Are Christianity and Science Compatible?

So you are not a "flat " earth proponent correct ?
Can you understand this???
Let me know.

Satan KNOWS this to be TRUE = Jeremiah 31:37
Thus says the LORD: “If heaven above can be measured, And the foundations of the earth searched out beneath,
I will also cast off all the seed of Israel For all that they have done, says the LORD.

Strange Anomaly - on your globe earth = Israel is still here when they should not exist.
Thus, "the god of this world/satan" MUST trick you into believing a globe earth spinning thru space.
He made the stars also. Gn 1:16 3556
the heavens, and count the stars, Gn 15:5 3556
your seed as the stars of the heavens and Gn 22:17 3556
descendants as the stars of heaven, Gn 26:4 3556
eleven stars were bowing down to me.” Gn 37:9 3556
as the stars of the heavens, Ex 32:13 3556
like the stars of heaven in number. Dt 1:10 3556
the sun and the moon and the stars, Dt 4:19 3556
as numerous as the stars of heaven. Dt 10:22 3556
as numerous as the stars of heaven, Dt 28:62 3556
“The stars fought from heaven, From Jg 5:20 3556
multiply Israel as the stars of heaven. 1Ch 27:23 3556
from dawn until the stars appeared. Ne 4:21 3556
sons numerous as the stars of heaven, Ne 9:23 3556
the stars of its twilight be darkened; Jb 3:9 3556
shine, And sets a seal upon the stars; Jb 9:7 3556
Look also at the distant stars, Jb 22:12 3556
the stars are not pure in His sight, Jb 25:5 3556
When the morning stars sang together Jb 38:7 3556
Your fingers, The moon and the stars, Ps 8:3 3556
The moon and stars to rule by night, Ps 136:9 3556
He counts the number of the stars; Ps 147:4 3556
Praise Him, all stars of light! Ps 148:3 3556
the moon and the stars are darkened, Ec 12:2 3556
For the stars of heaven and their Is 13:10 3556
my throne above the stars of God, Is 14:13 3556
And see who has created these stars, Is 40:26
Those who prophesy by the stars, Is 47:13 3556
fixed order of the moon and the stars Jer 31:35 3556
the heavens and darken their stars; Ezk 32:7 3556
some of the stars to fall to the earth, Da 8:10 3556
like the stars forever and ever. Da 12:3 3556
And the stars lose their brightness. Jl 2:10 3556
And the stars lose their brightness. Jl 3:15 3556
you set your nest among the stars, Ob 1:4 3556
traders more than the stars of heaven Na 3:16 3556
AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, Mt 24:29 792
THE STARS WILL BE FALLING from heaven, Mk 13:25 792
be signs in sun and moon and stars, Lk 21:25 798
sun nor stars appeared for many days, Ac 27:20 798
moon, and another glory of the stars; 1Co 15:41 792
wandering stars, for whom the black Jude 1:13 792
In His right hand He held seven stars Rv 1:16 792
“As for the mystery of the seven stars Rv 1:20 792
the seven stars are the angels of the Rv 1:20 792
the seven stars in His right hand, Rv 2:1 792
Spirits of God and the seven stars, Rv 3:1 792
stars of the sky fell to the earth, Rv 6:13 792
and a third of the stars were struck, Rv 8:12 792
on her head a crown of twelve stars; Rv 12:1 792
away a third of the stars of heaven and Rv 12:4 792

Robert L. Thomas, The Lockman Foundation, New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: Updated Edition (Anaheim: Foundation Publications, Inc., 1998).
Brother, we are not on the SAME page of the GREATEST Scientist to ever walk this earth.

However, i have left the NASA platform that was developed by satanists = please review the men who were open satanists that were instrumental in developing NASA.

In the LOVE of CHRIST the CREATOR = God BLESS you Today
n 1992, astronomers discovered the first planet outside the solar system. Since then, telescopes have spotted thousands of these so-called exoplanets orbiting not only stars similar to the sun but also in binary star systems; small, cool stars called red dwarfs; and even ultradense neutron stars. It's enough to make you wonder: Does every star out there have at least one planet orbiting it?

includes @civic

Brother, we are not on the SAME page of the GREATEST Scientist to ever walk this earth.

However, i have left the NASA platform that was developed by satanists = please review the men who were open satanists that were instrumental in developing NASA.

In the LOVE of CHRIST the CREATOR = God BLESS you Today
Correct we are not on the same page, neither are we in the same book.
“I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” I have the justification and salvation that comes through my faith in Jesus. It is through this righteousness that I'm made right with God and my sins forgiven.
Then why did you say you are not in His Book?
Ok you told me that you and I are not on the same page and my response was you were right. I added we are not even in the same book. Now I think we are not even in the same library.
Good Morning @Wilber

Please SEE Post #22 where i said to you:
"Brother, we are on the SAME page of the GREATEST Scientist to ever walk this earth."

Thank You
Hi, @Wilber

Thank you for your thread. It certainly addresses an important topic.
As a Baha'i, I believe that science, reason and revealed religion can be in harmony.

Let me share with you an extract from Baha'is Sacred Writings

"Furthermore, religion must conform to reason and be in accord with the conclusions of science. For religion, reason and science are realities; therefore, these three, being realities, must conform and be reconciled. A question or principle which is religious in its nature must be sanctioned by science. Science must declare it to be valid, and reason must confirm it in order that it may inspire confidence.

If religious teaching, however, be at variance with science and reason, it is unquestionably superstition. The Lord of mankind has bestowed upon us the faculty of reason whereby we may discern the realities of things. How then can man rightfully accept any proposition which is not in conformity with the processes of reason and the principles of science? Assuredly such a course cannot inspire man with confidence and real belief." (Abdul Bahá)
Addressing the OP.
In truth yes, for there is TRUE SCIENCE, and a False Science. 1 Timothy 6:20 "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:"

The term "science" requires a lot of nuanced presuppositions, like self awareness, logical thought, the existence of an external world, order in nature, and regularity over time.

If there are by definition things science cannot measure, detect or explain, and even under naturalism this would seem true, then science cannot be the determiner of truth.
The term "science" requires a lot of nuanced presuppositions, like self awareness, logical thought, the existence of an external world, order in nature, and regularity over time.

If there are by definition things science cannot measure, detect or explain, and even under naturalism this would seem true, then science cannot be the determiner of truth.
agreed, but now science is confirming the unseen world that is in the God world as Fact. which is Good. the UNKNOW is only temporary. but God knows all things.

and this was clearly revealed in the Garden. the forbidden fruit was not knowledge itself, but the handling of it. for God as any Good parent wants THEIR children to KNOW and UNDERSTAND that KNOWLEDGE. this is evidence in God word. Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."

this is why we perish ...... even unto today, and why we have to OBSERVE, TEST, and Theorized data result.

but one day we will learn how to trust God completely ..... in FAITH....... without ..... FEAR.

This is not logically possible.

It would be like a calculator telling you what temperature it is.
we have them now, even in wrist watches. 101G have a sport watch that read blood pressure, temperature.... ect. and it's a calculator.

The term "science" requires a lot of nuanced presuppositions, like self awareness, logical thought, the existence of an external world, order in nature, and regularity over time.

If there are by definition things science cannot measure, detect or explain, and even under naturalism this would seem true, then science cannot be the determiner of truth.
NASA = "false science" = "lying wonders"
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