What's the Difference?

The Rogue Tomato

Well-known member
For the sake of argument, let's assume that salvation is, at least in part, a free will choice.

God gives grace to two people. One resists and chooses not to accept it and is damned. The other does not resist and chooses to accept it and is saved.

What is the difference between these two people? What quality does the accepting person have that the rejecting person lacks? WHY does one person say yes, and the other say no?
For the sake of argument, let's assume that salvation is, at least in part, a free will choice.

God gives grace to two people. One resists and chooses not to accept it and is damned. The other does not resist and chooses to accept it and is saved.

What is the difference between these two people? What quality does the accepting person have that the rejecting person lacks? WHY does one person say yes, and the other say no?
One chose to love darkness and the other one didn't.

We don't have to try to figure it out anymore than that really. Some things just are a certain way because they are a certain way. We can ask God and rack our brains trying to figure out how God could have always existed. God might respond by saying I just did because I did. No need to take one's mind down the road to figure it out anymore than what the truth is.
But Jesus told us right? One loved darkness. The other didn't. Why can't you let that be your answer?
Because it doesn't answer the question. WHY does one love darkness and the other doesn't? There has to be a reason why one person would love darkness and the other not (or not as much). What quality does one have that the other lacks?
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Because it doesn't answer the question. WHY does one love darkness and the other doesn't? There has to be a reason why one person would love darkness and the other not (or not as much). What quality does one have that the other lacks?
We all love sin and darkness that’s man default position since the fall. The question is as Jesus taught mans deeds are evil and they love the darkness more than light. The choice is mans when they hear and respond the the gospel whether it’s for it or against it. God has provided a way of escape for everyone. It’s up to man what they chose to do with the light they have been given. In theology it’s called synergism. :)
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We all love sin and darkness that’s man default position since the fall. The question is as Jesus taught mans deeds are evil and they love the darkness more than light. The choice is man when they hear and respond the the gospel whether it’s for it or against it. God has provided a way of escape for everyone. It’s up to man what they chose to do with the light they have been given. In theology it’s called synergism. :)
That's not an answer. Why does one choose to respond and the other not? What is the critical quality in one man that makes the difference?

I know why you can't answer this question, but that's the point.
That's not an answer. Why does one choose to respond and the other not? What is the critical quality in one man that makes the difference?

I know why you can't answer this question, but that's the point.
Sure its an answer but you don't like it.

Some love sin more than God and when convicted run and ignore God and haden their hearts while others respond to the conviction of sin and repent.

Its as simple as that as @Bob Carabbio likes to say. :)
Because it doesn't answer the question. WHY does one love darkness and the other doesn't?
Well the Bible does call it the lusts of the flesh. One yeilds to them and another doesn't.
There has to be a reason why one person would love darkness and the other not (or not as much).
I don't know maybe God is wondering that too. You may laugh at that but look ...... he knows it's because one is choosing their selfish lusts and another may not be....but you're wanting something more deeper than that. You should maybe just settle down and accept that really there may be no deeper answer than what God has actually revealed and that is love of selfish sin, and darkness. Read what God asked Israel,

".....for why will you die, O house of Israel? Eze 33:11

Oh he knows it's a love for sin but he asks them why is it that you're choosing to go sin's direction. If there's no answer God can come up with on that (outside of what I mentioned) why is it you think that you could?

What quality does one have that the other lacks?
Well and God could say to you one chooses pride and one chooses humility. What else would you want God to say?
Well the Bible does call it the lusts of the flesh. One yeilds to them and another doesn't.

I don't know maybe God is wondering that too. You may laugh at that but look ...... he knows it's because one is choosing their selfish lusts and another may not be....but you're wanting something more deeper than that. You should maybe just settle down and accept that really there may be no deeper answer than what God has actually revealed and that is love of selfish sin, and darkness. Read what God asked Israel,

".....for why will you die, O house of Israel? Eze 33:11

Oh he knows it's a love for sin but he asks them why is it that you're choosing to go sin's direction. If there's no answer God can come up with on that (outside of what I mentioned) why is it you think that you could?

Well and God could say to you one chooses pride and one chooses humility. What else would you want God to say?

You're just re-stating the same thing over and over again, not answering the question. Why does one choose pride and another choose humility? What makes the difference between the two men (or women)? If you don't know, surely you can guess, can't you?
You're just re-stating the same thing over and over again, not answering the question. Why does one choose pride and another choose humility? What makes the difference between the two men (or women)? If you don't know, surely you can guess, can't you?
Instead of the 100 questions lets guess the answer game why don't you just come out and say he reason why since you already know and lets test it against the whole counsel of Gods word and see it it holds water or if your cistern has leaks.
You're just re-stating the same thing over and over again, not answering the question.
So you get to say the same thing over and over again and other's don't?
Why does one choose pride and another choose humility?
Come on RT! You've basically asked that before but in a different way. :)
What makes the difference between the two men (or women)? If you don't know, surely you can guess, can't you?
You're going back to assert there has to be a reason. I've told you there doesn't has to be a reason other than what God has stated. (loving darkness) On what grounds should i consider there's a reason to guess at. Why can't you just take God at his word when he's told us what he said?

So how about I ask you this....how is it that God could have always existed? Maybe you'd tell me there's no reason that question should be asked? I counter by saying, "Oh come on, come on, come on.....now guess at it! Stop dodging the question!" It's not really dodging anything. It's just some things are a certain way because they are a certain way. Some may just love sin because they choose to just love sin.
You're just re-stating the same thing over and over again, not answering the question. Why does one choose pride and another choose humility? What makes the difference between the two men (or women)? If you don't know, surely you can guess, can't you?

The difference is the will of the agent.

If LFW exists by definition it is a free choice.
Instead of the 100 questions lets guess the answer game why don't you just come out and say he reason why since you already know and lets test it against the whole counsel of Gods word and see it it holds water or if your cistern has leaks.
Right Civic. So RT come out from behind the curtains and be a straight shooter. If you feel they're has to be a reason why come out and say your piece. You bang on us for not dreaming up some answer when you haven't shared one yourself. You're the one implying there should be an answer. I don't believe there has to be so YOUR TURN.
Yes, assuming salvation is synergistic, there must be an answer. "One chose yes, the other no," is no answer. There's always a reason why we choose one thing over another. So what is it? Is one man wiser? Smarter? More humble? What is it?
Yes, assuming salvation is synergistic, there must be an answer. "One chose yes, the other no," is no answer. There's always a reason why we choose one thing over another. So what is it? Is one man wiser? Smarter? More humble? What is it?
Well sure we've already established that. One person is choosing to love darkness rather than light. One person is choosing to be more wiser. One person is choosing to walk in humility with God. Go back and check. I told you that in my post #12 . So I'm glad we finally in agreement.
Well sure we've already established that. One person is choosing to love darkness rather than light. One person is choosing to be more wiser. One person is choosing to walk in humility with God. Go back and check. I told you that in my post #12 . So I'm glad we finally in agreement.

Now you're just being silly. Choosing to be wise is like choosing to be smart or choosing to be tall. Either you're wise or you're not. Either you're smart or you're not. Either you're tall or you're not. You seem to think you can assign any attribute to free will. If that's the case, there's no point in discussing anything with you about this.
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