Tracing Eschatological Clues


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I wrote out a list of about a hundred eschatological-related terms and events. I had placed these into a basically sequential order and had placed verses/passages alongside each entry. The goal was to track the sequence of events and then demonstrate which events were fulfilled as an end point. Then any events that preceded that within passages could also be marked as fulfilled.
Anyhow, I had copied the list of terms and events to a text file but lost the spreadsheet with the verses (due to sudden shutdown of software). I will provide the list in case someone wants to help fill-in verses/passages or use this list independently. Note that some entries could seem odd. Many may not make sense to me when I don't have the verses next to the entries.
Latter Days
First century
Redeemer Arrives. Baby born. Incarnation as Messiah
Raised from sleep
Birth Pangs/Transition
Labor – more regarding God. God's restraint
Turmoil for followers of Christ begins
Turmoil exception?
Turmoil for non-followers of Christ
Turmoil of nations
Falling Away/Apostacy
Famines, pestilences, earthquakes
All Israel gathered
Jerusalem encircled – Abomination of Desolation(AD66) [The abomination that desolates the temple]
Days, times, 1290, 3.5 years, 1335
Unknown Day Nor Hour
Worship idols
Eyes of the blind/ blindness/ sight
Compared to Sodom
Signs in heaven, earthquakes, famines
Affecting Mothers nursing children
Days of vengeance
Christians flee Jerusalem
Wise. Understanding. Knowledge
Removed Transgressions
Gospel has two sides – justification of righteous (evangelists) and punishment of rejection of Christ
Gospel to the nations
This generation; timing
Comfort each other with these words
Judgment on nations and land
Seeking one's life will lose it
Vultures gathering at the corpse
Jerusalem Destroyed
Jerusalem and Temple in Ruins
Israel Destroyed Except for Remnant
Destruction cut short for the elect
Resurrection at the coming
Jesus' coming – the final destruction {I'm uncertain exactly where to place this.}
Judging for deeds
Coming in judgment
Kingdom coming with power
Coming on the Clouds
Wrath of God
Day of the Lord
Heavens burn (“set on fire”, heavenly bodies melt) and refiner's fire
No stone left of temple building
End of Israel – Last Day – promises to Israel complete
Contrast to “saved from our enemies”
Sun darkened, moon not giving light, stars fall
Powers of heaven shaken
Jews led captive.
Jerusalem trampled by gentiles
Jerusalem trampled until times of the Gentiles are fulfilled
Judgment coming quickly or suddenly
Judging Jews who Misunderstood God
Judgment and nations
Jerusalem/Zion cleansed –remove transgressions and transgressors
Swift end of Jerusalem/EarthlyIsrael
Roman destruction stopped
Gathering of the Israel/elect/remnant – All Israel Saved (resurrected)
Hide yourself before the judgment
Book of Life
Resurrection of the many
Resurrection/ First fruits
Resurrected like angels
Trumpet Sounds
Kingdom starts – Kingdom of heaven, kingdom of God
Enter Kingdom
Celebrating the king
Judgment of those who went against Christ
Satan crushed ( maybe 4 empires as the nations representing Satan's hold over nations)
Perseverance (see the antonym apostasy )
Glory Revealed
Reign with Christ
Heavens and Earth ( the new priesthood and temple after the old was destroyed)
No need for sun or moon
End of the Law Era
Seed of the serpent
End of the Age
Worthy of attaining to that age (of resurrection)
Church as bride of Christ
New Jerusalem descends
No more tears or death
New temple. New heavens and earth
Nations exist after new heavens and new earth
End of Roman Empire
Given master's posessions – land possession
Christ shared to the nations of the world
End of 1000s years
Deceived Nations and Satan Judged
Nations under Christ's feet
Death destroyed (probably for Rev 20 this is the person of death
The End – but 1 Cor 15 may speak of a first-century end and Dan 12:13 may speak of a yet-coming end of days
2nd Resurrection?
It is okay if terms like "day of the Lord" have multiple applications -- such as a judgment on specific OT nations instead of a single judgment. I had not figured out a concept to differentiate these. Maybe adding an entry like Babylon:Isaiah 13:6-9.

If people want to somehow share verses for entries in this list, maybe I or someone else can gather these into a spreadsheet.
If anyone wants to work with this list or help me on it, let me know. I have to some degree started a synoptic view of prophecy elements. No specific view has to be taken on the list.
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