Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

US sends second aircraft carrier to east Mediterranean to deter Iran, Hezbollah​

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says deployment of USS Eisenhower meant ‘to deter hostile actions against Israel or any efforts toward widening this war’​

The USS Eisenhower off the coast of Virginia, December 10, 2015 in the Atlantic Ocean. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
The USS Eisenhower off the coast of Virginia, December 10, 2015 in the Atlantic Ocean. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON — The United States is sending a second aircraft carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean “to deter hostile actions against Israel or any efforts toward widening this war following Hamas’s attack,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said Saturday.
The USS Eisenhower and its affiliated warships will join another carrier group, USS Ford, already deployed to the region in the wake of the brutal Hamas onslaught a week ago and Israel’s ongoing response in Gaza.
The deployment signals Washington’s “ironclad commitment to Israel’s security and our resolve to deter any state or non-state actor seeking to escalate this war,” Austin said in a statement, presumably referring to Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group.

A week of deadly fighting was sparked by a Hamas rampage that saw gunmen break through the heavily fortified border between the Gaza Strip and Israel and gun down, stab and burn to death more than 1,300 people, the vast majority of them civilians in their towns and at a music festival.
In Gaza, the Hamas-run health ministry said Israel’s response had killed more than 2,200 people. Israel has said it killed around 1,500 Hamas terrorists in Israeli territory.

The United States has sent munitions to Israel and warned other countries not to escalate the conflict.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

Biden also spoke Saturday with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas for the first time since hostilities broke out, condemning “Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel.”
“Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and self-determination,” Biden told Abbas, according to a White House statement about the conversation between the two leaders.

Why are the Islamic jihad groups fighting against Israel? Why do they think that committing the dismaying actions we saw in Israel on Saturday is the right, and indeed the righteous, thing to do?

As the death toll from Saturday’s jihad massacres in Israel continues to mount, the world looks on in horror at the atrocities that were committed — the wanton massacre of people at a peace concert, the beheaded babies, and so much more. It is hard for Americans and Europeans to fathom how or why any human beings would do such things.

Now, however, two jihad groups, including the one that was behind the massacres, Hamas, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah, have issued statements that clarify exactly what they think they’re doing. As you might expect, they both make for chilling reading.

The indispensable Palestinian Media Watch reported Monday that “a Telegram channel associated with Fatah’s military wing the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, is calling on Palestinians to slaughter Jews who they term ‘apes and pigs.’” That’s actually a reference to the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an, which, in three separate passages, refers to Allah punishing Sabbath-breaking Jews by transforming them into apes and pigs (2:53-65; 5:59-60; 7:166).

Fatah’s exhortation to jihad also includes this: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and he will lay them low and give you victory over them, and he will heal the hearts of people who are believers.” That also is from the Qur’an (9:14) and expresses one of the biggest differences between Judaism and Christianity on the one hand and Islam on the other. While both the Jewish (Deuteronomy 32:35) and Christian (Romans 12:19) traditions say that vengeance for wrongdoing is up to God, and not for any individual to pursue, the Qur’an tells Muslims that they are to be the executors of the wrath of Allah: he will punish errant human beings by the hands of the followers of Muhammad.

This is how the jihadis who killed Israeli civilians wholesale on Saturday could do so while believing they were doing nothing less than carrying out the will of the one and only God. They believe those whom they killed to be enemies of Allah and the Muslims, and consequently to have deserved everything they got, and more.

Fatah’s communiqué is thus packed with Qur’anic references, as if to emphasize that as far as Muslims are concerned, the murder of Israeli civilians is a holy struggle. That’s why Muslims across the world have joyfully celebrated the attacks instead of expressing revulsion at their bloody excesses. So when Fatah calls upon Muslims to “strike the sons of apes of pigs, kill everyone who is a settler, slaughter everyone who is Israeli,” it not only has no qualms about issuing such a broad-based call for murder but knows this call will resonate with many other believers throughout the world.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif hailed the beginning of what he called “Operation Al-Aqsa Deluge.” He said that the massacres of that day were just the “first strike,” and that much more was coming. Deif declared: “I say to the masses of the people and our nation, and to the free people of the world: Today, the wrath of Al-Aqsa has exploded – the rage of our people, our nation, and the free people of the world. I say to our pure mujahideen: This is the day that you make this criminal enemy understand that its time is up. ‘Kill them wherever you may find them.’” That also was a quotation from the Qur’an (2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5).

These documents of Hamas and Fatah are nothing new. Hamas and its allies always speak of their conflict with Israel in Islamic theological terms; yet this is the one aspect of the conflict that Western policymakers never take into consideration.

Robert Spencer
This is how the jihadis who killed Israeli civilians wholesale on Saturday could do so while believing they were doing nothing less than carrying out the will of the one and only God.

These people are human savages who do not recognize human rights.

Let me tell you a fact.
These Arab muslims, ... if their young unmarried daughter offends them, offends their family "name".... they will take her into the street, tie her up in a bed-sheet, soak it with gas and set her on fire, and enjoy her burning.
They then sleep well that night.
That is what the world is dealing with, when we consider "Hamas" and "Taliban", and "Hezbollah".


They want to bring in their Mahdi, and their Hadith and Quran' teaches them that world wide war, chaos, ... is what brings in their Savior, who is in fact what the Christians understand as "Anti-Christ" the Beast, the "son of Perdition".

Most of these muslim Arabs, have been trained since they were very young children to BELIEVE that Jews are only to be destroyed.
Why are the Islamic jihad groups fighting against Israel? Why do they think that committing the dismaying actions we saw in Israel on Saturday is the right, and indeed the righteous, thing to do?

As the death toll from Saturday’s jihad massacres in Israel continues to mount, the world looks on in horror at the atrocities that were committed — the wanton massacre of people at a peace concert, the beheaded babies, and so much more. It is hard for Americans and Europeans to fathom how or why any human beings would do such things.

Now, however, two jihad groups, including the one that was behind the massacres, Hamas, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah, have issued statements that clarify exactly what they think they’re doing. As you might expect, they both make for chilling reading.

The indispensable Palestinian Media Watch reported Monday that “a Telegram channel associated with Fatah’s military wing the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, is calling on Palestinians to slaughter Jews who they term ‘apes and pigs.’” That’s actually a reference to the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an, which, in three separate passages, refers to Allah punishing Sabbath-breaking Jews by transforming them into apes and pigs (2:53-65; 5:59-60; 7:166).

Fatah’s exhortation to jihad also includes this: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and he will lay them low and give you victory over them, and he will heal the hearts of people who are believers.” That also is from the Qur’an (9:14) and expresses one of the biggest differences between Judaism and Christianity on the one hand and Islam on the other. While both the Jewish (Deuteronomy 32:35) and Christian (Romans 12:19) traditions say that vengeance for wrongdoing is up to God, and not for any individual to pursue, the Qur’an tells Muslims that they are to be the executors of the wrath of Allah: he will punish errant human beings by the hands of the followers of Muhammad.

This is how the jihadis who killed Israeli civilians wholesale on Saturday could do so while believing they were doing nothing less than carrying out the will of the one and only God. They believe those whom they killed to be enemies of Allah and the Muslims, and consequently to have deserved everything they got, and more.

Fatah’s communiqué is thus packed with Qur’anic references, as if to emphasize that as far as Muslims are concerned, the murder of Israeli civilians is a holy struggle. That’s why Muslims across the world have joyfully celebrated the attacks instead of expressing revulsion at their bloody excesses. So when Fatah calls upon Muslims to “strike the sons of apes of pigs, kill everyone who is a settler, slaughter everyone who is Israeli,” it not only has no qualms about issuing such a broad-based call for murder but knows this call will resonate with many other believers throughout the world.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif hailed the beginning of what he called “Operation Al-Aqsa Deluge.” He said that the massacres of that day were just the “first strike,” and that much more was coming. Deif declared: “I say to the masses of the people and our nation, and to the free people of the world: Today, the wrath of Al-Aqsa has exploded – the rage of our people, our nation, and the free people of the world. I say to our pure mujahideen: This is the day that you make this criminal enemy understand that its time is up. ‘Kill them wherever you may find them.’” That also was a quotation from the Qur’an (2:191, 4:89, cf. 9:5).

These documents of Hamas and Fatah are nothing new. Hamas and its allies always speak of their conflict with Israel in Islamic theological terms; yet this is the one aspect of the conflict that Western policymakers never take into consideration.

Robert Spencer
Yes. Our secular media and our secular politicians are like deers caught in headlights. They have no idea what's going on and therefore have no useful plan as to how to remedy this situation. Our politicians should wake up and break away from "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" policy. That's how Bin Laden was supposed by the US in the fight against the USSR. That later bit us in our behinds.
Yes. Our secular media and our secular politicians are like deers caught in headlights. They have no idea what's going on and therefore have no useful plan as to how to remedy this situation. Our politicians should wake up and break away from "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" policy. That's how Bin Laden was supposed by the US in the fight against the USSR. That later bit us in our behinds.

France has banned ALL "street celebrations of Jews being Massacred".

It would be nice to see more countries adopt this "anti-hate" policy, for a while at least.
I heard in the news yesterday that London banned all pro-Hamas demonstrations.

That is fantastic news., as they were having some huge celebrations..

Murder should not be celebrated.

Israel does not want any of this.....but, when you wake up at 3am, and there are killers in your house, ... you have one choice.



or "everyone Your Love = dies".

= Stop the intruder (Radical Islamic murderers) from ever doing it again.

This is an ugly situation, but, this world is an ugly situation, Reader., and its going to get worse.
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If you step away from the Trees for a minute and look at the panoramic spiritual is what you see.

A.) Jesus is coming soon, and God is shaking this world.... He is trying to get that last few into the Kingdom.

That's the big picture,..... and all this "war" stuff. etc..... is just a sign of The Biblical end times... .It was all previously revealed.

Its going to get worse.
These people are human savages who do not recognize human rights.

Let me tell you a fact.
These Arab muslims, ... if their young unmarried daughter offends them, offends their family "name".... they will take her into the street, tie her up in a bed-sheet, soak it with gas and set her on fire, and enjoy her burning.
They then sleep well that night.
That is what the world is dealing with, when we consider "Hamas" and "Taliban", and "Hezbollah".


They want to bring in their Mahdi, and their Hadith and Quran' teaches them that world wide war, chaos, ... is what brings in their Savior, who is in fact what the Christians understand as "Anti-Christ" the Beast, the "son of Perdition".

Most of these muslim Arabs, have been trained since they were very young children to BELIEVE that Jews are only to be destroyed.
It's called an honor killing they have them right here in the united states. Oftentimes they even get away with it. I've got a pretty good grasp on Islam. Take a look at my blog. Thanks for reminding me I think I'll update it.

The title of my blog "The glory of the Cross" Means quite a bit to me. Hello is it free online book with the same title.


WHEN the Portuguese traders, following the trail of the great explorer, Vasco da Gama, settled on the south coast of China, they built a massive Cathedral on a hill-crest overlooking the harbour. But a violent typhoon proved too severe, and three centuries ago the great building fell—all except the front wall. That ponderous façade has stood as an enduring monument, while high on its triangular top, clean cut against the sky, and defying rain, lightning and typhoon, is a great bronze cross. When Sir John Bowring, then governor of Hong Kong, visited Macao in 1825, he was so impressed by the scene that he wrote the famous hymn beginning:

"In the Cross of Christ I glory,
Towering o'er the wrecks of time,
All the light of sacred story
Gathers round its head sublime."
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