

Well-known member

As a means of "setting the table" for the discussion.....

The "artist" paints a picture that often generates various interpretations of the intent of the artist. Without direct access to the artist that actually "painted/constructed" the image, the "beholder" is often left to ascertain that intent themselves. We can examine the work of the artist itself for evidence whereby to establish a properly constructed evaluation of the "intent" of the artist. What we know about the artist "himself/herself" can also assist in our "evaluation".

However, there is only one "person" that can know exactly what is intended. The artist. The more complex the "picture/painting", the more difficult the task to gain perspective.

I heard a man many years ago say that "when God wanted to create a beautiful picture.... He "paints" it in the sky". I have to say I agree but I believe the man's perspective is a little too narrow. I would like to change his statement a little.

I believe when God desired to create a beautiful "image", He created the "new creature" in Jesus Christ. That image reflected our own experiences. It caused us to deal with our reflections. How we judge such is entirely related to our own perspective. As such, we are free to live in accordance with our own perspective. Which reflects our personal views of God. Which either condemns us or positions us for acceptance from God.

I've started this thread to really draw out various perspectives from one another. I know what I want to say but it will be meaningless to many without interaction with you. Many people love to "hear themselves talk". That is not my goal here. My goal to construct a meaningful exchange wherein we can deal with an essential facet of our existence gifted by God.

Just what do you "think"?
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It didn't make any sense to me, so I can't respond, sorry.

I corrected some of the what I wrote. It did a poor job initially. It might still be a mess. You can blame your "perspective" upon me. :)

However, that does somewhat add to what I'm trying to accomplish. (Intent).

Much of what we deal with in theology is nothing more than self delusion unless our perspective matches "God's perspective". Which is exactly why we all often disagree. It is why you are convinced you're right and I'm wrong. It is why I am convinced I'm right and you're wrong. We have the freedom of perspective. Which is ultimately a indication of freewill.

We can do "anything" we desire in our own minds. Which is part of the very "heart" of our existence.

That might be as clear as "mud"..... :)
We disagree with truth because of two reasons:

1. We resisted the Holy Spirit somewhere.
2. We are just ignorant and trying out best with what we have—and will grow into the truth someday.

That's it.
We disagree with truth because of two reasons:

1. We resisted the Holy Spirit somewhere.
2. We are just ignorant and trying out best with what we have—and will grow into the truth someday.

That's it.

1. Does the Holy Spirit always tell us where we are wrong? I would say He doesn't. In fact, I would say that He does just like Jesus did.

John 16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
Joh 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

This indicates that it takes time for the Spirit of God to teach us things. I also believe this is a lifelong experience wherein we never get it "ALL".

2. Agreed. I wrote my response to #1 before I read #2. We are probably saying the same thing.

Some grow faster than others. I've meet senior citizens (yes that is you @civic) who are still rather young in knowledge (not @civic ). I'm almost there with civic but not yet.... not yet... :)
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