The Victory Way


Well-known member
On this Victory Way thread I'd like to put down posts , what I believe to be nuggets of encouragement I've wrote. Each one will be about a 2 minute read. Hope you enjoy! I'll start by number of posts on The Christian Love Walk.

Victory Way 1
First of all it's a Commandment! Jn 15:12 "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." Jesus didn't just say it's a good idea. He didn't say it's just a wonderful thought or something you might just consider. He made it a Commandment! That means we do it whether we feel like doing it or not. That means God is saying I am your Commander and Chief in Heaven your Lord and King and you must become compliant to what I'm saying.

We can say it's a MUST to do, it's essential, and imperative with no option to do the contrary that is if we want to please him. So was God being mean to insist upon such? Unreasonable? Or was he rather just longing to keep you in the realm of joy and peace? The last thought of course is the TRUTH. God who is LOVE doesn't want his children wallowing around in the misery and poison that comes from sin! Strife, contention, ill will and rancor is a degeneration from the Light of Life., which shuts down your FAITH. (Cont on a future day)
On this Victory Way thread I'd like to put down posts , what I believe to be nuggets of encouragement I've wrote. Each one will be about a 2 minute read. Hope you enjoy! I'll start by number of posts on The Christian Love Walk.

Victory Way 1
First of all it's a Commandment! Jn 15:12 "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." Jesus didn't just say it's a good idea. He didn't say it's just a wonderful thought or something you might just consider. He made it a Commandment! That means we do it whether we feel like doing it or not. That means God is saying I am your Commander and Chief in Heaven your Lord and King and you must become compliant to what I'm saying.

I agree with what you say here, but I want to make sure you understand what it means. Jesus said to "count the Cost" concerning this commitment to love others, "as He loved us".

Luke 14: 26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?

29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,

30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

And the Condition HE placed on this Commandment is "as I have loved you". So how did Jesus love Peter or anyone? First and foremost, HE risked His Own Life to "Show them Gods Word". HE promoted the Words of His Father, not His Own. He Told Biblical Truth regardless of whether it offended a person or not. How did Jesus Love those who "Called HIM Lord, Lord, but "worked iniquity"? Did HE not Love them by telling them the Truth, "I don't know you"?

How did HE Love those who "Rejected the commandments of God so they could walk in their own manmade religious traditions"? Did HE not also tell them the truth knowing they would kill Him, hate Him, falsely accuse Him for doing so?

He even told me that those who "Fall on Him" will be broken. That is what HIS Love does to the Sinner. But what remains is a man "Renewed in the spirit of his mind", and man who rejects the evil and chooses the Good. A man that "Yields himself" a servant to obey God. A man that "Presses toward" the High calling of God, "Perfection, even as my Father and His Father in heaven ids Perfect", a perfection which was "in Christ Jesus."

We can say it's a MUST to do, it's essential, and imperative with no option to do the contrary that is if we want to please him. So was God being mean to insist upon such? Unreasonable? Or was he rather just longing to keep you in the realm of joy and peace?

Whose "peace" do you speak of here?

Matt. 10: 34 "Think not" that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

John 16: 20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.

21 A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. 22 And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.

I know that these Words of the Lord's Christ do not make for good marketing strategies for this world's religious sects and businesses as they compete for butts to fill the seats of their manmade shrines of worship. Nevertheless, this is the Love of Christ, shed upon us to turn us away from Sin and Death. And now I am Loving you as HE has Loved me and told me HIS Truth, a Truth that will set me free from Sin and Death.

The last thought of course is the TRUTH. God who is LOVE doesn't want his children wallowing around in the misery and poison that comes from sin! Strife, contention, ill will and rancor is a degeneration from the Light of Life., which shuts down your FAITH. (Cont on a future day)

My friend Rockson, who I love, do not listen to the "many" who "come in Christ's Name" who "say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you." Listen to the Jesus "of the Bible".

Matt. 6: 5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

This is the Love of God that was in Christ Jesus.
Love never fails. In other words, it never gives up on people. The apostle Paul describes what love is in 1 Corinthians 13 and mentions that love always believes the best; it is positive and filled with faith and hope. While Jesus was on earth, He gave a new commandment to His followers: that we love one another.

I believe walking in love should be the main goal of every Christian.

God is love, and He never gives up on us. Let’s choose to live with that same attitude. Believe in the power of love to change and transform anything and anyone.
Victory Way 2

So the scripture says in Col 3:13 that we are to show forbearance towards one another in LOVE. What's forbearance? It means to hold up with, to bear with or I could put it this graciously even to put up with people whether at times you feel like it or not. That can take us back to the Commandment of LOVE Jn 15:12 God has given to each of us. Hang in there, or keep working with people without freaking out, or falling apart like a cheap two dollar watch.

One might say, "Well I don't feel like it." but I can imagine Jesus appearing in front of one such one and telling them lovingly but boldly, "Stop, stop, STOP! Where did you ever read in my word that you always get to do things you always feel like doing? I said endeavor so guess what? Keep endeavoring and after you've done some of that do it again and again until I tell you to stop." One might say, "Well it's hard Lord it hard!" His response might be "Didn't I say in my WORD at there may be times when you might have to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ? 2 Tim 2:3

Don't collapse into yielding to the flesh but to stand fast in the LOVE of God. Eph 4:2 states, "With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love." The next scripture I think should be pasted on the doorway of every Christian assembly regardless of how well we even do this. It's something we always need reminded of ,
"Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Eph 2:3 Always easy to do? Nope!

As for me can't say that it is. We keep in mind though that if we do have our daily fellowship with the Lord at the day's start, with devotions and many do this in different ways one most certainly does have a capacity not to be bothered by what should be considered low level agitations.

Even with being in the best spiritual shape ....not always easy to ENDEAVOUR. As modern lingo says some people may tick you off, get your goat, rub you the wrong way but God says to us all, "HEY....KEEP ENDEAVOURING don't set that aside! Be a part of the solution for the world with my LOVE flowing through you and not be part of the problem.
The Victory Way 3

The Bible says we're to run the race with faith and patience and don't be knocked out of it. Heb 12:1 We're doing a LOVE series here....Some trials which seek to knock one out of such can be impactful...not saying they're not but it might come as a surprise that the grief of at least some of them can be greatly alleviated in just how we consider them. Gal 5:22 talks about temperance. The capacity to show restraint.

The Spirit within us will seek to stabilize us to keep us for the most part in a calmed down mode. Instead of being hot headed we're (as the saying goes) cool as a cucumber. We become quick to hear slow to speak and slow to wrath. Jm 1:19 Beware of Mr Opposite who is slow to hear, quick to speak and quick to wrath. He or she is usually one flying off the handle! They delight in giving people a piece of their mind!

Problem with that...they keep giving out pieces....they might find to their shock and dismay they end up with no pieces left! How big actually are a lot of our problems? Could we find ourselves in a hypertensive mode exaggerating the impact of other's words and actions? Let's imagine a boat on the water. There's a storm and those on board look frantic and they're hanging on for dear life! The waves are tossing them to and fro!

We can see the crack of lighting flash through their sky and they cry out to God for mercy. Then we back way off from what we see and we see something else ..... We discover it's a boat floating on a small sea of water in ..... A TEA CUP! We've heard the saying, "A tempest or a storm in a tea cup? So the question...doesn't it serve us well to make doubly sure we're not blowing something out of proportion? Yes there are big trials, problems and difficulties but how about us making sure we categorize them rightly for our peace and for the peace of those about us.
The Victory Way 4

Sometimes An Odd Time And All Of The Time!

Sometimes you have to laugh when you don't feel like laughing, and smile when you don't feel like smiling! Sometimes you have to not take many things too seriously but try to see a bigger picture. Sometimes you have to reset look to the future and set forth a positive agenda for happiness. Sometimes you have to shake off negativity and rise up and make something good happen.

Sometimes you need to break through self pity that can hold one bound and make sure it doesn't take hold of you. Sometimes you need to stop being a Gloomy Gus realizing some people have had the same problem as you or even greater. Sometimes you need to get your mind off yourself and seek to be an encouragement to others. Sometimes you need to consider a few months from now you won't even be thinking about the problems you now face they'll be a thing of the past, gone forever!

Sometimes you need to respond to situations and not react, responding being a positive thing, reacting being negative. Sometimes you need to jump up out of your despondency and bounce back with great resilience !Sometimes you need to refrain from getting bitter but rather to get better instead realizing that many dark clouds have a silver lining. Sometimes you need to capture the thought that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning,

Sometimes you need to not be pointing fingers of judgement knowing that if you do three are pointed back at you, Sometimes you need to stop seeking to give people advice like this and let them figure out these things on their own but sometimes that's not the case. Sometimes you need to admit you're wrong and recognize that you don't need to do these things just sometimes, BUT ALL THE TIME : )
I call this God's Love: Broken Heart Healed Pt 2

There's many ways one's heart can be broken, but Jesus came to heal the broken hearted. We can all experience it from time to time but Jesus is right there with us to grant us comfort and strength. See how God I believe spoke to me in one such time in trial and let it be an encouragement for you too!

I love the devotional blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.
Yes! As I said in my video I sure needed it that day a couple of years ago. And that devotion has a different topic every day and this one popped up the very day I needed it. So no matter what may be breaking out hearts we must always take seriously where Jesus said he's easily touched with the feeling of our infirmities. He does care and will let us know. :)
In Acts 17: 28 we see that God through the Apostle Paul used the entertainment industry of his day to make a spiritual point....something that generation could relate to help them more readily receive the gospel. This following came to me I believe by revelation in a similar way that is something about our present culture in which God wants to make a spiritual so doing that they might more readily receive the Gospel. I'll say what it is first and then I'll share why in my opinion this can have a great impact for the Kingdom of God.

It's the Christmas Carol. the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and his joyful life filled nephew who sought to bring his Uncle into a state of merriment! Now just know first of all how significant this piece of literature The Christmas Carol has being over the last 100 years. Written by Charles Dickens in the 1800's there's been over 20 movies made about the theme.....then there's highly talented professional theater productions that have been done on stage.....not to mention just type in on youtube "Scrooge Highs School plays! I dare say you can't find a city in North America that usually doesn't have a Christmas Carol production going on in every city. So ..... everybody LOVES this story! Because they DO I believe God wants to use it to make a point.

I encourage you to stay with me and I think you'll find this interesting! Scrooges nephew was a type of Jesus Christ. He Scrooge's nephew came to a man who was in darkness and misery that is Scrooge and wanted to bring him in to a state of life and merriment. You recall (if you've seen a Scrooge movie) he came to his Uncle's business and announced to him in a lively spirit of joy and happiness, "MERRY Christmas UNCLE!!" Just to note in the actual text Charles Dickens wrote, he has Scrooge's nephew actually say to him, "Merry Christmas Uncle and God save you!" Interesting that all the movie producers actually left that out.

And how did Scrooge answer his nephew.....I think you all know....He said to him, 'HUMBUG! HUMBUG!" He basically told him "Take Your MERRY somewhere else!" There was something though his nephew wanted him to do.....a place where he wanted him to come, AND where was that? He wanted him to come to his place for Christmas dinner where there would be LIVELY JOY, MERRIMENT, DANCING AND FUN and Jesus 2000 years before Charles Dickens ever wrote this made out a call to for all to come his LIFE banquet! In Lk 14:16 we read,

But Jesus replied, “A certain man prepared a great banquet and invited many guests. 17When it was time for the banquet, he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’18But one after another they all began to make excuses. The first one said, ‘I have bought a field, and I need to go see it. Please excuse me.’19Another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to try them out. Please excuse me.’20Still another said, ‘I have married a wife, so I cannot come.’

They like Scrooges were basically saying the same thing as he to the invitation to the LIFE party....HUMBUG....HUMBUG!!!

Scrooges nephew came to him with a message of LIFE and JOY and Jesus Christ outside of the realm of fiction actually did the same with what's called the Good News Gospel The Way, The Truth and the Life. Christ was wanting and still does want to restore within the hearts of every man the true state of merriment and that is imparting Eternal Life into ones spirit to transform their life. The Apostle Peter said to Jesus that he was the one who had the words of eternal life and Jesus said, "The words I speak unto you they are spirit and life!" Jn 6:63 We're going to take you on a journey in this series ahead at looking more closely at this Christmas Carol, Scrooge, and THE HUMBUG analogy and as I've suggested it can have a big impact on saints and sinners alike and here's why......the culture has engrained within them not to want to be of a Scrooge spirit! They've heard the Christmas Carol story all of their lives and the last thing they want to be is be like him. When one understands they don't want to say HUMBUG to The Creator of all Spirits to saints and sinners alike they find awaken in them a new positive vision to say YES to God in all things. Nobody or most people don't want to be a Spiritual Scrooge!

(See You Next Time)
So last post we were talking about similarity between the message that the fictional character of Scrooges nephew came to bring to him as compared to the message that Jesus Christ came to deliver to this Earth.
The nephew said to his Uncle, "Merry Christmas!" The message of Jesus Christ however was infinitely better however for Jesus didn't focus on one day of a year....Merry Christmas......but when one examines what Jesus actually brought forth he was actually saying, "MERRY LIFE to You, each one of humanity!"

There is no true state of merriment without being In Him that is In Christ! The world outside of God do a great many things to fill the void....the emptiness one feels not having one's life joined with his. All such things however will not fulfill. The only thing that does is having God living and abiding within one's spirit!

We sometimes hear of people rejecting good sound council that they went on their MERRY way, but no they didn't. Not really. There is no true merriment without a fellowship in the spirit with the Lord Jesus Christ! Granted there are cheap imitations to this but they ultimately lead one to the dead end of not feeling fulfilled. Jesus said that which is of flesh or the natural realm is the natural realm and that which is of Spirit (or spiritual realm) is spirit.

You can't answer the spiritual cry of one's heart with natural things. You can spend the rest of your life trying to do this but save some time and accept the assessment of God and don't say HUMBUG to God! I'd encourage one and all invite Jesus Christ into your heart and life and make him the Lord of your life today! Jesus is saying to you,

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Rev 3:20
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