How to take sacraments .. not in person.

Frank Russell

Well-known member
Since the emergent movement stretches and breaks the boundaries of Christian tradition, I started this thread for brainstorming ways to do sacraments in an online or other long distance formats. Just not in person.
So, I used to really like communion. Maybe I still do, but being around people really affects me negatively.

So when I was in that spiritual stage where I had this constant leading to "be discipled," it didn't happen. God instead afforded me a gift to see what he was doing in their lives on a subconscious level. Over the course of a week, the thought pattern God was teaching me would emerge in my thoughts, and this is how I was discipled.

The previously mentioned gift was used to analyze the sacraments and find the source, the goal was to replicate the church environment during the week since the way it was structured made me feel really hungry spiritually too soon after.

Another gift helpful in this was the gift of tongues and the instruction in the bible to pray to translate. This translation of the profound mysteries and the later matured capacity to re-write into myself helped immensely in this endeavor.

So in terms of taking "sacraments" in a "not in person" format, being able to be always connected to the body of Christ and aware of it, would be a first step.
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