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To us heaven is open, and faith can say, “We see Jesus” (Heb 2:9). Of old God dwelt in the midst of His people in the sanctuary, but the veil was there, and there was no way of approaching Him. Now, the veil is rent; heaven—not the sanctuary on earth—is open. The way into the Holiest of All is made manifest. The Epistle to the Hebrews throughout maintains this, for our position is shown as worshippers in the presence of the Father, in “the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched and not man” (Heb 8:2).
Not only is heaven opened to us as worshippers, but 2Co 3 presents to us a rather different thought. In context Paul contrasts the glory of the law, as seen in the face of Moses, with the glory of God, which is now in the face of the Lord Jesus; and he concludes by saying, “But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (the “glory to glory” is unceasingly progressive until we leave here—NC).
Wondrous privilege! To gaze by faith upon Him there in glory! Thus do we become like Him—we “are changed into the same image” (concerning His lifestyle for the Father - 1Jo 2:6). Is there a truer way for His Life to be manifested in our mortal bodies? Mere acquaintance with the doctrine of our heavenly position will not have this transforming effect; but occupation of heart with the heavenly Man (thinking on Christ as much as possible—NC) cannot fail to influence the soul and to detach us from all here. Christianity is in this respect altogether higher than law; it presents to us, not a legal code, but a blessed Person, from Whom we are set to learn!
It is by occupation with, feeding upon, contemplating the Lord Jesus, that we are brought, by the Holy Spirit, into fellowship with our Father; enabled to enter into His own thoughts concerning and even to, share His own affections for, that blessed One who is now seated at His own right hand. Surely here, then, is the source of all growth, strength and blessing!
—William Wooldridge Fereday (1866-1959)
MJS daily devotional for September 13
"The law is not our ‘rule of life’ for the simple reason that it was the Israelite’s. The Christian not being a Jew, the law is not for him. ‘Holy, just and good’ it is, but the Christian’s rule of life is ‘in Christ. . . a new creature’ (Gal. 6:15). The believer’s place and rule is to walk as a ‘pilgrim and stranger’ upon the earth. The law has nothing of this. Had it been fulfilled, it would have made earth morally a paradise; and will, when written upon Israel’s heart in millennial days. But strangership on earth and a heavenly walk, it never taught.
"The Christian is on larger, higher, firmer ground than that on which Israel after the flesh stood. The law is good if a man use it lawfully; and its lawful application is expressly not to form, guide, and govern the walk of the righteous, but to deal with the lawless and disobedient, ungodly and sinful, unholy and profane, and, in short, with whatever is contrary to sound doctrine (1 Tim. 1:9, 10)." -Frederick William Grant (1834-1902)
Not only is heaven opened to us as worshippers, but 2Co 3 presents to us a rather different thought. In context Paul contrasts the glory of the law, as seen in the face of Moses, with the glory of God, which is now in the face of the Lord Jesus; and he concludes by saying, “But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (the “glory to glory” is unceasingly progressive until we leave here—NC).
Wondrous privilege! To gaze by faith upon Him there in glory! Thus do we become like Him—we “are changed into the same image” (concerning His lifestyle for the Father - 1Jo 2:6). Is there a truer way for His Life to be manifested in our mortal bodies? Mere acquaintance with the doctrine of our heavenly position will not have this transforming effect; but occupation of heart with the heavenly Man (thinking on Christ as much as possible—NC) cannot fail to influence the soul and to detach us from all here. Christianity is in this respect altogether higher than law; it presents to us, not a legal code, but a blessed Person, from Whom we are set to learn!
It is by occupation with, feeding upon, contemplating the Lord Jesus, that we are brought, by the Holy Spirit, into fellowship with our Father; enabled to enter into His own thoughts concerning and even to, share His own affections for, that blessed One who is now seated at His own right hand. Surely here, then, is the source of all growth, strength and blessing!
—William Wooldridge Fereday (1866-1959)
MJS daily devotional for September 13
"The law is not our ‘rule of life’ for the simple reason that it was the Israelite’s. The Christian not being a Jew, the law is not for him. ‘Holy, just and good’ it is, but the Christian’s rule of life is ‘in Christ. . . a new creature’ (Gal. 6:15). The believer’s place and rule is to walk as a ‘pilgrim and stranger’ upon the earth. The law has nothing of this. Had it been fulfilled, it would have made earth morally a paradise; and will, when written upon Israel’s heart in millennial days. But strangership on earth and a heavenly walk, it never taught.
"The Christian is on larger, higher, firmer ground than that on which Israel after the flesh stood. The law is good if a man use it lawfully; and its lawful application is expressly not to form, guide, and govern the walk of the righteous, but to deal with the lawless and disobedient, ungodly and sinful, unholy and profane, and, in short, with whatever is contrary to sound doctrine (1 Tim. 1:9, 10)." -Frederick William Grant (1834-1902)