Jesus knows the hearts of all people which proves He is the proper recipient of prayer

Step one: Open eyes.

Step two: Read (with understanding).
Acts 7:59
As they were stoning Stephen, he made this appeal: “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)

The Watchtower: The prayer offered by Stephen when he was being martyred is recorded at Acts 7:59, 60 (Questions From Readers, February 1, 1959, page 96).

Step three: Stop living in denial.
start living in 2023
No thanks. Better to wait until 2024 when even brighter light appears.

...2025 even.
The light will get brighter. It wont enter darkness. This world is the pangs of distress( Matt 24:8) it will keep getting worse. Its disaster after disaster all over the earth, getting worse each year. Todays world( 2 Tim 3) Soon babylon the great falls which triggers the tribulation= locking of the door to all. Those days will be way worse than what today is. 99% will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus at Armageddon. You don't want to be apart of the 99% like you are now.--God warned all-GET OUT OF HER. It takes believing Jesus-The one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD( John 17:3)
The light will get brighter. It wont enter darkness.

Their so-called light does in that they affirm A is true, then they affirm to B is true (thereby necessitating A is false), then they switch back to A, then back to B, etc.

That's not light getting brighter.

What it is, is a total mess.
Their so-called light does in that they affirm A is true, then they affirm to B is true (thereby necessitating A is false), then they switch back to A, then back to B, etc.

That's not light getting brighter.

What it is, is a total mess.
Actually hundreds if not thousands of trinity religions all with different truths= the mass of confusion. All different truths, never corrected because of a lack of holy spirit. Jesus promised his real teachers the HS would guide them into all truth, not into confusion. What is it you cant understand about 1Cor 1:10-Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division?) Trinity religions cannot understand that simple bible milk. Yet you put your eternal life into their hands.
Yet another back door attempt to rationalize violating the 1C. ‘The proper recipient of prayer’ is whoever may grant your request.

It is not exclusive to the almighty.
Jesus told His disciples to ask Him anything and He will do it through prayer. This was His promise to them after His Ascension into heaven.
On your part because you know my post is fact and have no answer to it.

If one believes in the Trinity, then he/she believes Jesus is God.


Now back to the JW's....even though you are one, you won't defend them.


It's nice to see that what applies to "only Jehovah" is used in reference to Jesus.

The Watchtower: Only Jehovah is able to fathom our inner person—our motives, thoughts, and emotions.—Jeremiah 17:9, 10. (Safeguarding Our Christian Identity, February 15, 2005, page 19)

Since the Lord Jesus knows what "only Jehovah" knows proves Jesus is Jehovah.
Inner person
The Watchtower: Like his Father, Jesus also discerned the real inner person. (How You Can Draw Close to God, October 15, 2000, page 7)

Motives, Thoughts
Insight on the Scriptures: He was able to see into men’s hearts, discern their thinking, reasoning, and motives. (Mt 9:4; Mr 2:6-8; Joh 2:23-25) (Jesus Christ, page 71)

The Watchtower: Christ Jesus, to whom judgment is committed, also looks where Jehovah looks: “I am he who searches the kidneys [“deepest emotions,” Ref. Bi., footnote] and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (Revelation 2:23) (Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart, June 1, 1986, page 17)
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If one believes in the Trinity, then he/she believes Jesus is God.


Now back to the JW's....even though you are one, you won't defend them.


It's nice to see that what applies to "only Jehovah" is used in reference to Jesus.

The Watchtower: Only Jehovah is able to fathom our inner person—our motives, thoughts, and emotions.—Jeremiah 17:9, 10. (Safeguarding Our Christian Identity, February 15, 2005, page 19)

Since the Lord Jesus knows what "only Jehovah" knows proves Jesus is Jehovah.
Inner person
The Watchtower: Like his Father, Jesus also discerned the real inner person. (How You Can Draw Close to God, October 15, 2000, page 7)

Motives, Thoughts
Insight on the Scriptures: He was able to see into men’s hearts, discern their thinking, reasoning, and motives. (Mt 9:4; Mr 2:6-8; Joh 2:23-25) (Jesus Christ, page 71)

The Watchtower: Christ Jesus, to whom judgment is committed, also looks where Jehovah looks: “I am he who searches the kidneys [“deepest emotions,” Ref. Bi., footnote] and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.” (Revelation 2:23) (Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart, June 1, 1986, page 17)
keep twisting, it gets one no where-fact=John 20:17, Rev 3:12
It is not just Jehovah’s Witnesses that argue for only praying to the Father. I have also heard a few evangelical Christians argue that we should not pray to Jesus. One argument I've heard is that the Lord’s Prayer is addressed to the Father and not to the Son. I think because Jesus is a divine Person of the trinity that we can (and should) pray to Him.
It is not just Jehovah’s Witnesses that argue for only praying to the Father.

Sad, but true.

I have also heard a few evangelical Christians argue that we should not pray to Jesus.

They are confused.

One argument I've heard is that the Lord’s Prayer is addressed to the Father and not to the Son.

I think because Jesus is a divine Person of the trinity that we can (and should) pray to Him.

It is not just Jehovah’s Witnesses that argue for only praying to the Father. I have also heard a few evangelical Christians argue that we should not pray to Jesus. One argument I've heard is that the Lord’s Prayer is addressed to the Father and not to the Son. I think because Jesus is a divine Person of the trinity that we can (and should) pray to Him.
All religions using the altered translations are mislead into believing a trinity. Its sad but true. I shared many facts but most wont bother to check. Here is Fact-found in every translation-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--Coll 1:3, 2Cor 1:3- Eph 1:3-1Pet 1:3--Jesus has a God just like us, his Father. Fact-God does not have a God.
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