The (British-controlled) Arab Legion was the only potential real opposition. It was used to repulse the Zionists when they reneged on their bargain and attacked the Old City of Jerusalem.
The other Arab nations were so feeble that the Zionists occupied Southern Lebanon and expelled Arabs from there. On May 24, 1948, David Ben Gurion did not sound like the leader of a beleaguered people when he confided in his diary: "We will establish a Christian state in Lebanon, the southern border of which will be the Litani river. We will break Transjordan, bomb Amman and destroy its army, and then Syria falls, and if Egypt will still continue to fight, we will bombard Port Said, Alexandria, and Cairo." (144)
Yes, the Palestinians did attack some convoys and isolated Jewish settlements at considerable loss of Jewish life. These attacks played into the hands of the Zionists who always portray acts of resistance as aggression and anti-Semitism.
Arabic-speaking, Ilan Pappe interviewed survivors in Palestinian refugee camps. He compared their accounts to those in the IDF Archives.
Over 200 Arab villages were destroyed before a regular Arab soldier set foot in Palestine. Their ethnic cleansing program was called "Plan D". (82) A detailed inventory of all Palestinian settlements and property had been made for it. (Often the unwary Palestinians extended hospitality to the takers of this macabre "census.")
The Zionists attacked Palestinian villages at night and dynamited houses while residents slept inside. Then they rounded up males between age 10 and 50 and shot them or sent them to prison camps. The women, children and elders were made to leave. Eventually about 750,000 ended up in refugee camps in Gaza, the West Bank or neighboring countries. There were many instances of rape and plunder.
In the big cities like Jerusalem, Jaffa, and Haifa, the Palestinian districts were shelled and people terrorized and killed. Altogether, 530 of about 1000 Palestinian villages were physically demolished. About a dozen cities and towns were also emptied. Some villages had forged economic or personal ties with the Jews and escaped this fate. Many of these "deals" were not honored by the Zionists.
Deir Yassin was bad but the events that unfolded October 28 1948
in the village of Dawaymeh between Beersheba and Hebron were even worse. I cite Pappe:
"Venturing into the village the next day the Muktar (Hassan Mahmoud Ihdeib) beheld with horror the piles of dead bodies in the mosque--with many more strewn about in the street--men, women and children, among them his own father....455 people were missing among them around 170 children and women. The Jewish soldiers who took part also reported horrific scenes, babies whose skulls were cracked open, women raped or burned alive in houses, and men stabbed to death. These were...eye-witness accounts sent to [Israeli] High Command within a few days of the event." (197)
The day before a Palestinian village was attacked, Israeli political officers (like Soviet commissars) would incite the troops with a talk about the holocaust. The Zionists also used it to give themselves moral impunity. The whole world watched and said nothing.
But were Zionists themselves partly responsible for the Holocaust?
Did Zionists first do to Jews what they later did to Palestinians?
In 1943
Rabbi Dov Weissmandl of the Jewish Rescue Committee in Slovakia arranged for Nazi officials to stop transports to concentration camps in exchange for $50,000. They in fact stopped them while waiting for the money which had to come from abroad.
Weissmandl appealed to the Zionist Jewish Agency HQ in Switzerland. He was told that Zionists "must turn a deaf ear to the pleas and cries emanating from Eastern Europe" in order to establish the state of Israel.
" Remember this: all the allies have suffered many losses, and if we also do not offer human sacrifices, how can we gain the right to sit at the conference table when the territorial boundaries are reshaped? [Israel] Eretz Yisroel will be ours only by paying with blood, but as far as our immediate circle is concerned, ATEM TAJLU. The messenger bearing this letter will supply you with funds for this purpose".
Weismandl interpreted the letter as follows: "The price of Eretz Yisroel is the blood of the men and women, hoary sages, and babes in arms - but not YOUR [Zionist] blood! Let us not spoil this plan by giving the Axis [i.e. Nazis] powers to save Jewish lives. But for you, [Zionist] comrades, I have enclosed carfare for your escape. What a nightmare! The Zionist agent "diplomat" comes to Czechoslovakia and says "Shed your blood cheerfully, for your blood is cheap. But for your blood, the Land (of Israel) will be ours! (MIN HAMETZAR (p. 92) by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl ZT"L Dean of Nitra Yeshiva )
If you don't think this philosophy actuated the rise of Nazism, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, you are kidding yourself. Nazism was a fraud on the German people, just as Zionism is a fraud on Jews. Both turned good people into cold blooded killers, pawns of the "Prince of Lies.".
Today the Nakba continues in Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and along the partition wall. New settlements are being built to strengthen Israeli claims, as "fait accompli."
The majority of Israelis and their supporters are faced with a moral "fait accompli." Having been deceived about the holocaust and "War of Independence", they have been tainted by a moral abomination. Many have built their lives accordingly. What can they do now? This is the Masonic way. Compromise people morally.
When you have traveled down the wrong road, there is no use pretending it is the right one. You have to make a U-turn and retrace your steps, the sooner the better.
I believe Zionists should acknowledge the truth and pursue a two-state solution providing apologies and generous restitution to the Palestinians. There should be a limited right of return.
Ilan Pappe says Palestinians would accept this. Pappe is a rare historian: honest, courageous, and moral in the true Jewish spirit. He says his research "fully vindicates" the Palestinian version of events denied for so many years. (Yet "Nakba denial" is not a crime anywhere.)
Israelis need to make a 180-degree turn before they burn in hell and take the rest of us along. The Illuminati controls Israel through Israeli leaders who are Masons. It has already betrayed the Jewish people more than once.
Pappe is not optimistic. The premeditated attack on Lebanon in 2006 was the last straw. A professor at Haifa University, he watched his dovish colleagues accept the government's rationale. They are prisoners of a satanic "fait accompli." If anything Israelis now are more fanatical. Pappe is leaving Israel to become Chair of History at Exeter University in England.
There is only one way the human race will flourish in peace: by acknowledging the truth no matter how incriminating or painful it is.