The Bread and Fish Together


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A whole world is hidden from the naked eye under the water, under the seas. Fish represents
the hidden identity of Yeshua and the concealed messianic aspects of His teaching. Many
religious leaders and others didn't understand His message and therefore didn't believe
He was the Messiah. Shortly after performing this miracle of the multiplication, Yeshua
was in the synagogue, probably on Shabbat, the seventh day, and He said to them,
"I am the bread of life, Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes
in Me will never be thirsty" (John 6:35)

Let's look at the numerical puzzle pieces in this passage and in the miracle of the multiplication
and discover a deeper meaning. The phrase Halechem hachai means "bread of life." The
numeric value of the word for Halechem (bread) is 83, and hachai equals 23. These words
total 106. The Aramaic word for fish, nun, also equals 106. Of the same value is one of the
names of the Messiah from the Psalms---Yinnon. In multiplying the bread and the fish, Yeshua
showed He is the messianic King.

The number 106 is also the numerical value of the following Hebrew phrases:
heemin, "one who believes"; halechem hachai, "bread of life"; and davak, "to cleave" or
"to hold tight." Deuteronomy 4:4 says, "But you who held tight to Adonai your God are
alive today---all of you."

In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give
you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and
'you will find rest for your souls.' For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Jesus' "yoke" (ulo)
in these verses is His teaching. And the numerical value of ulo is 106.

The number 106 is also the numerical value of layod, "to serve"; bekhol-levavkha, "with all your heart";
beyad melekh, "into the hand of the king"; hamelukha, "the Kingdom"; habigdei levan, "white garment";
and nun, "fish."

Let's put this all together: Those who believe (106) that Yeshua is the bread of life (106) cleave (106) to
Him and take His yoke (106). Those who follow His teachings serve (106) the Lord with all their hearts (106)
and commit themselves to the hand of the King (106). These people will inherit the Kingdom (106), be dressed
in white garments (106), and eat fish (106) at the wedding banquet of the Lamb! So, fish (106) connects not only
connects to the bread of life but also to the Kingdom. They point to the abundance that we're going to experience
when we cleave to Yeshua and love Him with all of our hearts. When we place our two fish (106) into the hand of
the King (106), God transforms them and multiplies them. He becomes the bread of life for us.
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