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Sometimes Christians like to criticize or look down on the early Hebrews for not understanding what God's plan was, but it is absolutely typical of man then as now to only believe God after the fact no matter how many prophets God sent to Israel. Very few Israelites ever believed what those men had to say till after the consequences happened.
In fact, look at the Gentile Christian church today. The Lord has told us unequivocally that when Israel returns as a nation and when Jerusalem is retaken from the Gentiles - things that have occurred recently in history - that this is the sign we are living in the last days. This is the sign that Jerusalem and the land of Israel would become a cup of trembling for the entire world and Israel most certainly has become that today.

When in all of history was Jerusalem at any other time a cause for anybody but the Israelites to tremble in fear?
The Jews aggravated the Daylights out of the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Egyptians, and the Romans but never was Jerusalem the center of the world.
It wasn't a place where the things that went on there could destabilize the globe, but it most certainly has become that way in our lifetimes now. We are told that when we see these things happening to look up because our salvation and the end of the world as we know it is near.

We've watched these events unfold with our very eyes. We've been forewarned in Scripture that this time in history would come and yet only a relative few within Christ's Gentile Ecclesia pay any attention.

Let us Gentile Christians vow not to be blind any longer to this incredible time in which we live nor be oblivious to what it means, nor passive in how we should respond in general when we turn a blind or a disinterested eye towards these events.
You know what the Gentile church is doing?
They're behaving just like the Hebrews of old when God forewarned them of what was coming, and they sniffed at it and went on about their lives as usual and the results were devastating for millions of Israelites.

The devastating results will repeat themselves to a blind Gentile church.

Be prepared, God says, for the Gentile church will go through the Time of Jacob's Trouble with Israel and there will be no escape.
How do I know? From Scripture.
There is no record anywhere in the Hebrew Scripture of Israel escaping God's judgments and times of trial and testing that came upon this people. Israel will soon become a cup of trembling for the entire world as end-time prophecy becomes centered upon this people in the coming days, weeks, and months. When I look to the sky and see clouds, I know it will rain.
Knowing this, I can also discern the signs of the times.
The Jews have returned and are returning to their homeland.
The Jews have retaken Jerusalem.
Their cup that runneth over will soon tremble in their hand and the world will soon feel its shaking.
We have been forewarned.
Be prepared.
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