prove otherwise.
I don't believe she is saying the rapture will come before this event.
I am encouraged to read that.
But rather the two events "the return of Jesus", and the "War" will happen in close proximity.
Great. Let's pin you down to what you just said. When exactly will those two events happen? Tell me, as best you can, when specifically those two events will happen. I have asked you this many times and the question has gone ignored. Please do not delay the answer. Please do not avoid the question. Please do not obfuscate in any way for any reason. Just answer the question asked. Would you please be forthcoming and plainly state when you think the return of Jesus and the ward of close proximity will occur.

Your courageous, sincere, honest forthrightness will be appreciated.
Great. Let's pin you down to what you just said. When exactly will those two events happen? Tell me, as best you can, when specifically those two events will happen. I have asked you this many times and the question has gone ignored. Please do not delay the answer. Please do not avoid the question. Please do not obfuscate in any way for any reason. Just answer the question asked. Would you please be forthcoming and plainly state when you think the return of Jesus and the ward of close proximity will occur.

Your courageous, sincere, honest forthrightness will be appreciated.
I have absolutely no idea. Who knows for certain? The women's prophecy suggests Jesus return is close when we saw the Ukraine war. I had 3 dreams about a war with Russia around 10 years ago, one suggested that the "End of Life" was upon us when that war occurred.

So I believe we are close to the "End", but things are still to be fulfilled before the very end. But with things hotting up in Israel, we may see a quick movement into the times of the End.
Let's be clear: I will send you the book at my expense solely on the condition that you will read it from cover to cover and give sincere thought to its contents. I have no interest in being placated.

What is the book called and who is the author to save you some expense I will buy it on Amazon, if I feel it is for me.
I find his interpretation of the Abomination of Desolation in the book Last Days Madness lacking. How do the following scriptures fit with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70A.D. that he states fulfills the End Times prophecy; they don’t fit. We see:

Mat 24:14-15 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. "Therefore when you see the 'ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand), "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

Dan 11:31-37 And forces shall be mustered by him, and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation. Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. And those of the people who understand shall instruct many; yet for many days they shall fall by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering. Now when they fall, they shall be aided with a little help; but many shall join with them by intrigue. And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time. "Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done. He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all.

2Th 2:3-4
Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

No man sat in the temple of God stating that He was God in 70 A.D.

Also, that same man did not:

2Th 2:9-10 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Rev 13:13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.
I have absolutely no idea. Who knows for certain?
Then what is the purpose of this op?
So I believe we are close to the "End"....
What does "close" mean... specifically? What exactly do you mean when using the word "close"? Is one week close? Is a month close? How about a year; does a year qualify as close? Three years? Five? a Decade? A score? Three score? A century? What exactly do you mean when using the word "close"?

What do you mean by "the End"? The end of what?

Again, please be specific with the answers to the questions just asked.
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