The Early Church Fathers


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Apostolic Fathers are those who allegedly were alive before the last of the apostles died. According to tradition, each of them was himself a disciple of one or more of the apostles and, therefore, was instrumental in passing down to the Church an accurate, authoritative witness to the content of the apostolic teaching. Tradition identifies many of these men with personages in the New Testament. Read more>
Apostolic Fathers are those who allegedly were alive before the last of the apostles died. According to tradition, each of them was himself a disciple of one or more of the apostles and, therefore, was instrumental in passing down to the Church an accurate, authoritative witness to the content of the apostolic teaching. Tradition identifies many of these men with personages in the New Testament. Read more>
And in Catholicism's own encyclopedia it says-- The new Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, vol XIV, page 299-- Among the apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.( of God being a trinity)------The reason that is, is because The Israelites NEVER served a trinity God while serving the true God. That means when Jesus and every bible writer attended those places of worship, were taught, served and worshipped the Abrahamic God= a single being God= YHWH(Jehovah)--This is undeniable fact.
Debate exists as to whether the earliest Church Fathers in Christian history believed in the doctrine of the Trinity – the Christian doctrine that God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit are three distinct persons sharing one homoousion (essence).

The doctrine of the Trinity relies mostly on the New Testament, but certain groundwork is implicitly present in the Old Testament. This does not reflect a change in the Godhead, but rather a change in how God chose to reveal Himself before the “fullness of time” and how per-Christian worshipers observed God’s activity in the world.

Also for 2,000 years the historic Christian church has found in the Bible the doctrine of the Trinity. This can be seen by anyone who reads the church fathers and studies the historic creeds. Creeds are important because they express the beliefs of the church briefly and precisely and made prospective converts aware of exactly what Christians believe and teach, enabling them to make informed decisions.

The historic creeds of the church declared faith in only one God, yet clearly taught that both the Son and the Holy Spirit were God. For example, the Creed of Nicaea in a.d. 325 was the creed of 318 church fathers. It reads, “We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father as only begotten, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten not created.”
Debate exists as to whether the earliest Church Fathers in Christian history believed in the doctrine of the Trinity – the Christian doctrine that God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit are three distinct persons sharing one homoousion (essence).

The name YHWH(Jehovah) belongs at Rom 10:13-Its a quote of Joel 2:21-22--And Acts 2:21 is the same quote. The tetragramoton( YHWH) is supposed to be at Joel by Gods will. Men who had no right removed it and replaced it with LORD by satans will to mislead. Romans and Acts is a prime example of the misleading it causes-most think its Jesus being spoken of in those posts but its not its his Father-YHWH(Jehovah)
The name YHWH(Jehovah) belongs at Rom 10:13-Its a quote of Joel 2:21-22--And Acts 2:21 is the same quote. The tetragramoton( YHWH) is supposed to be at Joel by Gods will. Men who had no right removed it and replaced it with LORD by satans will to mislead. Romans and Acts is a prime example of the misleading it causes-most think its Jesus being spoken of in those posts but its not its his Father-YHWH(Jehovah)
The doctrine of the Trinity did not begin with the Church Fathers.

Look for Jewish sources and writings.
Debate exists as to whether the earliest Church Fathers in Christian history believed in the doctrine of the Trinity – the Christian doctrine that God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit are three distinct persons sharing one homoousion (essence).

Romans 10:13 is a quote of Joel 2:21-22 as well Joel is quoted at Acts 2:21--Joel says-Those who call on the name-YHWH(Jehovah) will be saved. But in altered translations to mislead, wicked men removed Gods name-So your Joel has LORD and at both NT spots. And all using the altered translations will call on the wrong name=Jesus to be saved. All religions using the altered translations do not belong to Jesus.
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