Does your Bible delete the words of Jesus in Mark 7:16?

Love Fountain

New member
Dear All,

The very words of Jesus are being removed from many Bibles, some are harder to see than others but no omission is more simple to see than what is done by all those versions that have removed Mark 7:16 from the texts!

God has given symmetrical subject patterns in His Word to help protect His Word from Bible alterations! These patterns follow the subject according to a complete sense so that the students of the texts may understand the complete thought and subject of what is written and being discussed, a subject outline for understanding.

It was given to Thomas Boys to name the symmetrical subject structures Correspondence.

Correspondence is brought forth in structures called Alternation, Introversion and Division (A.I.D), individually or in combination, to A.I.D. his people with the ever so increasing corruptions being furthered by ignorance, peer pressure and/or planned attacks on the word of God!

They used to give kids a test in schools as a way to test their intelligence that would include completing patterns.

The object was to complete the pattern such as follows:

1, 2, 3, __, 5, 6, 7 or a, b, __, __, b, a and so forth….

Please complete the following pattern and let’s “C” your intelligence:

A, B, __, B, A (What should go between the B’s to complete the pattern?)

Again, God has given symmetrical subject patterns in His Word to help protect His Word from Bible alterations!

Please complete the following pattern and let’s see your intelligence so we know if you have an “i” to see?

i, k, k, __ (What should go after the second “k” to complete the pattern?)

Below in Mark 7:14-16 is the Correspondence symmetrical subject structure according to the complete thought, complete, because God leaves no loose ends in His word!

( Introversion )

E2 | i | 14. Call to hearken.
......|....k | 15-. Defilement is not from without.
......|....k | -15. Defilement is from within.
......| i | 16. Call to hearken.

To remove Mark 7:16 in the above subject structure leaves a loose end in THE WORD OF GOD and to know THE WORD OF GOD is to know that His WORD leaves no loose ends for all His ways and words are perfect!

God is so good, He gives us symmetrical subject structures in THE BIBLE to A.I.D. ( Alternation, Introversion and Division) His children in understanding and sharing His Word from those who would erroneously attempt to corrupt what He has written!

Mark 7:14-16 has the subject structure of Introversion, also called a ring structure because “the opening and closing” i’s in the above structure are seen as the closing of a circle. Perfect symmetry, no loose ends!

Not only does God provide the subject structures to A.I.D us in confirming that Mark 7:16 is a part of THE WORD OF GOD, He also gives us grammatical Figures of Speech like Epanadiplosis aka Encircling as a second witness!

A Grammatical Figure of Speech is used by God in THE BIBLE to give emphasis and in depth meaning to HIS WORD for us to learn and understand!

The kids definition of a sentence is as follows:

Sentence - a grammatically self-contained group of words that expresses a statement, a question, a command, a wish, or an exclamation

The following is a Grammatical Figure of Speech revealed in Mark 7:14-16!

Epanadiplosis; or Encircling​

The Repetition of the same Word or Words at the beginning and end of a Sentence

Ep´-an-a-di-plô´-sîs. Greek ἐπαναδίπλωσις, from ἐπί (epi), upon, ἀνα (ana), again, and διπλοῦς (diplous), a doubling.

It means a doubling upon again, and the Figure is so called because the same word is repeated both at the beginning and at the end of a sentence.

The Latins called it INCLUSIO, inclusion: either because the first word of the sentence is included at the end, or because of the importance of the matter which is thus included between the two words.

They called it also CYCLUS, from the Greek κύκλος (kyklos), a circle, because the repetition concluded what is said, as in a circle.

When this figure is used, it marks what is said as being comprised in one complete circle, thus calling our attention to its solemnity; giving completeness of the statement that is made, or to the truth enumerated, thus marking and emphasizing its importance.

The figure is lost by the translation both in the A.V. [Note: The Authorized Version, or current Text of our English Bible, 1611.] and the R.V. [Note: The Revised Version, 1881.] There is another figure in this verse: Paronomasia (q.v. [Note: Which see.] ).

Mark 7:14-16.-“Hearken (ἀκούετε, akouete) unto me every one of you and understand: there is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him those are they that defile the man. If any man have ears to hear, let him hearken (ἀκουέτω, akouetô)."

Mark 7:14-16 And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them, “Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand: There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear(hearken).”

7 times in the NT Jesus states for those who have had their ears opened to hearken to what He has said!

Matt 13:9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.KJV

Unless you use corrupted texts and trust mankind, then it would be six times, the number of man showing forth the wickedness of men who delete THE WORD OF GOD from their versions of THE BIBLE!

REPENT and don’t allow your BIBLE to be altered!!

Love Fountain
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There are many Bibles deleting the words of Jesus now a days, here's an example of the CJB deleting Mark 7:16 in their acceptance of corrupted incomplete texts in forming their version.

CJB missing Mark 7 16.png

Ignorance, on purpose, deception, stupor...hmmm?

As evidenced in the original post, deleting Mark 7:16, the very words of Jesus/Yeshua, leaves a loose end proven by the structure style of the Bible and it also shows their ignorance to the figure Epanadiplosis!

There are many more versions of Bibles that delete the very words of Yeshua/Jesus, how about your Bible? Is it totally deleted like the JW NWT or are your interpreters fence straddlers with a foot note like CJB who delete and straddle?

Love Fountain
My Bible has Mark 7:16 in a footnote where it explains that the oldest manuscripts do not have the verse, but it was added in some later manuscripts, so they moved it to the footnotes so the TEXT would be as close to what Mark wrote as possible, while the words were still available to modern readers (in the footnote).

I am grateful for their scholarly efforts.
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