The Revelation


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When trying to come to the "unity of the faith" as the "mind of Christ" so that you are "walking in the Spirit"... = its just one simple thing..., and it has nothing to so with self effort, or works, or behavior.. or commandment keeping or water baptism.

1.) How does God see us, as the "born again".

A.) = He ONLY sees us as the born again "made righteous".., the revelation.


Because CHRISTianity is SPIRITUAL, and "God is A Spirit".

CHRISTians.... are a born again Spirit, having become so, "in Christ", as "One with God".
This is "Redemption". This is to become "born..... again"., and this has nothing to do with water baptism or church membership.
Being BORN AGAIN...... is our Heavenly "sonship" eternal Identification. = This is the "Son/Daughter" of God....Its the BORN AGAIN us.

We are the Born again.....and this is all SPIRITUAL.........We are a Born again SPIRIT, who lives in a dying body that is going to be replaced by a heavenly body that is designed to contain the BORN AGAIN Spirit who is the CHRISTian.
See that?
So, this means that the REAL US, is not our body which is going to be replaced...., and its not our MIND, as our mind has to be RENEWED so that it understands who we have become= as the Born again Spirit, = that is the REAL Son/Daughter of God.

See that?

Its simple, but you have to get the revelation of who you have become "in Christ", as this is the BORN AGAIN Spirit.. = This is the CHILD of God.

So, When you begin to see yourself as this, and only this, then verses like... "seated in heavenly places in Christ" will make perfect sense to you.

Or, when you read a verse that says...>"in the world but not of the world"...then you'll automatically think...>"well of course, as the real CHRISTian is already """"one with God" and "seated in Heavenly places"""", right now, "in Christ".

And You'll read this verse..

'"""As CHRIST IS...... so are the born again...... IN.... THIS ... WORLD""""........ and you'll understand it.

You'll SEE it... and that is by revelation knowledge.

And all of this revelation, is simply God's perspective of who you are, as a born again spirit, existing right now and forever, as "in Christ" and "one with God".

And one more...
When you get this revelation of who you are, as a born again Spirit, who already exists as "one with God".."in Christ".... then you have "worked out your SALVATION".
As to work it out, is to understand who you are become are in it..... and who to exist there, in the renewed mind.

And that is how you '"""put on the Helmet of Salvation""".

Its by gaining the REVELATION of who you have become as "one with God" 'in Christ".... "made righteous".

When trying to come to the "unity of the faith" as the "mind of Christ" so that you are "walking in the Spirit"... = its just one simple thing..., and it has nothing to so with self effort, or works, or behavior.. or commandment keeping or water baptism.

1.) How does God see us, as the "born again".

A.) = He ONLY sees us as the born again "made righteous".., the revelation.


Because CHRISTianity is SPIRITUAL, and "God is A Spirit".

CHRISTians.... are a born again Spirit, having become so, "in Christ", as "One with God".
This is "Redemption". This is to become "born..... again"., and this has nothing to do with water baptism or church membership.
Being BORN AGAIN...... is our Heavenly "sonship" eternal Identification. = This is the "Son/Daughter" of God....Its the BORN AGAIN us.

We are the Born again.....and this is all SPIRITUAL.........We are a Born again SPIRIT, who lives in a dying body that is going to be replaced by a heavenly body that is designed to contain the BORN AGAIN Spirit who is the CHRISTian.
See that?
So, this means that the REAL US, is not our body which is going to be replaced...., and its not our MIND, as our mind has to be RENEWED so that it understands who we have become= as the Born again Spirit, = that is the REAL Son/Daughter of God.

See that?

Its simple, but you have to get the revelation of who you have become "in Christ", as this is the BORN AGAIN Spirit.. = This is the CHILD of God.

So, When you begin to see yourself as this, and only this, then verses like... "seated in heavenly places in Christ" will make perfect sense to you.

Or, when you read a verse that says...>"in the world but not of the world"...then you'll automatically think...>"well of course, as the real CHRISTian is already """"one with God" and "seated in Heavenly places"""", right now, "in Christ".

And You'll read this verse..

'"""As CHRIST IS...... so are the born again...... IN.... THIS ... WORLD""""........ and you'll understand it.

You'll SEE it... and that is by revelation knowledge.

And all of this revelation, is simply God's perspective of who you are, as a born again spirit, existing right now and forever, as "in Christ" and "one with God".

And one more...
When you get this revelation of who you are, as a born again Spirit, who already exists as "one with God".."in Christ".... then you have "worked out your SALVATION".
As to work it out, is to understand who you are become are in it..... and who to exist there, in the renewed mind.

And that is how you '"""put on the Helmet of Salvation""".

Its by gaining the REVELATION of who you have become as "one with God" 'in Christ".... "made righteous".
All hundreds of trinity based religions = a mass of confusion= a lack of holy spirit causing it. Hundreds of different truths. Reality= God has 1 truth, and Jesus promised to give holy spirit to his teachers to guide them into ALL of Gods 1 truth= leaving out 99% of all religion claiming to be christian, only 1 is correct, only 1 has Jesus and holy spirit and all of Gods 1 truth. 1Cor 1:10
All hundreds of trinity based religions = a mass of confusion=

Confusion is not being able to recognize that Jesus said... "before Abraham was born, I AM"

And "I AM" is the name that God/Christ, gave to Moses, from the burning bush, when Moses asked God for His "name"

Also, the confusion, is when a cult member, reads, that JESUS= made the world..... in John 1:10, that is confirmed by Colossians 1:16, and says...well, my cult does not believe that, so let me keep on preaching my cult's theology of deception.
Confusion is not being able to recognize that Jesus said... "before Abraham was born, I AM"

And "I AM" is the name that God/Christ, gave to Moses, from the burning bush, when Moses asked God for His "name"

Also, the confusion, is when a cult member, reads, that JESUS= made the world..... in John 1:10, that is confirmed by Colossians 1:16, and says...well, my cult does not believe that, so let me keep on preaching my cult's theology of deception.
Yes Jesus did live before Abraham. But when one checks facts they find--There is no i am that i am in the Hebrew OT--I will be what i will be is the correct translating of that Hebrew statement. So one must ask. Why is my bible erred? The answer is--to mislead. By satans will, its why those religions are a mass of confusion.
Yes Jesus did live before Abraham.

Jesus is the man, who was born of a virgin.
He didn't live before Abraham, as "Jesus'.

He pre-existed before Adam was made, before the world was created... before Lucifer fell from heaven..

As :

"let US....... create man in OUR.... image.'"

See THOSE 2? "Our and US" ?

Thats 2.

One is the Father and one is the pre-incarnate Son of God.
Jesus is the man, who was born of a virgin.
He didn't live before Abraham, as "Jesus'.

He pre-existed before Adam was made, before the world was created... before Lucifer fell from heaven..

As :

"let US....... create man in OUR.... image.'"

See THOSE 2? "Our and US" ?

Thats 2.

One is the Father and one is the pre-incarnate Son of God.
Let us= YHWH(Jehovah) and his master worker( Prov 8:30)= the one who was beside God during the creation process=The being God sent to earth named Jesus as a mortal. He tells all he was created 8:22-25)--Only begotten translates-Created direct-first and last--not what the blind guides says it means--Jesus is the FIRSTBORN of all creation( Col 1:15:16) see-God created all of it-THROUGH- his master worker)=Jesus.
The Christ is not a "being".

He is The Holy Spirit who became a virgin born God man.

See, "God is A Spirit".....and the pre-incarnate Christ is "That Spirit".
The holy spirit descended from heaven as a dove at Jesus baptism, proving you are in error. You should believe Jesus if you expect to follow him-John 20:17
The holy spirit descended from heaven as a dove at Jesus baptism, proving you are in error. You should believe Jesus if you expect to follow him-John 20:17

Jesus was created by the Holy Spirit. = The only Begotten of the Father.."
So, that is God, in a Man.

"God is A Spirit".

God is the Father of the only begotten Son.

Jesus didn't receive the Holy Spirit, as "Christ IS that Spirit".

In John 20:22, Jesus GAVE the Holy Spirit, because only God can do this..
Just like He did it in Genesis 2:6

Notice this..

"God hath raised Jesus from the Dead"..

And Jesus said....>"no man takes my life from me, i have the power to lay it down and i have the POWER to take it up again".

Yet...= "God hath raised Jesus...from the dead".

Its the SAME causing the Resurrection.
Jesus was created by the Holy Spirit. = The only Begotten of the Father.."
So, that is God, in a Man.

"God is A Spirit".

God is the Father of the only begotten Son.

Jesus didn't receive the Holy Spirit, as "Christ IS that Spirit".

In John 20:22, Jesus GAVE the Holy Spirit, because only God can do this..
Just like He did it in Genesis 2:6

Notice this..

"God hath raised Jesus from the Dead"..

And Jesus said....>"no man takes my life from me, i have the power to lay it down and i have the POWER to take it up again".

Yet...= "God hath raised Jesus...from the dead".

Its the SAME causing the Resurrection.
Jesus as dead. God raised him up.
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