I’m a SF Bay Area guy

I like with baseball the Toronto Blue Jays and with hockey the Montreal Canadians. As a kid in the 70's the Montreal team were my heros well...probably better stated my idols before becoming a Christian. Funny thing though.....50 years later my daughter and her husband live in Montreal and are friends with the captain of the team.

He's given them tickets to games numbers of times and one day he asked my daughter about me....does he like hockey? That floored me. I was stunned the Captain of the team I idolized as a kid was asking about me. Me? Me? Me? The Captain asked about me? How is that possible? Anyway I have a cap on my computer desk autographed by him and perhaps Lord willing in the winter I'll be going to a game which is quite a ways away from where Iive but it would be a thrill.
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