Repartee Animal: Quipping The Saints...!


Hello from Northern Wisconsin, USA.
I am a retired systems analyst and currently a caregiver.
I live with my wife & ward/daughter. My other nine living children have all left the nest.
We identify with the Vineyard Church, but do not currently attend as my daughter has randomly bitten people before. 😖

I received Jesus in 1977.
I have the "mild" form of autism.
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Hello from Northern Wisconsin, USA.
I am a retired systems analyst and currently a caregiver.
I live with my wife & ward/daughter. My other nine living children have all left the nest.
We identify with the Vineyard Church, but do not currently attend as my daughter has randomly bitten people before. 😖

I received Jesus in 1977.
I have the "mild" form of autism.
How does it present?
I could not do it justice, here, but it is a lack of social instinct that others take for granted.
Autistics that do not have cognitive deficits [ASD1] can learn social mores mechanically, but we are back to square one when we encounter novel (to us) situations.
Neuro-typical people [NTs] are more instinctive with each other.
It is expected and it is missed, when absent. Almost like the "uncanny valley..."

But that is explaining autism by what it lacks. It has certain strengths, too.
(That is like characterizing a left-handed person as somebody who unusually clumsy with their right hand...!)
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When you have giftedness & autism together, it is called twice exceptional or 2e.
It is quite common for gifteds to be ASD1, though not all are.
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