My Relevant Savior...


I was 15, on vacation at my aunt & uncle's house in Oregon [USA]. I had grown up in a church and [through that] had learned & believed that Jesus was God, the Son, & that He had died & rose again. However, nobody ever told us how that act was supposed to be relevant. :confused:

I was an academic over-achiever, but did not receive much satisfaction from that. I knew there had to be more [to life] but I couldn't deduce what it was. My uncle read to me the Four Spiritual Laws* & broke through some longstanding misconceptions.

I had mistakenly believed that when we did something wrong, our punishment (fine, sentence, whatever) would pay for that wrong. According to the Bible, ALL those violations go with us to our grave & beyond [before God], if we couldn't find a way to get cleansed of them. :eek: Fortunately, God, the Father, sent His Only Son [Jesus] to take on our deserved punishment.

All I had to do was turn away from living life my way & give the reins to Him. I have not looked back since. ☝️

*Available in other languages.
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