Stop : Worrying


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We can always trust God and His word.

What you can't do, is speed up the solution that He's bringing as the answered prayer, and in that.... is how you learn "Experience" and "HOPE".

Right there is the "fiery Trial" that is the "testing".... This is where a lot of spiritual growth occurs.
Its not fun.

See, you are not growing spiritually in the good times.. You are growing in the hard times.

Paul said "I have finished my COURSE"... and that is not an E-Z chair.... that is a obstacle course, that has some devils on it.

Notice, .... = just like the judgment that is executed against sin, is coming.... so is the answer to the prayer, "on the way"...
In most cases.

So, what we do, is hold on to the word, and allow God's Grace to keep us holding on calmly, while we wait.

Paul said that he learned how to have it good, have it bad, have it up, have it down... "in ALL things, He learned to just rest in God".

And that is for us also.

Here are some verses to help you hold on, when you need the answer, and you have to wait for it.

1.) '"""God has not given us the spirit of fear (worry /Dread), but of power, and of love and a sound mind."""

"sound mind" means to not be double-minded, or dread minded with fear, as fear is the opposite of Faith.

Reader.... .remember when Yeshua and the Apostles were on the boat, and Jesus is asleep and a storm came up that was rocking the boat with huge waves. Well, Yeshua is still sleeping and the apostles are "climbing walls"... .and THEY wake Him up......Not the Storm.
He says...>"where is your FAITH" their FEAR had lost their faith.

2.) Jesus said ""'be careful for nothing", This means........"do not worry""

Let me show you how to not worry about a problem.

Ready ?????........

Go to God and give Him the Problem, and thank Him for the answer.
That's it.
Then go and have some tea, and forget about it.
Why? Because you just gave your problem to the Almighty problem solver, and now you leave it there.
You can't worry a solution.
You have to give it to God, who told us to "cast all your cares on me".....'"""come boldly to the Throne of GRACE and find HELP in your time of Need"....
Then leave it, and Give Him THANKS, and nothing else, if you think about it later.

3.) ""And we know that all things work together for good to them (the born again) that love God"""

See that?
That is "God's timing"......and we have wait for it, and noone likes to wait.
Thats a fact.. But when you have a problem, a big one, it usually has a lot of moving parts, and God has to change the entire circumstance, and that takes time.

If you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious...

Then God is in you, and "you can do all things, which strengthens, you" because..."Christ always gives me, you, us, the Victory" over the world, the flesh and the devil.

Jesus has overcome it ALL, and we the born again are "IN CHRIST"..

So....No matter what you are facing, and you ARE facing something, or will soon...


God is on your side.
God is the way out.
God is the way back.
God is the restoration.
God is the CURE.
God is the final answer.

= Thank you JESUS.

Rest in God, ... Rest in God's Grace.

- Shalom,Shalom
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