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Would be interested to know how our members feel about forum moderation. Do you think name calling in the post should be edited or the post be completely deleted? How do you feel about the warning system? Do you think members that break the rules in the post should be warned three times and then be given a ban for several days. Then there's arguing with a moderator and not accepting the correction and continue to argue. Do you think this should call for a temporary ban or a Permanent Ban?
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After we get the feedback from our membership we will discuss those changes from your recommendations that we will implement. This forum was created for you not for us. Our goal is for this to be a place where everyone is welcomed and to treat others with respect and the best way in handling those who do not wish to do the same.
Would be interested to know how our members feel about forum moderation. Do you think name calling in the post should be edited or the post be completely deleted? How do you feel about the warning system? Do you think members that break the rules in the post should be warned three times and then be given a ban for several days. Then there's arguing with a moderator and not accepting the correction and continue to argue. Do you think this should call for a temporary ban or a Permanent Ban?
If a person can’t follow the simple rules here then ban them for a few days. If they continue ban them longer. If they don’t get the hint then make it permanent. I think a warning in the post with the rule violation is a good suggestion so they know why and those in the thread can see why it happened.
If a person can’t follow the simple rules here then ban them for a few days. If they continue ban them longer. If they don’t get the hint then make it permanent. I think a warning in the post with the rule violation is a good suggestion so they know why and those in the thread can see why it happened.
I added a warning to your post just so you can see how it works
I affirm the rules and their implementation with moderation in the posts with warnings and banning if necessary for the benefit of the members here. The inmates should not run the asylum. The rules are for everyone’s benefit just like the law was for the benefit of the Jews in their society. There should be consequences for breaking them like there is in the scriptures, families and in our society.
This is so good I had to share it here.

Processing Your Anger

Do not be quick in spirit to be angry or vexed, for anger and vexation lodge in the bosom of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:9

All anger, regardless of its cause, has the same effect on our lives. It upsets us, causing us to feel pressure. Keeping anger locked inside and pretending it doesn't exist can even be dangerous to our health. Most of the time we're only hurting ourselves, and the person who angered us isn't even aware of it.

I struggled with terrible anger until God grabbed my attention. I eventually had to find a positive way to process my anger. That was a place of new beginnings for me.

When you face your anger and decide to deal with it God's way, you can overcome it. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to be stable and walk in the fruit of the Spirit. We have the power to forgive those who do injustices in our lives and to love the unlovely.

So we must take responsibility for our anger and learn to deal with it. Instead of keeping it all bottled up inside, seek the Lord and ask Him to help you release it. Process it and bring closure to it, and that will relieve the pressure.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I don't want to keep my anger inside of me because that will only damage me and it's not pleasing to You. I ask for Your help. Help me to relieve the pressure of anger in my life.

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Would be interested to know how our members feel about forum moderation.
Definitely needed for all message boards. Some hold that you really shouldn't have mods, I've heard that on other sites. Well I think that's silly. You really do.
Do you think name calling in the post should be edited or the post be completely deleted?
Guess it all depends on the post. To what extreme is it all just no good.
How do you feel about the warning system?
Good to give warning but to have it done by private message which I'm guessing that's the way you'd want to do it. And I wouldn't allow one to argue with me or challenge me on the open board. I'd allow a measure of that through PM's as I was a mod once and that's what we'd do.

We were always open to at least consider their opinion and hear them out. You probably already know who is basically fair and reasonable and who just never will be respectful. I'd say be at peace within yourselves for nearly all the time you really do know that you know what should be done.
Do you think members that break the rules in the post should be warned three times and then be given a ban for several days.
I'd make it twice and then three days....then a week.....then a month. Might seem heavy handed but I found people considered the 3 day thing something they would always be willing to endure.....small price to pay.....but hey... a week? That's substantial time away if one likes to talk on message boards.
Then there's arguing with a moderator and not accepting the correction and continue to argue. Do you think this should call for a temporary ban or a Permanent Ban?
It would depend on the degree of their hostility. Generally speaking I'd stay with a 3 day, 7 day, 1 month plan. Of course if they're gone for a month they may not be back but if they come back they're going to know extreme misbehavior will take them out for a great degree of time.

The peace of mind for the mods should be a priority. Good members will respect that. No Christian should have to be subjected the poisonous spirit, strife or contention that an extreme discontent want's to inject into another's life. If members can't generally be nice and kind they shouldn't be here.

I think there should be a consensus among the members and an agreement that if a mod takes a certain action you can make a respectful appeal but be willing to accept you may win some and loose some.....and be willing to have it so. Members should assess to what level of being upset they choose to be about something not going their way.

I recall as a mod thinking by gosh they're going to take my actions to the United Nations for resisting what they think they should have without speech. Well a peaceful site won't allow ALL SPEECH, mean speech or destructive speech. All should be striving to make this a place of love. All should be committed here to be one who endeavors to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. God Bless! :)
Definitely needed for all message boards. Some hold that you really shouldn't have mods, I've heard that on other sites. Well I think that's silly. You really do.

Guess it all depends on the post. To what extreme is it all just no good.

Good to give warning but to have it done by private message which I'm guessing that's the way you'd want to do it. And I wouldn't allow one to argue with me or challenge me on the open board. I'd allow a measure of that through PM's as I was a mod once and that's what we'd do.

We were always open to at least consider their opinion and hear them out. You probably already know who is basically fair and reasonable and who just never will be respectful. I'd say be at peace within yourselves for nearly all the time you really do know that you know what should be done.

I'd make it twice and then three days....then a week.....then a month. Might seem heavy handed but I found people considered the 3 day thing something they would always be willing to endure.....small price to pay.....but hey... a week? That's substantial time away if one likes to talk on message boards.

It would depend on the degree of their hostility. Generally speaking I'd stay with a 3 day, 7 day, 1 month plan. Of course if they're gone for a month they may not be back but if they come back they're going to know extreme misbehavior will take them out for a great degree of time.

The peace of mind for the mods should be a priority. Good members will respect that. No Christian should have to be subjected the poisonous spirit, strife or contention that an extreme discontent want's to inject into another's life. If members can't generally be nice and kind they shouldn't be here.

I think there should be a consensus among the members and an agreement that if a mod takes a certain action you can make a respectful appeal but be willing to accept you may win some and loose some.....and be willing to have it so. Members should assess to what level of being upset they choose to be about something not going their way.

I recall as a mod thinking by gosh they're going to take my actions to the United Nations for resisting what they think they should have without speech. Well a peaceful site won't allow ALL SPEECH, mean speech or destructive speech. All should be striving to make this a place of love. All should be committed here to be one who endeavors to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. God Bless! :)
Thanks for taking the time and sharing that. It's very good advice that will be used in the future. Peace and love in our interaction with each other is our goal.
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