"Deep State" : Politics


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So, what is the "Deep State".

We hear the Republican Party in the USA, most of all, referring to this... "Deep State"

What is it really?
Its simply a Marxist agenda that is running much of the US Government, covertly. Its Hidden.. its "deep".. as in underground, behind the scenes... Its like the WIZARD in the Wizard of OZ, who is behind the Curtain.

When did this start . ???

it started in the mid 50s... the latest, and probably was earlier...

There is a book...>"none dare call it Treason".. and it is a "whistle blower", from the 50's who is trying to get the word out that Marxist had infiltrated the inner workings of the US Government.
75 yrs later, they are running it.

Let me give you an example.

Hillary Clinton, used the FBI to create a "false document" that stated that Donald Trump was a "Russian Plot".
So, for 3.8 yrs of His Presidency, the CIA, the FBI, the Democrats, and the News Media, shouted this LIE,= 24/7.
The DEMs created a false document and used Government agencies to try to destroy Trump's Presidency.
What happened, eventually??
The last year of His Presidency, all of this was uncovered.........it was all a PLOT by the Hillary Campaign, and the Democrat Party, and a willing CIA and FBI and News Media.

What happened?
No one went to Jail., and a few people were substituted in the lead roles...

Currently , Hillary is taking a nap, and she should be in Jail.

Biden, Kamala, they are just Tools of this Deep State.

"conspiracy theory"?

A.) I wish

Also....Ask yourself..

Why did Germany, and England, France and Sweden....and now the USA.. allow so many Illegals into their country, so that now, they are infected with "out of control"..
Why did the Leaders of these Countries, do that?
Yet they did.

This world is not what it seems, Reader.
THat's a fact.
What is HIDDEN, is controlling it all.

WAYNE ROOT: The Tulsi Gabbard Story Should Scare Every American to Death. Do You Understand How Evil, Vicious and Out-of-Control Democrats and the Deep State Are Right Now? Can You Imagine What Democrats Will Be Willing to Do If They Win in November?​

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