The Fig Tree Has Budded


The Parable of the Fig Tree is a story told by Jesus in Luke 13:6-9. It tells the story of a man who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it for three years but found none. The vineyard owner is God, who decides whether or not to uproot the trees that are not bearing fruit. The fig tree in this parable represents us and the nation of Israel, and the vinedresser who took care of the vineyard. Jesus uses the budding of the fig tree to illustrate a point about His second coming. The "budding" fig tree represents the nation of Israel being politically reestablished in its land once again.

Thus we see Israel was a dried tree for about 1900 years and then miraculously the branch put forth leaves in one day on May 14, 1948. Jesus told us that when this happens His return is at the doors. He said that the generation that saw this would by no means pass away. A generation is the lifetime of a person and that is on average between seventy or eighty years. Thus, according to the above considerations we could write out our equation in the following manner:

1948 + 70 ≈ 2018

OR if by reason of strength

1948 + 80 ≈ 2028

The parable of the fig tree was the answer to the disciples’ original question at the beginning of the chapter:

As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” (Matthew 24: 3).

The observant student of the Word has noted that this reference to when the end of the age will be is in seeming contradiction to Jesus’ own words in Acts 1:6-8.

Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, ‘Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?’ And He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth,’ (Acts 1:6-8).

This apparent contradiction is resolved however, when we consider just who Jesus was talking to – the disciples that He was speaking to in Acts were the same men who, only some forty days earlier, He had told what to look for at the end of the age. And the sign that He told them would definitively mark the beginning of the generation that would see the end was nothing less than the fig tree putting forth its branch and becoming tender. Thus, the solution is the fig tree. They asked a question which he had already answered for them – look for the revival of the fig tree (which Jesus had pronounced cursed). In other words, there was no point in looking for the end of the age so long as Israel was a dried tree!

There was no point in looking for the second coming so long as the fig tree remained cursed (that is: not a nation). Only when it would become tender could the restoration of the kingdom occur. That is why Jesus told the disciples of what they would receive in the meantime (“but you shall receive power”) and what their task was to be (“and you shall bewitnesses to Me”) until the revival of the fig tree and ultimately His coming. Therefore, until the fig tree (Israel) was revived, there would be no restoration of the kingdom to Israel – which is of course only logical: Israel cannot have the kingdom if they do not exist as a national entity (a dried tree). But within a generation (lifetime of a person) of the revival of the fig tree (Israel) the kingdom will be restored in the millennial/messianic era.

Occupy Until He Comes​

We have seen that the biblical interpretation of the fig tree is clearly Israel. We have also seen that a generation is the lifetime of a person which according to Psalm 90:10 is generally 70 or 80 years. Whether or not the Lord is required to return within 80 years exactly we obviously cannot be dogmatic. Nevertheless, in light of the incredible accuracy of His first coming, we ought to be persuaded that the above dates are both reasonable and likely. The Lord’s second coming, therefore, appears to be between 2018 – 2028. [13] The beginning of the Great Tribulation (subtract seven years) then would most likely commence between 2011 – 2021. [14] Remember we are to know the times and the seasons yet Jesus said very literally that the day and the hour no one can know. The Lord’s second coming between 2018 and 2028 is seemingly the time and the season, but is not predictive of the day or the hour. In light of the events that are happening in numerous categories (economics, natural disasters, etc.) on a global scale, the Lord’s return within the 80 years from the reestablishment of Israel in 1948 appears almost certain. Nevertheless, no matter when the Lord returns, occupy until He does and tell others the good news of the gospel. Heed Jesus’ warning:

“Constantly be on your guard so that your hearts may not be loaded down with self-indulgence, drunkenness, and the worries of this life, or that day will take you by surprise like a trap. For it will come on all who live on the face of the earth. So be alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place and to take your stand in the presence of the Son of Man.”

(Luke 21:34-36 ISV)

[1] This is analogous to the rapture in that the “good” are taken out of the land and the “bad” are left to be judged.[2] Retrieved October 4, 2010 from: Thanks to my friend Bob Rico for bringing this to my attention.[3] Ibid.[4] Could the earth be a representation of the UN?[5] An interesting circumstantial confirmation of the 1948 date is found concerning the birth of Abraham. According to biblical chronology (reading from the Massoretic text) he was born 1,948 years after creation (Anno Mundi).

While that calculation is based on the year of creation and not the Gregorian calendar, the same number is striking. Furthermore, the date of Abraham receiving the covenant in Genesis 15 was given 2,018 years anno mundi. Given that the birth of Abraham, the father of the nation, and the rebirth of the nation both occurred in the same year (on their respective calendars), is it possible that AD 2,018 (on the Gregorian calendar) will also be significant?[6] My study of the Scriptures was not influenced by the Apocalypse of Peter – I in fact found it after I had written most of the chapter.[7] Retrieved July 15, 2010 from: The authorship of the work is uncertain though some suggest that it was Clement, Peter’s disciple since he is mentioned in the work itself.[8] First published by the Abbe Sylvain Grebaut in Revue de l’Orient Chretien, 1910: a fresh translation from his Ethiopic text by H. Duensing appeared in Zeitschr. f. ntl. Wiss., 1913.[9][10] If we understand from Genesis 15 that Abraham’s descendants will be afflicted for four hundred years and that they would come back in the fourth generation, then the maximum lifespan would appear to be 100 years – which again demonstrates that generation is the lifespan of an individual.[11] Retrieved May 3, 2010 from:[12] A speech given by Benjamin Netanyahu May 16, 2010 at Ammunition Hill in honor of Jerusalem Day confirms that he is of the generation that is saw the rebirth of Jerusalem. Netanyahu was born in 1949 which makes him just one year younger than the nation itself. “We are the generation which was lucky enough to see our holy sites liberated and returned to our hands, and it is upon us to transfer this right to our children.” Retrieved May 20, 2010 from:[13]

Thanks to my good friend Dr. Beshore for his valuable insights into these dates via personal communication.[14] These dates seem to be confirmed extra-biblically by virtue of several discoveries: a massive Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun is expected between 2012-2014; there will be a series of four total lunar eclipses (tetrad) between 2014-2015 all of which fall on biblical feast days (as discovered by Mark Biltz) which potentially spells trouble for Israel; the all seeing eye on the back of the dollar bill (as discovered by Tom Horn) point to the coming of the antichrist between 2012 and 2016; both the Mayan and Aztec calendars have ending dates of 2012.

From In Defense of the Cross
And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves,
and said to it, "Let no fruit grow on you ever again." (Matt. 21:19 NKJ)

Right up there with the 70 weeks guy who's got it all figured out.

Why can't people just accept, no man knows the time?

And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves,
and said to it, "Let no fruit grow on you ever again." (Matt. 21:19 NKJ)

Right up there with the 70 weeks guy who's got it all figured out.

Why can't people just accept, no man knows the time?

I don't think it's pride so much, I think it's more fascination with an interesting topic. Of course no one knows... Jesus said that. This happens to be the only clue I've ever found. It's only an explanation of the parable. I'm not planning on building it end times theology on it. But actually it served its purpose because it caught your attention.
Thanks to my good friend Dr. Beshore for his valuable insights into these dates via personal communication.[14] These dates seem to be confirmed extra-biblically by virtue of several discoveries: a massive Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun is expected between 2012-2014; there will be a series of four total lunar eclipses (tetrad) between 2014-2015 all of which fall on biblical feast days (as discovered by Mark Biltz) which potentially spells trouble for Israel; the all seeing eye on the back of the dollar bill (as discovered by Tom Horn) point to the coming of the antichrist between 2012 and 2016; both the Mayan and Aztec calendars have ending dates of 2012.

From In Defense of the Cross
Huh? All of this is 10 years old. And Mark Biltz has been shown to not have any kind of understanding of what he claimed.
And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves,
and said to it, "Let no fruit grow on you ever again." (Matt. 21:19 NKJ)

Right up there with the 70 weeks guy who's got it all figured out.

Why can't people just accept, no man knows the time?

Nice try that tree is not the same tree Jesus talks about in Matthew 24. Context is EVERYTHING.
Huh? All of this is 10 years old. And Mark Biltz has been shown to not have any kind of understanding of what he claimed.
Thanks for putting the link to your YouTube channel, it looks awesome.:) It is important to observe carefully the interpretation which the Lord himself gives of his parables. In looking for the lesson that he intended to teach.
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Is this parable’s fig tree “budding” or “barren”? It’s important to realize the difference between this parable and the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree.

The "Barren" Fig Tree Parable appears only in Luke’s gospel. It’s about a fig tree that doesn’t produce fruit. And it gives its readers a dire warning: Unless you repent, you will perish.

The "Budding" Fig Tree Parable, found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, has Jesus likening the leaves of a budding fig tree to the second coming of Jesus. As well, the "budding" fig tree might also represent the nation of Israel being politically reestablished in its land once again.
Yes and Matthew 24 declares is will bud again. So you have a problem to resolve not me.
The fig tree in Matthew 24 is a parable starting from leaf out to fig harvest in summer. The entire section was Jesus explaining the signs of His return. Just as when you see the fig tree leaf out in spring, you know that the "fig gatherer" (translated as "summer") is expected. Just like when the signs He listed start, then know that the return of Jesus is near.
The fig tree in Matthew 24 is a parable starting from leaf out to fig harvest in summer. The entire section was Jesus explaining the signs of His return. Just as when you see the fig tree leaf out in spring, you know that the "fig gatherer" (translated as "summer") is expected. Just like when the signs He listed start, then know that the return of Jesus is near.
That's how I see it. The end is near no specific day! The generation from 1948 is what interests me. Like how long is a generation? guess that would depend on what part of the Bible you were looking at.
The fig tree in Matthew 24 is a parable starting from leaf out to fig harvest in summer. The entire section was Jesus explaining the signs of His return. Just as when you see the fig tree leaf out in spring, you know that the "fig gatherer" (translated as "summer") is expected. Just like when the signs He listed start, then know that the return of Jesus is near.
The Parable of the Fig Tree is a story told by Jesus in Luke 13:6-9. It tells the story of a man who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it for three years but found none. The vineyard owner is God, who decides whether or not to uproot the trees that are not bearing fruit. The fig tree in this parable represents us and the nation of Israel, and the vinedresser who took care of the vineyard. Jesus uses the budding of the fig tree to illustrate a point about His second coming. The "budding" fig tree represents the nation of Israel being politically reestablished in its land once again.
I agree Jesus used the fig tree as a type of Israel. Does that mean EVERYTIME a fig tree is mentioned we can categorically state OK he's talking about Israel again? Not sure about that. In Lk 21:29 we read Jesus said,

"And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; 30When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand."

Seems to me he wasn't perhaps using Israel as the fig tree here. Seem maybe he was just talking about the changes of general nature for he added on all the trees...not just the fig tree. In other words if we insisted it has to be talking about Israel in Lk 21 then we would have to interpret it as behold the nation of Israel and not just them but all the nations.
Thus we see Israel was a dried tree for about 1900 years and then miraculously the branch put forth leaves in one day on May 14, 1948. Jesus told us that when this happens His return is at the doors. He said that the generation that saw this would by no means pass away.
I believe Jesus is coming back and I believe one should really just do everything to make sure they're ready. I'm just wondering about linking this to the nation of Israel coming back and getting a calculator out with numbers.
A generation is the lifetime of a person and that is on average between seventy or eighty years.
But most people I'd say weren't taking that position in the late 70's and early 80's. In the time I went through as an early Christian they were saying 40 years and a great many were very strong on that position.

They did the math, 1948 + 40 = 1988

Thus, according to the above considerations we could write out our equation in the following manner:

1948 + 70 ≈ 2018

OR if by reason of strength

1948 + 80 ≈ 2028
And as I stated they used to go with

1948 + 40 - 1988

It didn't happen. Then some revived that saying maybe it had to do when Israel actually took Jerusalem in the 6 day War, in 1967

So some did the math 1967 + 40 = 2007

So now some are using the generation as not 40 but 70 or 80 thus your math. I'm not saying you're wrong but people have gone down this road before. One thing that can throw out your whole assessment would be did Jesus always intend that everytime he said fig tree ...that's a lock in guarantee he's even talking about Israel? If he's just talking about the changing of nature in the instance of Lk 21:29 then there's no reason to even be making up all these numbers about Israel.

And the sign that He told them would definitively mark the beginning of the generation that would see the end was nothing less than the fig tree putting forth its branch and becoming tender.
And I must point out again in Lk 21 : 29 he states and all the trees. So is he there even talking about nations at all or just look at the change of nature with all trees.
The Lord’s second coming between 2018 and 2028 is seemingly the time and the season, but is not predictive of the day or the hour.
Perhaps you're right but I'm certainly not convinced. If the fig tree isn't meant to be always taken to mean Israel I'd say not. We certainly won't have long to find out for it's 2023 you're talking 5 years. And keep in mind it says this generation WON'T pass away so that doesn't mean you have to end with a number like 2028. So the question can we sign on with absolute certainty within the next one to two years we'll be gone? Perhaps we shall. My concern is though that if the math of all you've put together is found to be wanting that if 28 comes you don't get overly discouraged and give up your faith. Just realize the whole numbers thing AND even what you based it upon was a misapplication.
In light of the events that are happening in numerous categories (economics, natural disasters, etc.) on a global scale, the Lord’s return within the 80 years from the reestablishment of Israel in 1948 appears almost certain.
I'm glad at least you've put down ALMOST. It seems you're open to reassessing everything in how you've put this all together.
Nevertheless, no matter when the Lord returns, occupy until He does and tell others the good news of the gospel. Heed Jesus’ warning:

“Constantly be on your guard so that your hearts may not be loaded down with self-indulgence, drunkenness, and the worries of this life, or that day will take you by surprise like a trap. For it will come on all who live on the face of the earth. So be alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place and to take your stand in the presence of the Son of Man.”

(Luke 21:34-36 ISV)
Right on. I agree.
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I agree Jesus used the fig tree as a type of Israel. Does that mean EVERYTIME a fig tree is mentioned we can categorically state OK he's talking about Israel again? Not sure about that. In Lk 21:29 we read Jesus said,

"And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; 30When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand."

Seems to me he wasn't perhaps using Israel as the fig tree here. Seem maybe he was just talking about the changes of general nature for he added on all the trees...not just the fig tree. In other words if we insisted it has to be talking about Israel in Lk 21 then we would have to interpret it as behold the nation of Israel and not just them but all the nations.

I believe Jesus is coming back and I believe one should really just do everything to make sure they're ready. I'm just wondering about linking this to the nation of Israel coming back and getting a calculator out with numbers.

But most people I'd say weren't taking that position in the late 70's and early 80's. In the time I went through as an early Christian they were saying 40 years and a great many were very strong on that position.

They did the math, 1948 + 40 = 1988

And as I stated they used to go with

1948 + 40 - 1988

It didn't happen. Then some revived that saying maybe it had to do when Israel actually took Jerusalem in the 6 day War, in 1967

So some did the math 1967 + 40 = 2007

So now some are using the generation as not 40 but 70 or 80 thus your math. I'm not saying you're wrong but people have gone down this road before. One thing that can throw out your whole assessment would be did Jesus always intend that everytime he said fig tree ...that's a lock in guarantee he's even talking about Israel? If he's just talking about the changing of nature in the instance of Lk 21:29 then there's no reason to even be making up all these numbers about Israel.

And I must point out again in Lk 21 : 29 he states and all the trees. So is he there even talking about nations at all or just look at the change of nature with all trees.

Perhaps you're right but I'm certainly not convinced. If the fig tree isn't meant to be always taken to mean Israel I'd say not. We certainly won't have long to find out for it's 2023 you're talking 5 years. And keep in mind it says this generation WON'T pass away so that doesn't mean you have to end with a number like 2028. So the question can we sign on with absolute certainty within the next one to two years we'll be gone? Perhaps we shall. My concern is though that if the math of all you've put together is found to be wanting that if 28 comes you don't get overly discouraged and give up your faith. Just realize the whole numbers thing AND even what you based it upon was a misapplication.

I'm glad at least you've put down ALMOST. It seems you're open to reassessing everything in how you've put this all together.

Right on. I agree.
And a generation can be up to 100 years.
And a generation can be up to 100 years.
And some could make an argument of 120 years.

And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years. Gen 6: 3
And some could make an argument of 120 years.

And the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years. Gen 6: 3
Yes I was thinking the same thing after I posted that lol
Yes I was thinking the same thing after I posted that lol
Ok lets go with that one. Do the math, when is He coming back? Come soon Lord Jesus. Or you could look at it this way... to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Either way we'll be spending eternity with Him and each other.
Do the math, when is He coming back?
No earlier than 2035 ... that's when the Gospel will have reached every Child on the Earth according to "One Hope".
Reaching the "ends of the Earth" was a prerequisite. :cool:

The door is wide open anytime after that.

[It blows my mind that there are actually people working to reach EVERY (all without exception) CHILD ON EARTH with the Gospel!]
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