The Devil's Lies


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Jesus said: You are of your father, the devil, and it is your will to practice the lusts and gratify the desires [which are characteristic] of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all that is false.—John 8:44

The devil lies. In fact, the devil doesn’t know how to speak the truth.

Most Christians know that—and yet they still listen to his evil words. Sometimes the lies seem to just pop into our minds for no apparent reason; sometimes Satan even speaks to us through other people. He puts something critical or hurtful into their minds about us, and they speak it out for us to hear. If we listen and accept what we hear, our enemy rejoices. If we listen long enough to the deceptive information we have taken in, we will find ourselves facing serious problems. Instead of listening and absorbing the untruths and satanic deceptions, you can look at what Jesus did and follow His example. After fasting for forty days in the wilderness, Satan tempted Him three times. Each time He defeated the devil by declaring, “It is written,” and quoting the Word of God. No wonder the devil fled from Him (Matthew 4:1-11). Learn the truth of God’s Word, and every time Satan lies to you, quote a scripture back to him. Learn to talk back to the devil!

Too many people don’t know how to use the Word to defeat Satan’s lies. Many people—even Christians—don’t seem to realize that they can refuse to listen to that voice. Too many people don’t realize that the devil attacks their minds with negative or wrong thoughts. It’s his nature to lie; he is out to enslave everyone.

One of Satan's traps is Getting Christians to offend each other. I'm sure all of us have seen a lot of that on Christian forums.

The Greek word for “offend” in Luke 17:1 comes from the word skand-alon. This word originally referred to the part of the trap to which the bait was attached. Hence the word signifies laying a trap in someone’s way. In the New Testament it often describes an entrapment used by the enemy. Offense is a tool of the devil to bring people into captivity. Paul instructed young Timothy:

And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare [entrapment] of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will. —2 Timothy 2:24–26

Those who are in quarrels or opposition fall into a trap and are held prisoner to do the devil’s will. Even more alarming, they are unaware of their captivity! Like the prodigal they must come to themselves by awaking to their true condition If they're that lucky. They do not realize that they are spewing out bitter waters rather than pure. When a person is deceived, he believes he is right even though he is not.

No matter what the scenario is, we can divide all offended people into two major categories: (1) those who have been treated unjustly and (2) those who believe they have been treated unjustly. People in the second category believe with all their hearts that they have been wronged. Often their conclusions are drawn from inaccurate information. Or their information is accurate, but their conclusion is distorted. Either way, they hurt, and their understanding is darkened. They judge by assumption, appearance, and hearsay.

This is something to keep in mind no matter what Christian forum you're on.
No matter what the scenario is, we can divide all offended people into two major categories: (1) those who have been treated unjustly and (2) those who believe they have been treated unjustly. People in the second category believe with all their hearts that they have been wronged.
I commend you for wanting to think the best of people. Very good. There is however I'd say sadly a third category . Those who have not been treated unjustly and down right KNOW they haven't been and will say anything to claim that they have to get another banned.

Such ones consider it a game and seeing they're engaging in the works of the flesh and delight to do so their conscious doesn't bother them. To them the end justifies the means. They DON'T WANT another around so they take them to the side of the ship and make them walk the plank. You haven't seen this? Well if not I hope you never do. It is sad to discover that some can stoop so low. We'll love them and forgive them regardless. :)
I commend you for wanting to think the best of people. Very good. There is however I'd say sadly a third category . Those who have not been treated unjustly and down right KNOW they haven't been and will say anything to claim that they have to get another banned.

Such ones consider it a game and seeing they're engaging in the works of the flesh and delight to do so their conscious doesn't bother them. To them the end justifies the means. They DON'T WANT another around so they take them to the side of the ship and make them walk the plank. You haven't seen this? Well if not I hope you never do. It is sad to discover that some can stoop so low. We'll love them and forgive them regardless. :)
You are 100% right, especially the last line. We are called the love our enemies even if they spitefully use you. I'm just starting to learn about the third category. Never entered my mind that Christians would actually behave this way. But my Eyes are being opened up to it. Thanks for pointing it out to us.
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I commend you for wanting to think the best of people. Very good. There is however I'd say sadly a third category . Those who have not been treated unjustly and down right KNOW they haven't been and will say anything to claim that they have to get another banned.

Such ones consider it a game and seeing they're engaging in the works of the flesh and delight to do so their conscious doesn't bother them. To them the end justifies the means. They DON'T WANT another around so they take them to the side of the ship and make them walk the plank. You haven't seen this? Well if not I hope you never do. It is sad to discover that some can stoop so low. We'll love them and forgive them regardless. :)
I hear you, Mind Games and the Games People Play. One of our greatest needs as human beings is to be loved. We all need love. We need to know that we are important to somebody, that somebody truly cares about us, wants us, and accepts us unconditionally. When we doubt that we are loved, we may develop unacceptable behavior patterns to compensate for it.

I understand what you're saying that the people in the third category may act irresponsibly in a desperate attempt to get attention. Attention is a poor substitute for love but it seems better than nothing at all.

I just thought of a T-shirt design "Don't be a category 3 Christian". That might be a good conversation starter. I had one made that says "Circle... Highlight... Underline. If anyone asked what it means it opens the door for me to tell them about the Bible.
Jesus said: You are of your father, the devil, and it is your will to practice the lusts and gratify the desires [which are characteristic] of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all that is false.—John 8:44

The devil lies. In fact, the devil doesn’t know how to speak the truth.

Most Christians know that—and yet they still listen to his evil words. Sometimes the lies seem to just pop into our minds for no apparent reason; sometimes Satan even speaks to us through other people. He puts something critical or hurtful into their minds about us, and they speak it out for us to hear. If we listen and accept what we hear, our enemy rejoices. If we listen long enough to the deceptive information we have taken in, we will find ourselves facing serious problems. Instead of listening and absorbing the untruths and satanic deceptions, you can look at what Jesus did and follow His example. After fasting for forty days in the wilderness, Satan tempted Him three times. Each time He defeated the devil by declaring, “It is written,” and quoting the Word of God. No wonder the devil fled from Him (Matthew 4:1-11). Learn the truth of God’s Word, and every time Satan lies to you, quote a scripture back to him. Learn to talk back to the devil!

Too many people don’t know how to use the Word to defeat Satan’s lies. Many people—even Christians—don’t seem to realize that they can refuse to listen to that voice. Too many people don’t realize that the devil attacks their minds with negative or wrong thoughts. It’s his nature to lie; he is out to enslave everyone.

One of Satan's traps is Getting Christians to offend each other. I'm sure all of us have seen a lot of that on Christian forums.

The Greek word for “offend” in Luke 17:1 comes from the word skand-alon. This word originally referred to the part of the trap to which the bait was attached. Hence the word signifies laying a trap in someone’s way. In the New Testament it often describes an entrapment used by the enemy. Offense is a tool of the devil to bring people into captivity. Paul instructed young Timothy:

And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare [entrapment] of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will. —2 Timothy 2:24–26

Those who are in quarrels or opposition fall into a trap and are held prisoner to do the devil’s will. Even more alarming, they are unaware of their captivity! Like the prodigal they must come to themselves by awaking to their true condition If they're that lucky. They do not realize that they are spewing out bitter waters rather than pure. When a person is deceived, he believes he is right even though he is not.

No matter what the scenario is, we can divide all offended people into two major categories: (1) those who have been treated unjustly and (2) those who believe they have been treated unjustly. People in the second category believe with all their hearts that they have been wronged. Often their conclusions are drawn from inaccurate information. Or their information is accurate, but their conclusion is distorted. Either way, they hurt, and their understanding is darkened. They judge by assumption, appearance, and hearsay.

This is something to keep in mind no matter what Christian forum you're on.
Thank you fool4Christ that was very insightful.
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