It's all about Me


What was the original sin? I've always heard that it was pride as in Satan desiring to make himself higher than God and to be worshiped. As for Adam and Eve most people agree that it was disobedience, not obeying God.

But I'm thinking although those are true perhaps the main culprit was selfishness. Webster's Dictionary gives this definition for selfishness:

The quality or state of being selfish : a concern for one's own welfare or advantage at the expense of or in disregard of others : excessive interest in oneself.

Genesis 3:5
For God knows that when you eat from it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil”

In other words, the serpent tempted Eve with the promise that eating the forbidden fruit would grant her knowledge and godlike understanding.

That sounds a lot like selfishness to me. Especially when you think of selfishness as the putting of self in the place of God. Though all selfishness is sin, and there is an element of selfishness in all sin, can it be said that selfishness is the essence of sin? Is it the main reason we sin? We want what we don't have and are willing to do whatever it takes to get it?

If we look to our example, Jesus loves sacrificially. He commands us to love as He does. Love requires us to do good for others. Is our motivation selfless or selfish? If it is selfish, there is a good chance that our good deeds will be shallow and, more importantly, will not last. We're probably not doing them with the right motive.

I think it all boils down to our love walk found in 1 Corinthians 13:5-7

Love Is Not Selfish

The phrase comes from two Greek words meaning “to seek” and “one’s own interests.” Literally the phrase means to always be looking out for your own interests. That is the core of selfishness. The RSV translates the phrase like this: “Love does not insist on its own way.” The Phillips translation reads, “Love does not pursue selfish advantage.”

And the New English Bible says, “Love is never selfish.” I believe this the key to everything that we have and will study. The root of all evil in human nature is the desire to have one’s own way. Self-centeredness is the exact opposite of agape love.

Agape love is love that seeks the best interest of the one loved. Selfishness seeks the best interest for one’s own self, so the two are exactly opposite. It is not possible to have agape love and to have self-seeking or self-interest. R. C. H. Linski, the well-known commentator, has said, “If you can cure selfishness, you have just replanted the Garden of Eden.”

It was selfishness that caused Adam and Eve to reject God’s way in favor of their own desires. Self replaced God in their hearts and they determined to go their own way. Love, on the other hand, is not interested in its own way, but is preoccupied with the interests of others.
Very interesting OP, I have heard this theory before. I Believe selfishness is not learned behavior; we are born with it. The Bible refers to it as “sin nature.” Adam and Eve sinned against God by doing what He told them not to do, and the sin principle they established was forever passed to every person who would ever be born.

When we accept Jesus as our Savior, He comes to live in our spirit, and if we allow that renewed part of us to rule our decisions, we can overcome the sin nature in our flesh. It doesn’t go away, but the greater One Who lives in us helps us overcome it daily.

That does not mean that we never sin, but we can improve and make progress throughout our lives. I certainly cannot say I have overcome selfishness entirely—none of us can on this side of eternity. But that doesn’t mean we don’t do everything we can to grow closer to God and die to our selfishness.

We can have hope of improving daily. I am on a journey and, although I may not arrive, I have determined that when Jesus comes to take me home He will find me pressing toward this goal.

The apostle Paul made the following statement: “… It is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). Paul meant that he was no longer living for himself and his own will, but for God and His will. I was greatly encouraged when I discovered through study that Paul made this statement approximately twenty years after his conversion.

Learning to live unselfishly was a journey for him, just as it is for everyone else. Paul also said, “… I die daily…”. In other words, putting others first was a daily battle him and required daily decisions. Each of us must decide how we will live and what we will live for. The holy spirit will help us make the right decisions we just have to be willing to listen and obey.
I've always heard that it was pride as in Satan desiring to make himself higher than God and to be worshiped.
I cannot accept that someone could see the proof of GOD's Glory, divinity and eternal power and still think they are equal to HIM or even worthy of worship. To rebel against such Glory Satan had to have been so deluded as to be insane and the insane are to be pitied and cured, not sent to hell. Christian preachers have got this wrong...the Satanic fall must have occurred before HIS creation of the physical universe proved HIS divinity and eternal power which caused ALL the sons of GOD to sing HIS praises ! Job 38:7 with Rom 1:18-20.

We know that there are holy and elect angels, Mark 8:38, 1 Timothy 5:21, and that there are the Satanic fallen angels, Rev 12:4-9. No one can have been created evil as GOD is holy, not a house divided. Therefore this separation between the holy and elect angels and the evil fallen angels must have been by a free will choice of each person.

What was their choice about?
Please consider
Berean Standard Bible
Col 1:23...if indeed you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope of the gospel you heard, which has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.
proclaimed is preached in the imperfect tense (if I read my Thayers correctly) denotes an act fully completed in the past which also my be repeated...

What was proclaimed? The gospel.
To whom was it proclaimed? To every creature under heaven, ie, ever created...
Every creature?
At it is easy to see that none of the commentators agree on the meaning of this phrase "to every creature" except in what it DOES NOT OR CANNOT MEAN, ie that everyone heard it at the same time BEFORE the creation of the physical universe as attested in Isaiah's diatribe against idolatry and our understanding of GOD:
Berean Standard Bible
Isa 40:21 Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been declared to you from the beginning? Have YOU not understood since the foundation of the earth?

Now imCo, the gospel is meaningless without YHWH, a proclamation about GOD, who HE is, what HE wants and all the ramifications of accepting or rejecting HIM and HIS gospel by our free will. And this claim to HIS divinity and the gospel before HE gave anyone the proof must have been the choice everyone had to make: to accept HIS claims as the truth by faith ie, without proof, or to reject HIS claims as lies and to rebuke HIM as a false god by faith, ie, without proof, thus separating all of creation into those with faith in HIM as the elect and those who never had faith in HIM as the reprobate, condemned already, Jn 3:18.
I cannot accept that someone could see the proof of GOD's Glory, divinity and eternal power and still think they are equal to HIM or even worthy of worship. To rebel against such Glory Satan had to have been so deluded as to be insane and the insane are to be pitied and cured, not sent to hell. Christian preachers have got this wrong...the Satanic fall must have occurred before HIS creation of the physical universe proved HIS divinity and eternal power which caused ALL the sons of GOD to sing HIS praises ! Job 38:7 with Rom 1:18-20.

We know that there are holy and elect angels, Mark 8:38, 1 Timothy 5:21, and that there are the Satanic fallen angels, Rev 12:4-9. No one can have been created evil as GOD is holy, not a house divided. Therefore this separation between the holy and elect angels and the evil fallen angels must have been by a free will choice of each person.

What was their choice about?
Please consider
Berean Standard Bible
Col 1:23...if indeed you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope of the gospel you heard, which has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.
proclaimed is preached in the imperfect tense (if I read my Thayers correctly) denotes an act fully completed in the past which also my be repeated...

What was proclaimed? The gospel.
To whom was it proclaimed? To every creature under heaven, ie, ever created...
Every creature?
At it is easy to see that none of the commentators agree on the meaning of this phrase "to every creature" except in what it DOES NOT OR CANNOT MEAN, ie that everyone heard it at the same time BEFORE the creation of the physical universe as attested in Isaiah's diatribe against idolatry and our understanding of GOD:
Berean Standard Bible
Isa 40:21 Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been declared to you from the beginning? Have YOU not understood since the foundation of the earth?

Now imCo, the gospel is meaningless without YHWH, a proclamation about GOD, who HE is, what HE wants and all the ramifications of accepting or rejecting HIM and HIS gospel by our free will. And this claim to HIS divinity and the gospel before HE gave anyone the proof must have been the choice everyone had to make: to accept HIS claims as the truth by faith ie, without proof, or to reject HIS claims as lies and to rebuke HIM as a false god by faith, ie, without proof, thus separating all of creation into those with faith in HIM as the elect and those who never had faith in HIM as the reprobate, condemned already, Jn 3:18.
So Satan cops an insanity please. And all he needs is a little counseling and he'll be fine. And he really didn't understand who God was. He thought he was just some little deity but he could seize power from. Well that's very interesting.
This highest angel was blameless from the day of his creation. The day came, however, when unrighteousness was found in him Ezekiel 28:15. What unrighteousness was specifically found in him? His spirit of rebellion against God. “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty” Ezekiel 28:17 reveals that this archangel allowed his perfection to be the cause of his corruption. That sin was not an inherent part of the being God created, but later issued from within him because of his pride.

Verse 18 was God’s response to his sin: “I have brought fire from the midst of you; it has consumed you, and I have turned you to ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who see you.” God cast this angel out of heaven to be eventually destroyed.
Isaiah recorded the event.

How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning “Lucifer,” son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, you who have weakened the nations! But you said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol, to the recesses of the pit.

How have you fallen from heaven, O light-bringer and daystar, son of the morning! How you have been cut down to the ground, you who weakened and laid low the nations [O blasphemous, satanic king of Babylon!]
13 And you said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit upon the mount of assembly in the uttermost north.
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol (Hades), to the innermost recesses of the pit (the region of the dead).
Isa. 14:12–15

The name Lucifer means “star of the morning” and “son of the dawn.” Satan means “accuser.” Lucifer became Satan when God cast him out of heaven. “You have been cut down to the earth” speaks of his fall. Jesus said, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning” (Luke 10:18). The preincarnate Christ was a witness to Satan’s fall.

Note Lucifer’s repeated use of “I will” in Isaiah 14. It reveals his pride, and that pride produced discontent. He wasn’t satisfied with being top angel anymore; he wanted to be like God Himself.

In Isaiah 14:15, God responded to Satan’s sin: “You will be thrust down to Sheol, to the recesses of the pit.” Satan’s rebellion will ultimately end in his own destruction. Revelation 20:10 prophesies Satan’s final end: “The devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”
So Satan cops an insanity please. And all he needs is a little counseling and he'll be fine. And he really didn't understand who God was. He thought he was just some little deity but he could seize power from. Well that's very interesting.
Why people continually reframe my words to mean the opposite of what I mean is no mystery to me...

Satan is without excuse. He is condemned by his choice to reject YHWH's claims as lies and by rebuking HIM as a false god.

I SAID: that to rebel against El Shaddai, proven to be the most holy Living GOD, that is GOD Almighty, after seeing the proof of HIS glory would be insane and Satan is NOT insane and so has no excuse because he rebuked YHWH before he saw the proof and such a decision without proof is a faith based decision to become eternally evil in YHWH's sight in this case....willing to go to YHWH's fake hell if HE was ever proven to be our GOD rather than to have to live under HIS rule as HIS Bride. His self chosen fate of ending in hell therefore was fixed at the moment he saw the proof when YHWH created this physical universe and everyone saw it: Job 18:7 with Rom 1:18-20.

Now, that this red herring is dealt with, will you share your thoughts on the rest of my post?
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This highest angel was blameless from the day of his creation.
Everyone created in HIS image was created blameless, perfectly able to choose by their free will to join YHWH in marriage as HIS Bride and the eternal communion and fellowship this implies. No one was created in sin by any means and so needing redemption to be able to become HIS Bride...

The day came, however, when unrighteousness was found in him Ezekiel 28:15. What unrighteousness was specifically found in him? His spirit of rebellion against God. “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty” Ezekiel 28:17 reveals that this archangel allowed his perfection to be the cause of his corruption. That sin was not an inherent part of the being God created, but later issued from within him because of his pride.

And the precipitating cause of Satan's rebellion? The claim by three people who looked to be the same as himself (or even less) who suddenly proclaimed HIMself to be much, much higher as his creator GOD and only saviour from all sin...!

As you said: That sin was not an inherent part of the being God created, but later issued from within him because of his pride.
What was the original sin? I've always heard that it was pride as in Satan desiring to make himself higher than God and to be worshiped. As for Adam and Eve most people agree that it was disobedience, not obeying God.

But I'm thinking although those are true perhaps the main culprit was selfishness. Webster's Dictionary gives this definition for selfishness:

The quality or state of being selfish : a concern for one's own welfare or advantage at the expense of or in disregard of others : excessive interest in oneself.

Genesis 3:5
For God knows that when you eat from it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil”

In other words, the serpent tempted Eve with the promise that eating the forbidden fruit would grant her knowledge and godlike understanding.

That sounds a lot like selfishness to me. Especially when you think of selfishness as the putting of self in the place of God. Though all selfishness is sin, and there is an element of selfishness in all sin, can it be said that selfishness is the essence of sin? Is it the main reason we sin? We want what we don't have and are willing to do whatever it takes to get it?

If we look to our example, Jesus loves sacrificially. He commands us to love as He does. Love requires us to do good for others. Is our motivation selfless or selfish? If it is selfish, there is a good chance that our good deeds will be shallow and, more importantly, will not last. We're probably not doing them with the right motive.

I think it all boils down to our love walk found in 1 Corinthians 13:5-7

Love Is Not Selfish

The phrase comes from two Greek words meaning “to seek” and “one’s own interests.” Literally the phrase means to always be looking out for your own interests. That is the core of selfishness. The RSV translates the phrase like this: “Love does not insist on its own way.” The Phillips translation reads, “Love does not pursue selfish advantage.”

And the New English Bible says, “Love is never selfish.” I believe this the key to everything that we have and will study. The root of all evil in human nature is the desire to have one’s own way. Self-centeredness is the exact opposite of agape love.

Agape love is love that seeks the best interest of the one loved. Selfishness seeks the best interest for one’s own self, so the two are exactly opposite. It is not possible to have agape love and to have self-seeking or self-interest. R. C. H. Linski, the well-known commentator, has said, “If you can cure selfishness, you have just replanted the Garden of Eden.”

It was selfishness that caused Adam and Eve to reject God’s way in favor of their own desires. Self replaced God in their hearts and they determined to go their own way. Love, on the other hand, is not interested in its own way, but is preoccupied with the interests of others.
Selfishness and self-centeredness Is totally opposite of the character traits that we should be exhibiting as christians.

Esteeming others greater than yourself is a vital aspect of living a harmonious and loving life. According to Philippians 2:3, this concept is rooted in humility, where one should not let selfish ambition or conceit guide their actions, but instead, consider others better than themselves. This mindset is essential in building strong relationships and fostering a sense of community.

In practice, esteeming others greater than yourself can manifest in various ways. For instance, it means putting the needs of others before your own, being willing to listen and learn from others, and acknowledging the unique strengths and talents that each person brings to the table. It also involves being humble and recognizing that everyone has something valuable to offer, regardless of their background or position.
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