The chaos of the Jehovah's Witnesses concerning the "12th apostle"


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Acts 1:24-26
(24) And they prayed and said, You, O Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which of these two You have chosen
(25) to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.
(26) And they cast their lots, and the lot fell on Matthias. And he was numbered with the eleven apostles. (NKJV)

In 1892, Paul was the "12th apostle."
Watch Tower Reprints: The instance of this lesson affords also a striking illustration of the Lord's personal oversight and supervision of the interests of his Church, both as a company and as individuals. By the loss of Judas a vacancy had occurred in the company of the apostles, which vacancy the apostles themselves endeavored to fill by their election of Matthias. (Acts 1:26) This they had no authority to do, but, presuming such to be the Lord's will, they chose two and asked the Lord to indicate which of the two whom they had selected would be his choice; and when the lot fell upon Matthias-- for it must of course fall on one of the two-- the eleven accepted him as the Lord's choice for the place of Judas. But the sequel showed that the Lord merely ignored their presumption in the matter, and in his own time and way chose Saul of Tarsus, a man at heart devoted to the service of God and needing only to be enlightened by the truth when all his consecrated powers would be fully enlisted in the blessed work of bearing the name of Christ to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews. And this Saul, afterward called Paul, was the most noted, self-sacrificing and efficient of all the apostles. (Saul of Tarsus Converted, September 1892, Vol. 13, No. 17, page 1444)

In 1921, Matthias was the "12th apostle."
The Watchtower: Can we suppose that the spirit of discernment which rested on Peter and by which he detected fraud in Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:3, 4) could not detect the fact that one was masquerading in the very ranks of the apostles who was not suchif it be true that Matthias was no apostle? Surely not. (Paul's Labor and Epistles, November 15, 1921, Vol. 42, No. 22, page 351)

In 1951, Paul was the "12th apostle."
The Watchtower: But by casting lots to find one to “take the place of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas deviated”, Peter and those with him were acting in advance of the Lord Jesus Christ and without any instruction from him. (Acts 1:20, 25 NW) They did not wait to “become clothed with power from on high”, to “be baptized in holy spirit not many days after this”, and hence this pre-Pentecostal selection of Matthias was not done under the guidance of the holy spirt.—Luke 24:49; Acts 1:5, NW...But that a replacement, and only one, for Judas was selected in fulfillment of Psalm 109:8 is made certain by Revelation 21:14, which refers to “the twelve apostles of the Lamb”. That replacement was chosen by Christ Jesus, just as were the original twelve apostles. Was not Paul specially chosen, Christ the spirit creature spectacularly manifesting himself to Paul? Concerning Paul Jesus said to Ananias: “This man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel.” (Acts 9:15, NW) Jesus sent Paul forth, and Paul was excelled by no other “sent-forth one” or apostle of Christ. (Questions From Readers, December 15, 1951, page 763)

In 1971, Matthias was reinstated by the Jehovah's Witnesses as the "12th apostle."
The Watchtower: The evidence reveals that, while Paul was an apostle of Jesus Christ, he is not presented by the Bible as one of the "twelve apostles"...Accordingly the lot indicated Jehovah's choice of Matthias.—Prov. 16:33. (Questions From Readers, May 15, 1971, page 319)
Acts 1:24-26
(24) And they prayed and said, You, O Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which of these two You have chosen
(25) to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.
(26) And they cast their lots, and the lot fell on Matthias. And he was numbered with the eleven apostles. (NKJV)

In 1892, Paul was the "12th apostle."
Watch Tower Reprints: The instance of this lesson affords also a striking illustration of the Lord's personal oversight and supervision of the interests of his Church, both as a company and as individuals. By the loss of Judas a vacancy had occurred in the company of the apostles, which vacancy the apostles themselves endeavored to fill by their election of Matthias. (Acts 1:26) This they had no authority to do, but, presuming such to be the Lord's will, they chose two and asked the Lord to indicate which of the two whom they had selected would be his choice; and when the lot fell upon Matthias-- for it must of course fall on one of the two-- the eleven accepted him as the Lord's choice for the place of Judas. But the sequel showed that the Lord merely ignored their presumption in the matter, and in his own time and way chose Saul of Tarsus, a man at heart devoted to the service of God and needing only to be enlightened by the truth when all his consecrated powers would be fully enlisted in the blessed work of bearing the name of Christ to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews. And this Saul, afterward called Paul, was the most noted, self-sacrificing and efficient of all the apostles. (Saul of Tarsus Converted, September 1892, Vol. 13, No. 17, page 1444)

In 1921, Matthias was the "12th apostle."
The Watchtower: Can we suppose that the spirit of discernment which rested on Peter and by which he detected fraud in Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:3, 4) could not detect the fact that one was masquerading in the very ranks of the apostles who was not suchif it be true that Matthias was no apostle? Surely not. (Paul's Labor and Epistles, November 15, 1921, Vol. 42, No. 22, page 351)

In 1951, Paul was the "12th apostle."
The Watchtower: But by casting lots to find one to “take the place of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas deviated”, Peter and those with him were acting in advance of the Lord Jesus Christ and without any instruction from him. (Acts 1:20, 25 NW) They did not wait to “become clothed with power from on high”, to “be baptized in holy spirit not many days after this”, and hence this pre-Pentecostal selection of Matthias was not done under the guidance of the holy spirt.—Luke 24:49; Acts 1:5, NW...But that a replacement, and only one, for Judas was selected in fulfillment of Psalm 109:8 is made certain by Revelation 21:14, which refers to “the twelve apostles of the Lamb”. That replacement was chosen by Christ Jesus, just as were the original twelve apostles. Was not Paul specially chosen, Christ the spirit creature spectacularly manifesting himself to Paul? Concerning Paul Jesus said to Ananias: “This man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel.” (Acts 9:15, NW) Jesus sent Paul forth, and Paul was excelled by no other “sent-forth one” or apostle of Christ. (Questions From Readers, December 15, 1951, page 763)

In 1971, Matthias was reinstated by the Jehovah's Witnesses as the "12th apostle."
The Watchtower: The evidence reveals that, while Paul was an apostle of Jesus Christ, he is not presented by the Bible as one of the "twelve apostles"...Accordingly the lot indicated Jehovah's choice of Matthias.—Prov. 16:33. (Questions From Readers, May 15, 1971, page 319)
Thanks for noticing that truth is the bottom line of what the GB search endlessly for. And God makes sure truth is the end result. Show me a single human on earth that does not err.
Let's say a person named Joe was born in 1900 and lives until 1972.
In 1920 Joe joins along with this religious group and was told that Paul is the 12th apostle. He accepts this as the truth with full eagerness,

In 1921, Joe finds out that Matthias is really the 12th apostle. What Joe was so willing and happy to accept as the truth comes crashing to the ground. However, others convince him that the light is getting brighter.

Then in 1951, Joe is once again told that the light is getting even brighter and that it has been revealed that Paul is really the 12th apostle. Joe remembers his early days in this organization and vividly remembers how he was assured Matthias is really the 12th apostle. He felt very confused when this teaching was contradicted, but others more knowledgeable and insightful than him assured him this was really the truth this time.
Joe casts all these negative thoughts aside and assures himself that those leading the way must know better. Furthermore, he is relieved that after 30 long years they finally returned to the "real truth" they previously taught.

To his bewilderment, he is told in 1971 that Matthias is really the 12 apostle. The so-called truths he has been told keeps changing. The light was supposed to have become brighter, but this is simply guesswork and darkness. Before it's too late Joe exits this false religious group - never to return again.
Let's say a person named Joe was born in 1900 and lives until 1972.
In 1920 Joe joins along with this religious group and was told that Paul is the 12th apostle. He accepts this as the truth with full eagerness,

In 1921, Joe finds out that Matthias is really the 12th apostle. What Joe was so willing and happy to accept as the truth comes crashing to the ground. However, others convince him that the light is getting brighter.

Then in 1951, Joe is once again told that the light is getting even brighter and that it has been revealed that Paul is really the 12th apostle. Joe remembers his early days in this organization and vividly remembers how he was assured Matthias is really the 12th apostle. He felt very confused when this teaching was contradicted, but others more knowledgeable and insightful than him assured him this was really the truth this time.
Joe casts all these negative thoughts aside and assures himself that those leading the way must know better. Furthermore, he is relieved that after 30 long years they finally returned to the "real truth" they previously taught.

To his bewilderment, he is told in 1971 that Matthias is really the 12 apostle. The so-called truths he has been told keeps changing. The light was supposed to have become brighter, but this is simply guesswork and darkness. Before it's too late Joe exits this false religious group - never to return again.
The purpose of God doing it that way= to weed out the fakes so they dont mislead others. A very wise way to do it.
Until then it is okay to deceive people.

You can keep that god.
Trinity religions have deceived people since-2Thess 2:3 Catholicism screwed it all up. They never make corrections. They think they are immune to satan. Thats a laugh. The Israelite religion in the OT fell over and over to satan. They had prophets from God telling them what was what, yet killed them many times. But that mass of confusion=trinity religionssssss is immune right? Jesus promised to send holy spirit to his real teachers to guide them into all truth-not hundreds of different truths found in trinity religionsssss because of a lack of holy spirit-There is no proper time to them, only to Jesus' real teachers is there a proper time.
The purpose of God doing it that way= to weed out the fakes so they dont mislead others. A very wise way to do it.

You are totally brainwashed.
Yeah, let's deceive people in order so the fakes who refuse to be deceived get weeded out so they won't rescue the others who continue to be deceived.
A Satanic way to do it.
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