Notes from the Bible of a beloved sister in the Lord:- 'Cut off'


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Hello there,

The notes, I found today entered into my Bible, which were taken from the Bible notes of a dear Christian friend:-

* Circumcision in the flesh, 'cut-off''. the children of Israel from the surrounding nations of the world.
* Christ by the cross was, 'cut-off'', from the land of the living, cut off from Israel, and from all things pertaining to, 'this creation'.
As 'firstborn of all creation' and 'firstborn from the dead' He became 'Head of a new creation' (hence the emphasis on the word, 'create' in Ephesians 2:15):-

'Having abolished in His flesh the enmity,
even the law of commandments contained in ordinances;
for to make (G2936 - ktizo - create) in Himself of twain one new man,
so making peace;'
(Eph 2:15)​

* Believers also, in Him, are, 'cut off'. from the flesh and all things pertaining thereto by the circumcision of Christ (i.e., by 'His Death').

Praise God!

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
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I've inherited quite a few Bibles from family members that have gone to be with the lord and I love looking through them at their nodes and what they've Circled, Highlighted Underlined.

Actually this morning I'm going to our women's Arise group at church and we're all going to bring a bible that's been passed down to us and shared the story about how we got it and where it came from. I know it's going to be a blessing. Thank you for sharing your story.
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