The Judgment Seat Of Christ!

Grace ambassador

Well-known member
"For we all Must appear Before The Judgment Seat Of Christ;​
that every one may receive the things done in his body, according​
to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore​
the Terror of The LORD, we persuade men; but we are made manifest​
unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences"​
(II Cor. 5:10-11)​

“According to The Grace of God Which Is Given Unto me, as a wise​
masterbuilder, I have laid The Foundation, and another buildeth Thereon.​
But let every man take heed how he buildeth Thereupon” (I Cor. 3:10).​

Precious friend(s), Please Be Very Richly Encouraged and Edified in
properly preparing For That Great Judgment Day Of The Body Of Christ!:

In the glory days of American sports, when athletes competed for the
love of the game...

...The Apostle Paul says that those who participate in these games “do it to
obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.” What we do for Christ
now, which is likened to a race, will echo throughout eternity. The apostle’s
great fear was that when he preached to others he would fail to bring himself
into subjection to the things of The LORD, and consequently be disqualified at
That Day. In a nutshell, he didn’t want to be a hypocrite...

... Paul uses the metaphor of a temple when he speaks of us collectively.
Hence, Ephesians Chapter 2:

“In [ Christ ] Whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto​
an holy temple In The LORD: In Whom ye also are builded together​
for an habitation of God Through The Spirit” (Eph. 2:21,22).​

God has raised up a new masterbuilder to add an addition to the household of
God that was not included in the original plans of the Prophetic Program. It was
hidden In The Mind Of God until the raising up of the Apostle Paul.

He is the Divinely Ordained architect who laid A New Section Of Foundation,
Which Is Jesus Christ According To The Revelation Of The Mystery
(Rom. 16:25; Eph. 3:1-10). The apostle was very, very careful not
to build upon another man’s foundation, nor should we (Rom. 15:20)...
(P Sadler)

FULL study:

The Judgment Seat Of Christ (Part I)
The Judgment Seat Of Christ (Part II)
The Judgment Seat Of Christ (Part III)

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