The Presidential Debate on 9/10/24


Well-known member
This debate, as many are saying, was 3 against 1. Even before I heard that, I commented to my wife and son, "Why are both moderators speaking for Kamala and both are speaking against Trump? Several times they not only brought up a topic, but then commented on that topic BEFORE they handed it over to Kamala - like they were "spoonfeeding" Kamala with what to say. I wish Trump would have asked them, "Who am I debating, Kamala or the two of you?"

Also, even Jake Tapper from CNN noticed that Kamala dodged several questions. For example, she was asked what she would do differently on the economy. Her answer:

"So I was raised a middle-class kid and I am the only person on this stage who has a plan about lifting up the middle-class and working people of America."
But what's her plan? She didn't tell us.

Concerning the Border issue she was asked, "Would you have done anything differently than President Biden on this?" Her answer:
"So I'm the only person on this stage who has prosecuted Trans-National Criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns, drugs, and human beings."
Again, no answer to the question.

When asked, "How would you break through the Israel-Hamas stalemate? Her answer:
"They need a cease-fire deal and hostages out. So we will continue to work around the clock on that."
How? She doesn't say.

Also the moderators answered several of Trumps statements with a "fact check", saying he was wrong. It turns out Trump was right. How many times did they fact check Kamala? ZERO, even thought she lied multiple times

Even Bernie Sanders said that Kamala is changing her positions, just so she can get elected. In other words, she is lying. Suddenly she loves Israel and fracking. Yeah, right.

As if that wasn't enough, after the debate, the ABC network had FOUR pro-Kamala commentators "analyze" the debate. All four, of course, favored Kamala. Just to be fair (HA!), they had ONE Republican response, J. D Vance. Although he spoke well, he got very little time.

As is usually the case, the socialist-controlled Democrats cheat.

Regarding babies still alive after an abortion attempt:
As the map shows, 35 states have at least some protections for babies born live following an abortion; however, three states, New York, Illinois, and Minnesota—under current Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz—have actively removed protections for babies born alive following an abortion, and an additional 12 states have never had protections for these babies.

Family Research Council's Mary Szoch commented, "Democrats in this country have lost any sense of the value of life. Their attack on life begins at fertilization, but it continues throughout the entirety of pregnancy and does not even stop after the baby is born. Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz have actively worked to ensure that babies born alive following abortions do not receive the help that they desperately need. Let us pray for the day when every human being is protected from the moment he or she comes into existence."
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3 against 1

I think I am at least pretty good in defending the fact that Jesus is God. I encountered 3 Jehovah's Witnesses one day and even though they were just somewhat okay with what the JW's believe the fact that it was 3 against 1 was difficult for me. I would hone in on one and 1 of the other 2 would be there for the rescue. This happened more than once.

Not an easy task at all.

So if some people say that Trump seemed mean, bated, etc., I would like them go against three other people in a debate and see how it works out for them.
It appears that today was another attempt on assassinating President Trump at a golf course. This gives us a clearer picture of which side says they are against violence, yet they will resort to violence to eliminate anyone who threatens to take away their power and expose their lies. This is the same side that has violently killed multiplied millions of babies in the womb since Roe vs. Wade.
It appears that today was another attempt on assassinating President Trump at a golf course. This gives us a clearer picture of which side says they are against violence, yet they will resort to violence to eliminate anyone who threatens to take away their power and expose their lies. This is the same side that has violently killed multiplied millions of babies in the womb since Roe vs. Wade.
All this talk by democrats about Trump and his supporters being a threat to our democracy is sounding very hypocritical right now! I hear liberals complain that Trump says things that incite violence and he is to blame for these assassination attempts. :oops:

Speaking of rhetoric that fuels hatred and can incite violence.

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