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On the Day of the Feast of Harvest (Pentecost A.D. 33) the disciples were in the upper room when the Holy Spirit of Promise arrived, and they spoke in tongues. The commotion was such that they could not be hid and men from Israel and Jewish visitors to the Feast witnessed these things and there were represented in their tongues 17 languages that was recognized by those that came to the Feast. Being accuse of being drunk with wine at 9 o’ clock in the morning Peter stood up under the anointing and spoke to the people defending that what had happen to them was prophesied in Joel and he began to speak other words to the people recounting that these things they had experienced, and the people had witnessed, were prophesied by the prophets. Peter testifies that this Jesus that was crucified was sent by God and was the fulfillment of the promises God had made to the children of Israel in the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants.

3000 Jews were born again and saved at the preaching of Peter.
A Feast of Harvests.

When the Feast was over these Jews who came to the celebration in Jerusalem returned back to their homes from which they came and took their experiences with them along with a general outline of Peter’s sermon as the what the effect of Israel’s Messiah had on Judaism. When these Jews returned to their synagogues, they shared their experiences with their fellow Jews and most likely more Jews became saved and filled with the Holy Spirit of Promise. These Jewish Christians fellowshipped with their unsaved Jewish brethren in their synagogues but soon there came a division between them. Their unsaved Jewish brethren soon became offended at the preaching of Jesus who was crucified, and they stumbled at this stumbling stone for they could not reconcile how their Promised Redeemer, Messiah, and King could be hung on a cross for to them the Scripture said that anyone who hung on a tree was cursed. So, a division occurred, and these Jewish Christians began to gather and fellowship in their own homes and in the homes of other born-again brethren. This circumstance occurred in every synagogue in these Gentile lands in Asia Minor where they lived. This shows that for several decades since ascension and Pentecost the founding of the New Covenant Church was populated with Jewish Christians until the destruction of their Temple in A.D. 70 by the Romans under Titus.
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