Well-known member
Agreed but like so much of the Bible, it is not meant literally. Figurative. Allegorical. Metaphorical.God created heaven and earth in six solar days
If it were literally true, how do you explain the fact Cain and Able did not marry their siblings but women from another town?
Genesis is a great story! No one can literally believe a man would work years to marry Woman A but upon finding out he was a victim of fraud he’d just accept it and labor again for years in the hopes of marrying Woman A for real.
No one can literally believe a military commander, Joshua, would hold himself to a treaty with a people in Exodus who obtained the treat my via fraud.
It’s interesting that Christendom projects Satan on the snake but that is Eisegesis. Consider how unjust it would be for God to not only punish the snake to crawl on its belly but all its descendants when it was supposedly Satan in the form of a snake or possessing the snake.
And talking snakes? What’s the literal explanation for snakes not talking today?
One thing our society struggles with is that a fictional story can still be true! Fiction does not mean false. Sure, the story involves a normal 24 hour day. God said let there be light. We don’t know how the light was literally made. Maybe it is the created light from God’s son. Anyway, we don’t need to know the literal truth.
The moral of the story is we ought to submit to the will of God and our innate tendency not to is why we need a savior.