Looking for Jesus according to Matthew

38) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- Jesus explains he has come to fulfill the Law!

- He adds that to enter God’s Kingdom people’s righteousness must surpass that of the scribes and the Pharisees!

- The Law written by Moses showed that the Israelites and the Jews were nor able to follow it!

- It’s like when we remember Jesus speaking about the religious leaders saying something and doing something else!

- Yes, do and teach!

- Yes, the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees was poor!

- And we have to do a lot more then that!

- It must come from the heart!

- Yes, we must breathe God’s word every day!

- It must penetrate every cell of our bodies!

- It must go through all the interconnections of our brain cells!

- Then we will be able to open many doors which we can find in the Bible!

- Yes, our hearts must grow and grow!

- Yes, we must learn and tell every day!

- But it doesn’t mean being extremist!

- Simply normal people who have to act and play their part!
39) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- Jesus says people must not murder but must not continue wrathful with his brother or address his brother with an unspeakable word of contempt if they don’t want to be liable to the fiery Gehenna!

- That’s man’s trouble!

- That’s man’s history!

- Man never understands!

- He repeats the same mistakes!

- He repeats the same foolishness!

- That’s why we are where we are!

- It is pure logic!
40) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- Jesus says you can’t offer a sacrifice and at the same time have a problem with your brother!

- It is necessary first to make peace with him and then you can offer your sacrifice!

- The world in which we live is complicated!

- Men are complicated!

- And not only that, everything is getting more complicated!

- As Christians, we should make it easier!

- By avoiding such complications!

- By doing small things to make it easier!

- It is not always easy!

- By having a simple life with simple needs!

- By enjoying our families, our friends and our pets!

- By giving and spending time with them!

- It’s not when it’s too late!

- It’s now!

- We can try to have a healthy life!

- We must protect our mental and physical health!

- We must use our brains and bodies in the best way possible!

- We must regularly think about that!

- And not when we get into trouble!
41) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- Jesus tells us to be quick to settle matters with our legal opponents before being at court to avoid trouble!

- Because we will have to pay over our last small coin!

- Thus we must always be careful!

- If we are in the wrong, we could get into more trouble!

- But we live in a complicated world where it is easy to get into trouble!

- And we need to learn how to defend ourselves!

- But it requires preparation!

- And the more we learn how to defend ourselves the more we prepare ourselves for what may happen!

- If we don’t learn with what we live we will never learn!

- And we must better be quick!
42) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- You must not commit adultery!

Jesus goes further by saying everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already commited adultery with her in his heart!

- Man has never enough!

- He always wants more!

- It is in his brain!

- It makes its way inside the brain!

- When you think right, you do the right things!

- When you think bad, you do bad things!

- Think about the devil!

- He was jealous of God and he wanted all men to worship him and follow him and go away from God!

- Think about the demons!

- They started to look at women!

- And they ended up leaving everything to go down to the earth and get married to women!

- And they lost their special relationship with God!

- It was their choice!

- What about us?
43) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- Jesus says it is better to lose one of our members than our whole body to be pitched into Gehenna!

- To avoid blood poisoning it is sometimes necessary to cut a limb!

- It is easy to be contaminated or influenced!

- It is a question of choice!

- When we keep thinking about something bad, then nothing can stop us from doing it!

- When we are alone, we are not influenced by others!

- When we are with a group, we can end up doing something we would have never done!
44) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- Jesus says that everyone divorcing his wife, except on account of sexual immorality, makes her a subject for adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery!

- Marriage is sacred according to God!

- But the Israelites made it a piece of paper you could throw away!

- And mankind has kept perpetuating man’s tradition!

- Total corruption!

- Completely away from God’s word!

- After Jesus comes back, he will have a lot to do to put everything in order even if many wrongdoers won’t be there!

- And he won’t tolerate wrongdoers!

- That will change at least!

- Waiting to see that!
45) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- In the past, it was not permitted to swear at all!

- When you read these words, it seems they have nothing special!

- But in fact, it is really violent!

- Because it is exactly what they usually do!

- They invent stories!

- They swear!

- But when it is about respecting your word, that’s another story!

- You see politicians, religious leaders and businessmen making speeches and promises but reality is different!

- And many people do the same!
46) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5: At the difference of ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth’, Jesus says you must go in the other direction!

- We live in a society which is becoming more and more violent!

- When you watch TV, when you listen to the radio, when you read newspapers or your cell phones, when you play video games, violence is everywhere!

- And Jesus tells us to refuse such a general state of mind!

- Of course, it is difficult not to follow the trend!

- But this state of mind is destructive!

- And every time it is worse!

- There is no limit!
47) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us!

- Thus we may prove ourselves sons of God because he makes his sun rise and rain on both the wicked and the good and the righteous and the unrighteous!

- If we love those who love us, what reward do we have?

- Thus we must be perfect as our Father is perfect!

- Are you always ready to speak about God’s word to anybody!

- Are you always ready to speak about God’s word even to those you think are wasting your time?

- When you speak about God’s word, we never lose our time!

- Jesus was always ready to speak about God’s word to anybody and especially the Pharisees!

- And he was often hard on them!

- And they were always fighting with him!

- And they weren’t sincere!

- Just selfish!
48) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5: Jesus says we must not practice our righteousness in front of men to be noticed by them!

- Otherwise we will no get any reward from God!

- in the same way, when making gifts of mercy, we must not blow a trumpet ahead of us to be glorified by men like the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to be glorified by men!

- Thus they have their reward in full!

- On the contrary, it is necessary to do it in secret so God who looks in secret will repay those who do it in such a way!

- It is interesting to have these words in mind when we look at discussions!

- Sincerity is something important to check what people say!

- It is also important if they use arguments or not!

- They are people who like to listen to themselves!

- Others really want to learn and look for!

- That’s the only way to find something!

- In the world there are many people who look for different things!

- Many don’t find anything!
49) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5: Jesus tells not to pray like hypocrites who stand in the synagogues

and on the corners of the main streets to be seen by men and who have their reward in full but to pray into the private room in secret to be repaid by God!

- When we pray we must not repeat the same things all the time!

- Jesus’ words about how to pray tell us about what is a real disciple of Jesus!

- We must not be hypocrites!

- We must not speak just to speak!

- We must defend our faith!

- It must be a living faith not a dead one!

- We must show energy and the will to evolve to what is best!

- We must act like Jesus, not like the Pharisees!

- We must speak with our heart!

- There is a strong need for a living knowledge which can build up from the inside, not a dead one which collapses from the inside!

- One which can constantly renew itself!

- It must show our spiritual growth and not a decaying one!

- We must look for the best of the Bible!
50) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5: Jesus tells us to pray asking God to sanctify his name!

- Imagine that!

- Jesus’ model prayer starts by the sanctification of God’s name!

- I had to go to page 91!

- There it is written:

- What is the true name of GOD and how does one pronounce it? in Hebrew?

From my research it seems the true name of the lord was lost or hidden for fear of misusing his Holy name and break one of the commandments....

- We do not know a name for God other thand the titles of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.. We may call Him by Y Yahweh *I am that I am.)

In Zephaniah we are taught that come the Kingdom all will be given a pure language and one name to call Him. Until then we must use titles, such as the Trinity above, Almighty God, El and Elohim, Eternal Father. Comforter, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Lord of LOrds, The Holy One of Israel, Yeshua, Ruach Chdesh (some will say HaRuach Chodesh), King of kings, and so many more titles which cescribe Him, yet not one is a name as thought of in this age today.

- This is a very important question you ask.

The Good News is that God clearly spelled out His Name for us = Forever.

And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” Moreover God said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel:

‘The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.

This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.’

God Abraham - Father

God Isaac - Son

God Jacob - Holy Spirit

You can find all THREE here - Matthew 3:16

When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a Voice came from Heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

And here: Acts 4: 8-12

Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel, If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole; Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

- There are several things to note:

1. The name of God in the Hebrew Bible is simply shown as four consonants YHWH. The scribes added vowels so now it is pronounced as Yahweh. But it was also written as Jehovah.

2. Jews refuse to pronounce the name of God out of reverence and obedience to the Ten Commandments. So instead they call God ha Shem (the Name).

3. Jesus called Himself "I AM THAT I AM" or simply "I AM" when He spoke to Moses at the burning bush. He also said that that was His name. So when He was on earth He told the Jews that He was "I AM" -- the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

4. The Hebrew name for Jesus is Yeshua which is derived from YAH + SHUA, which means that God is our salvation. So when you say "Jesus" you are using the name of God.

- Amen. You will notice that some of the modern versions such as the NIV substituted the English word "Messiah" for the word "Christ" (which is the English equivalent of "Christos"). Which means that they deliberately "interpreted" rather than translated.

So why would Christians revert to Messiah (which really should have been Mashiach) unless they hated the idea of speaking of Jesus as the LORD Jesus Christ? And when Messianic Jews speak of Yeshua ha Maschiach they are deliberately avoiding the word "Lord? Now is they were saying Adonai Yeshua ha Maschiach, that would be quite different. But they are skipping the word "Lord" and that is a serious issue.

- The pronunciation of YHVH differs mainly because of varied accents.

The name YHVH may be compared to the English grammar rule of gerunds for it is derived from the Hebrew verb HYH, to be.

To call knowing Hebrew or learning it for self betterment a movement is just a tad stupid since people jump to using Greek as though Jesus was teaching in Greek. He only went to the sheep of His people.

So we have the gerund, YHWH, which when Yahweh uses it, simply means to Will to Exist or Be. .

No man knows the name to be given when God delivers a pure tongue to all as per the prophecy of Zephaniah.

So stop calling giving credence to the language of our blessed Savior a movement or we would call all the denominations of Christianity and Christianity itself a movements. If I may be colloquial, duh.

- Hint : your following Him .

and in Hebrew we pronounce his name “ Yeshuah” but Remember the holy ghost speaks in many tongues and languages I think Jesus is sufficient for my own tongue . “ hey- sues” I believe in another but the different language or pronounciation doesn’t mean a barrier to God

he made the gospel to be preached in all nations and tongues and his name can be called upon from any language or tongue by any nation or kindred of men.

Jesus is God , finally revealed in person to mankind

- Apparently nobody knows Exodus Chapter 6!

- But it is essential to understand the Bible!

- Verse 2 God tells his name YHWH to Moses!

- Verse 3 God says he used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty but regarding his name YHWH he did not make himself known to them!

- Verses 6 and the following explain how he made himself known to the Israelites by his only real name that is the God of the PROMISE when he freed them from Egypt and led them to the promised land and gave it to them!

- Yes, there is no other name of God!

- The God of the Promise, the one who always keeps his promises!

- And God made the earth to become a paradise!

- And he will keep his promise!

- But first he must clean it and take away all those who oppose his will!

- If we don’t understand that, WE WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE!
51) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- Let your Kingdom come.

- How many Christians are really waiting for God’s Kingdom?

- Of course, it will come when it comes!

- And nobody can know exactly when it will come!

- That’s why it is necessary to be ready whenever it comes!

- Remember the Israelites!

- They were never ready!

- They got into trouble all the time!

- And finally God rejected them!

- Man is always impatient!

- Of course, man’s life is short!

- But it is a question of life and death!

- Remember the flood!

- Not many people survived!

- Man’s tradition is working against him!

- Man always forgets!

- He has a short memory or no memory at all!

- It is always a personal choice!

- Remember Adam when he rejected the culpability on Eve!

- Man is so predictable!

- Man knows everything especially when he doesn’t know anything!
52) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

- Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.

- Not by politics!

- It is easy to understand where we are and where we are going with human politicians!

- They have no interest in the future!

- They are only interested in their political survival!

- And it is short term!

- Only God can make things change!

- Then his will will be effective!

- But first he must get rid of his opponents!

- Then he will use his faithful servants to turn the earth into a paradise!

- It was to be so at the beginning!

- It will finally take place in the near future when God decides it!
53) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5: When praying, we must ask God to give us our bread for the day and forgive us our debts as we do with our debtors and not bring us into temptation but deliver us from the wicked one!

- Of course, we need to do our part!

- But if we get into trouble!

- Or if we feel bad mentally and/or physically!

- We can ask God for help!

- Or to help us find a way to improve our situation!

- Of course, we can find a lot of help in the Bible!

- Because we have good examples of faithful servants!

- And we must find new ways to improve things!

- And of course, we mustn’t follow bad examples!

- Because it leads somewhere!

- But bad examples can also be interesting because they show us dead ends!
54) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5: Jesus tells us if we forgive men their trespasses then God will do the same with us!

- Otherwise he won’t!

- Once again, Jesus tells us to do our part!

- We can’t wait for everything to happen without doing anything!

- In the Bible we are told that God and Jesus keep working!

- Their angels keep working!

- It is a big organization!

- It can’t stop!

- But all the creation of God is made to keep functioning!

- We were supposed to keep functioning forever!

- The time will come for men to keep functioning forever under God’s guidance!

- Everyone is supposed to have a part in God’s organization!
55) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5:

Jesus tells his disciples to fast not like the hypocrites who make a show of themselves!

- On the contrary, he tells them to look as if they were not doing it in secret!

- Then God will repay them!

- God wants us to do things for him, not for men!

- It is not possible to please both!

- We have to make a choice!

- Those who want to please both can only please men not God!

- The Israelites try to do both!

- They were rejected!

- Humanity is trying to do the same!

- Men should know they can’t play with God!

- Thus when they are hypocrites it is only for men!
56) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5: Jesus encourages us to store treasures in heaven where thieves don’t steal instead of on the earth where thieves steal!

- Jesus adds that our heart is where our treasure is!

- The majority of people prefer to store treasures on the earth!

- They don’t care about Jesus’ counsel!

- It is thus no surprise when Jesus says it will be difficult to enter God’s Kingdom!

- Humanity always makes bad choices!

- Why should it change?

- Man is a specialist of repeating what doesn’t work!

- Children like to destroy!

- Their parents are not different!

- It seems that the earth and what ‘s on it are toys for men!

- Sufferance is not a problem when it only concerns the others!

- When Jesus will come, it will be a surprise even if the Bible tells us about it!

- But men usually don’t care!

- But when it’s too late, it’s too late!
57) Looking for Jesus

Matthew 5: Jesus tells us that the lamp of the body is the eye!

- So if our eyes are focused, our whole body will be bright!

- According to the dictionary, when a person is focused on something, they're paying attention to it. When a camera lens or your eyes are focused, they've made the adjustments needed to see clearly. When a beam of light is focused on a thing, it's shining on that thing!

- So the question is: are we looking for God’s interests or for our own interests?

- Are we using our time for the best or are we using it for futility?

- Are we using our time to build a strong relationship with God?

- Do we make the right choices for now and for the future?
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