Calvin was a Novice......


Well-known member
1 Timothy 3:6 He must not be a recent convert or he may become arrogant and fall into the punishment that the devil will exact.

Notice the warning of Paul. It is a very real danger for a "recent convert/novice" to pretend to be a leader.

1. It is generally accepted that Calvin was "converted" in 1533. You will be surprised to learn that Calvin's "Institutes" was first published in 1536. If my math (dealing with this difficult mathematical equation) is correct... That means that Calvin qualified as a

NOVICE..../RECENT CONVERT..... when he first published his commentary. A commentary that is widely referenced in part on this forum by "Calvinists".

2. Calvin was a prolific writer. His commentary began in 1536 and significantly expanded in 1539. He published his first commentary on the Book of Romans in 1540. Wow... A new convert producing such works within 7 years of his conversion.

3. I challenge every single Calvinist that reads these words to show me once that Calvin every said he made a mistake in what he wrote? Just once. Find it. I would love to see it. Which is more witness to the fact that Calvin isn't to be trusted. 7 years. Most of his "Institutes" published. Not a single regret or admission of a single mistake.

As often happens.... very few people actually know the life of Calvin. I wish the evidence of my comments on this subject were still around. I called attention to this issue no long after I first started actually studying Calvin.

I ask you "seasoned" men and followers of Christ, tell me how many mistakes you made in the first 7 years of your life in Christ????

Were you so "immaculate" in your commentary to others?
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Besides the above facts he never had a conversion experience, no testimony of becoming born again by the spirit and being transformed. Calvin was reformed never transformed by the Holy Spirit. His own testimony bears this out to be the truth. A man in the flesh, not the Spirit. A Religious/Pious man, not a man of humility of mind but one like the pharisees which was a proud mind, boastful, arrogant etc..... A man no one should follow. Calvin could never like Paul say follow me as I follow Christ. Why anyone would follow the doctrines of a man who did not follow Christ is beyond me.

godliness was a means of gain and authority which the Bible condemns, lording it over others.

hope this helps !!!
Besides the above facts he never had a conversion experience, no testimony of becoming born again by the spirit and being transformed. Calvin was reformed never transformed by the Holy Spirit. His own testimony bears this out to be the truth. A man in the flesh, not the Spirit. A Religious/Pious man, not a man of humility of mind but one like the pharisees which was a proud mind, boastful, arrogant etc..... A man no one should follow. Calvin could never like Paul say follow me as I follow Christ. Why anyone would follow the doctrines of a man who did not follow Christ is beyond me.

godliness was a means of gain and authority which the Bible condemns, lording it over others.

hope this helps !!!

Interesting conversation here......

You will notice that Calvin's followers have translated many of his words differently. Which is common in producing English translations of Calvin's words. For example, Ligonier quotes him as writing "God subdued my heart to docility, which had become hardened against the truth of the gospel."

However, you will not find this exact translation used by many others. You also not often find references to the exact words of Calvin. Here is a reference to the English translation of his commentary on Psalms (the place supposedly referenced).. It is found on page 45 of the PDF.

Here is the translation.....

God by a sudden conversion subdued and brought my mind to a teachable frame, which was more hardened in such matters than might
have been expected from one at my early period of life.

It is true that Calvin said very little about his actual conversion. When you research the information used by his followers, you will find that they often are very sloppy and self serving in how they quote him. Which is another reason why you can't trust most of what others say about Calvin or the doctrine that results from his influence.
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Again, free-willers attack people. Calvinists quote scripture. It's not 100% that way, but it's pretty close.

Was Jesus attacking people when he often referenced the Pharisees or publicans.... Lawyers? Scribes? Do you have a problem with Jesus?

Truth is an absolute defense against such claims. When you can't deal with the obvious, "you attack" what you claim are the "attackers".
1 Timothy 3:6 He must not be a recent convert or he may become arrogant and fall into the punishment that the devil will exact.

Notice the warning of Paul. It is a very real danger for a "recent convert/novice" to pretend to be a leader.

1. It is generally accepted that Calvin was "converted" in 1533. You will be surprised to learn that Calvin's "Institutes" was first published in 1536. If my math (dealing with this difficult mathematical equation) is correct... That means that Calvin qualified as a

NOVICE..../RECENT CONVERT..... when he first published his commentary. A commentary that is widely referenced in part on this forum by "Calvinists".

2. Calvin was a prolific writer. His commentary began in 1536 and significantly expanded in 1539. He published his first commentary on the Book of Romans in 1540. Wow... A new convert producing such works within 7 years of his conversion.

3. I challenge every single Calvinist that reads these words to show me once that Calvin every said he made a mistake in what he wrote? Just once. Find it. I would love to see it. Which is more witness to the fact that Calvin isn't to be trusted. 7 years. Most of his "Institutes" published. Not a single regret or admission of a single mistake.

As often happens.... very few people actually know the life of Calvin. I wish the evidence of my comments on this subject were still around. I called attention to this issue no long after I first started actually studying Calvin.

I ask you "seasoned" men and followers of Christ, tell me how many mistakes you made in the first 7 years of your life in Christ????

Were you so "immaculate" in your commentary to others?
This explains a lot. New Christians are basically [Edit…unnecessary hyperbolic comments.]
Again, free-willers attack people. Calvinists quote scripture. It's not 100% that way, but it's pretty close.
Lol you cannot be serious my experience is the exact opposite from being a Calvinist for 40 plus years and now for a couple years as a non Calvinist. My experience is most Calvinist use ad hominem attacks on these forums and not the non Calvinists we Ho attack their doctrines and arguments not the person.

I have watched both Dr White and Matt Slick use ad hom after ad hom against Dr Leighton Flowers every time they debate. It’s really sad. They both mock their opponents when they debate them.
1 Timothy 3:6 He must not be a recent convert or he may become arrogant and fall into the punishment that the devil will exact.

Notice the warning of Paul. It is a very real danger for a "recent convert/novice" to pretend to be a leader.

1. It is generally accepted that Calvin was "converted" in 1533. You will be surprised to learn that Calvin's "Institutes" was first published in 1536. If my math (dealing with this difficult mathematical equation) is correct... That means that Calvin qualified as a

NOVICE..../RECENT CONVERT..... when he first published his commentary. A commentary that is widely referenced in part on this forum by "Calvinists".

2. Calvin was a prolific writer. His commentary began in 1536 and significantly expanded in 1539. He published his first commentary on the Book of Romans in 1540. Wow... A new convert producing such works within 7 years of his conversion.

3. I challenge every single Calvinist that reads these words to show me once that Calvin every said he made a mistake in what he wrote? Just once. Find it. I would love to see it. Which is more witness to the fact that Calvin isn't to be trusted. 7 years. Most of his "Institutes" published. Not a single regret or admission of a single mistake.

As often happens.... very few people actually know the life of Calvin. I wish the evidence of my comments on this subject were still around. I called attention to this issue no long after I first started actually studying Calvin.

I ask you "seasoned" men and followers of Christ, tell me how many mistakes you made in the first 7 years of your life in Christ????

Were you so "immaculate" in your commentary to others?
Very interesting post. I never knew this.
The only comment I can make is that both sides are guilty of hostility toward other side on these forms. I think it depends upon the individual no matter which side they're on. There are cool Level headed people on both sides. I try not to be antagonistic but if someone pushes the right buttons I'll go off. I think that's called letting somebody get your Goat.

I have heard one thing over and over on every forum that I've been on. And that is when the members break down and continue to argue they may not realize they're harming their testimony for any guests that log on and are looking at the posts.

What would be Ideal is having a friend on the Forum so you could be accountable to each other. That way one can tell the other one when one of them is getting out of line.

But has the old saying goes let your conscience be your guide.

I can't remember where I heard this but someone said that very rude and argumentative people on Christian forms are like "Jerks for Jesus". Been there done that.
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