British/English Empire and KJVOism


Well-known member
One facet that is often lost in the discussion of the KJV is the fact it was "authorized" to combat the Bible of the Reformers in Geneva Bible. The "crown", specifically, King James, was the "pope" of the British Empire. He claimed the "Divine Right of Kings". Which in many ways was even worse than the authority claimed by the Church of Rome.

Few know that Rome's power produced Vulgate Onlyism. In like manner, British power produced the KJV. Many people believe that KJV immediately began to dominate use among English speaking people throughout the world. Which is not true, the Vulgate greatly influenced the KJV and English speakers preferred the DRB and Vulgate until well into the 1800s. Which is why Cambridge and Oxford produced separate editions as authorized by the monarch to update and give the KJV an advantage.

I could go on and on, but I say this to properly deal with our human nature.
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One of the other big problems is that most people do not read about history or historical documents. If the KJV included the original 1611 introduction by the translators, pretty much all the claims of the KJVonlies would disappear.
One of the other big problems is that most people do not read about history or historical documents. If the KJV included the original 1611 introduction by the translators, pretty much all the claims of the KJVonlies would disappear.

Many of the translators were humble men. They failed to control the ultimately product that approved by the archbishop and James himself. Not saying they could have made a difference. Just saying..... :)
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